Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1453

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L I S T or Tm: CONC I 1 BRENT RESOLUTION S. P Resolution to print Herschell report ou the coinage of silver in India. August 18, 1893 . lg; Resolution to print Hearings before Ways and Means Committee. October 24, 1893 .,... 5 Resolution to eugross and enroll bills and resolutions by rinting. November 1, 1393 ______ _ ____ 5 Resolution to furnish additional copies of Concressional ltecord to Members. November 3, 1893. 6 hmlumnstinggriug thanks of Congress to Iiiuois for statue of Gen. J mnes Shields. Decem- Besolution adjouruiug Congress for the holiday recess, 1893-1894. December 20, 1893 ____ _ _______ g Resolution to print eulogies on Honorable \Villiam Mutehler. J annary 3, 1894 . . ---- 7 Resolution to print eulogies on Honorable J. Logan Chipman. January 3, 1894 ____ _ ____________ 7 Resolution to correct enrollment of act authorizing a bridge across Hudson River. January 8, 1894 . 7 Resolution authorizing investigation of the personnel of the Navy. January 12, 1894 .. 7 Resolution to print Report of Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries, 1893. January 15, 1894 . 8 Re olutiou topriut Report of Superintendent of Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1893. January 15, 1894- 8 Resolmtggp to print Thirteenth Annual Report of Duector of Bureau of Ethnology. January 18, Rego11g3p to print reports of Smithsonian Institution and National Museum, 1893. January 18, 8 . - - - .. . . . .. . .. . .. 9 Resolution to print statistics of imports entered lor consumption, 1890-1e93. February 21. 1894. . 9 Resolution to print enlogies on Honorable Leland Stanford. March 8, 1894 .. I . . . 9 Resolution to print eulogies on Honorable William Lilly. March 20, 1894. ____ , ____________ _ ____ g Resolution to print Statistical Abstract, 1893. March 21, 1894 ..,,_,_, _ _________________ 10 Resolution to print messages and papers on Hawaiian affairs. Merch 23, 1894 -. . ... 10 Resolmtggp to pnut Fourteenth Annual Report of Director of the Geological Survey. Mai-¤h_23, . . ... . . . . ..,...,,___ _ ___,__________ _ _ ________ ig Resolution to print proceedings of the Pan-American Medical Con ess. April 6, 1894 .. 10 Resolution to print Coinagc Laws of the United States, 1792 to April l8. 189l ... . 11 Resolution to print eulogies on Honorable ¥Villium H. Euoclxs. April 21, 1894 ... . . . 11 Resolution to print health officer’s report, District of Columbia, 1893. April 28, 1894 ... 11 Resolution to print enlogies on Honorable Randall Lee Gibson. Mo 9, 1894 __________ _ _ ________ ii Resolution to print report of Commissioner of Labor on building anlloau associations. May 11, 1894. . ... . . . . . . . . Rgg0]u(i0n to print weather Bureau Report, 1893. May 24, 1894 . . .. Resolution directing Secretary of \Var to transmit reports of surveys and estimates of locks and (kung in Mississippi River above Saint Paul, Minn. June 1, 1894 .,____ _ ______,____________ ig Resolution directing survey and estimate of dredging bar at Everett, \Vash. June 27, 1894-. 12 Resolution instructing Secretary of War to transmit reports ou improving Minnesota River. July 2, 1894 ... . .---·- - --·-· · ·---------·--—---·----··-------- . . 13 Resolution to print Report of Uommissiouer of Education, 1891-1892. July 6, 1894 ,____________ 13 Ifgsnlutigu to pi-int report on precious metals, 1893. July 6, 1894 .,,._,_,____________ _ _ _ __ _____ 13 Resolution to print report on typhoid aud malaria.] fevers. etc., District of Columbia. July 9, 1894. 13 Resolution to correct error in enrollment of act admitting Utah ss a State. July 13, 1894. .. 14 lhgsclutiqu rgquestiug return of act for the relief of Albert E. Redstone ..,..,,._,,_ _ ___________ 14 Resolution to print proceedings of Pari Tribunal of Arbitration. July 25, 1894 14 Resolution reqnostino Secretary of \Var to furnish estimate for improvement of Saugntuck Harbor, Mick Ju Y 26, N94 ---- _ ·- -·---- -----·--- :· ----- - ----- ;_- --.-—·- ------ - ----· - ----- 14 Resolution to print report of Committee on l· oreign Relations on Hawaiian affairs. July 27, 1894. 15 Resolution to print compilation of Messages ot the President. July 27, 1894 . -. .. 15 Resolution sngpemliug opening; of lands in A1‘1.‘CdO¤d0 grant, Florida. August 7, 1894, ___________ 15 Resolution to permit illumination of the Dome of the Capitol, August 27-30, 1894. August 8, 1894. 15 Roooiution to print Tenth Report of the Civil Service Commission. August 8, 1894 ___________ __ i5 Resolution to ndjgum Congress August 28, 1894. August 24, 1894. , .,______________ ___ ______ 16 Resolution to correct error in enrollment of public printing act. December 11, 1894 . .. . . 16 Resolution to print report of Commissioner of Labor on $1 nuns of Cities. December 20, 1894 . ... 16 Resolution extending thanks of Congreu to New Hampshire for statue of J ohu Stark. December 20) m"""""•' """ ""'• ""’•"'••' """ ••••*' """ """ *""' "'*'• "" " ""’ 3