Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1370

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1348 INDEX. Page. Manokin River, Md., appropriation for improving. 348 Manson, Frank M., payment of Court of Claims judgment to.. 460 Marine Corps-Continued. appropriation for military stores... for transportation and recruiting for repairs, etc., barracks Mantua Creek, N. J., for forage preliminary examination of, to be made. 367 for hire of quarters. Manual Training, D. C., appropriation for expenses 254,754 Manufactured. Articles, duty on, of metal, not specified. 520 of wood, not specified.. 521 of cotton, not specified... 529 for clothing for contingent.... for reimbursing enlisted men, loss of clothing, Port Royal, S. C deficiency appropriation for transporta- tion and recruiting 434, 435, 855 435, 872 Page. 139, 840 139,840 139,840 139,840 139, 840 140,840 262 of flax, hemp, jute, etc., not specified. 530 for provisions 435, 480, 854, 855 of silk, not specified.. 532 for contingent- 436, 481, 855, 872 of paper, not specified. 533 for Mare Island Barracks, Cal.. 436 not provided for 547 for pay-- 480,485,872,875 nonenumerated, resembling enumer- for forage 855 ated__ 547 Manufacturers, Tobacco, accounts to be examined by Auditor for Navy Department. 207 persons regarded as. 568 aliens honorably discharged from, admit- Manufactures, Miscellaneous, duty on Manures, on free list. 535 540 ted as citizens; service oaths may be administered by officers of Marine Fur-Bearing Animals, fur-seal regulations applicable to treaty provisions for all … 541 Marine-Hospital Service, 124 639 Manuscripts, 85 on free list. Maple Sugar, appropriation for Supervising Surgeon- appropriation for bounty, production of.. 933 General, clerks, etc. 179, 780 bounty on, repealed.. 521 for repairs of hospitals. 914 Maps, accounts to be examined by Auditor for duty on 533 Treasury Department 206 for the Government. sales Maracaibo, on free list, printed more than twenty years. for colleges, libraries, etc.. Maps of the United States, appropriation for; distribution for Florida, land grants, etc... Maps, Post Route, appropriation for publication, appropriation for consul-general at 145,819 detail for laboratory authorized. 780 to investigate prevention, etc., of small- 538 pox 935 538 Marine Hospitals, admission of members of Life-Saving 194, 795 Service__ 229 194 Marine Notices, etc., etc.; printing authorized 623 Marion, Ind., 201,803 Пse of posthumous fund for clerk hire.. 149, 823 Marble, Marked, etc., Articles, duty on, rough.. appropriation for expenses, Volunteer Soldiers' Home.. foreign, imported, to have country and 411,954 411 514 sawed, dressed, etc. quantity, in English 514 manufactures, not specified.. required before delivery 547 547 514 Marbles, Toy, Market Masters, D. C., duty on; effect. 533 appropriation for salaries and expenses. 245,746 Mare Island, Cal., Markham, Elizabeth L. (widow), appropriation for naval magazine. 126 pension 1043 for navy-yard. 130, 832 Marks, Charles, for steam tug.. 130,832 sanitary improvements at marine bar- racks, authorized. payment of Court of Claims judgment to Marlboro Electric Railway, 460 436 Maricopa Agency, construction of road in the District of Co- lumbia authorized. 717 appropriation for support, etc., of Indians Maroney, Thomas J., at.. 303 Marietta, Ga., payment of Court of Claims judgment to Marquette, Mich., 472 deficiency appropriation for road to na- appropriation for improvement of harbor. 344 tional cemetery… 480 Marquette, Pere, Marine Corps, appropriation for pay of officers, active Wisconsin may place statue of, in Stat- uary Hall 12 list.. 137,838 Marriages, Polygamous, retired list 138,839 for pay of enlisted men. 138,839 on free list, crude. 541 Marseilles, appropriation for consul at 146,820 for clerk hire 149,823 for provisions; rations 138,839 limit to enlisted men. 139, 839 for clothing; fuel.- 139,840

pay of drum major. 138 retired list 138,839 for undrawn clothing. 138,839 for mileage of officers 138.839 for commutation of quarters. 138,839 for civil force 138,839

proclamation granting amnesty to Mormons committing 1257

Marrow, Marsh Mallows, on free list. 541 Marshall, James T., payment of Court of Claims judgment to- 487