Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/479

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450 FIFTY-THIRD_ conennss. sms. 11. cu. 307. 1894. ninety-fdur inclusive, one hundred and thirty-two dollars and twenty- ilve cents. _ . _ Augustus Hm- To reimburse Augustus Hall for amount expended for assistance in caring for the annex folding room to June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, two hundred and thirteen dollars. _ 1.Mmm ucxsy. To pay J. Martin McKay for extra services as foreman of the folding room, one hundred and seventy-one dollars and thirty-six cents. 1¤»¤¤r·.s¤uu.. To pay Isaac F. Smith for services rendered as messenger to the Committee on Indian Affairs, two hundred dollars. _ rem J.mmm.1n. To pay Peter J. McDonald the difference between his salary as folder · andlthvat olf acting alssistant foreman of htthe t}>ld1n g rmcmglajltegpeeggzm sane o un dollars per annum m anuary _ · een hundred and ninetythree to January twentieth, eighteen hiindred and ninety-four, three hundred dollars. H-G-Glumuut To pay H. G. Clement for services rendered as clerk to the late Charles 0’Neill from the first to the third day of November, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, inclusive, ten dollars. Louis e. Olt. WT;>Ip:y Louis Oil: forixsetrlyice rtelndiered taslfcllerk to the llate Gelorge . o hom the st e nin ay o e ruary eig een un- ‘ dred and ninety four, inclusive, thirty-five dollars and thirty-tive cents. i°·‘¥°¤r··=»*' ‘””‘ "‘*"" ah pdl £gY.?.“£‘E‘l&‘;°3.£‘2§g§€£';.?.‘$£“£?§‘€..‘Z’£ 3*25 ninety and eighteen hundred and ninety-one, one hundred and seventy- two dollars and sixty-three cents. - 1c.:r.M¤c¤-asm. To pay the widow of E. J. McCristal the amount expended by him P‘"°`"°°"‘ for asgsltgnce as telegraph operator of the House, two hundred and eight o rs. _ ¤¤¤¤¤¤•»¤·i¤¤*- To pay the conductors of the elevators in the House wing of the °”` Capitol the dilference between their respective salaries and twelve hundred dollars per annum each, as follows: To L. B. Cook, Ceorge Kifinmlteé, B.dW. Gigidglock, agd C.hI;éWillian5s, tgr fisazalyearsfeightteen un an nme · ree an eig en un re an: nine y- our wo hundred dollars each, eight hundred dollars. _ , m:_•g¤¢;¤;* of J¤¤g; JUDGMENTS, COURT OF CLAIMS. For payment of judgments of the Court of Claims, as follows: To the Pottawatomie Indians of Michigan and Indiana, one hundred and four thousand six hundred and twentysix dollars; To Charles C. Slade, four hundred and thirty-one dollars and ninety- nine cents- _ To Rue H. Sholcs, three hundred and sixty-four dollars and seventy- three cents - Totywilliaim W. W’iscomb, four hundred and thirty-one dollars and nine -nine cents- To Samuel R. Skidmore, three hundred and fifty-eight dollars and one cent- . To Chérles E.tHayward, two hundred and thirty-three dollars and seventy ve cen as- (1;; \Valter Wiscomb, one hundred and ninety-three dollars and eig ty-nine centsf To Joéssph L. Weiler, three hundred_ and ninety dollars and forty· our cen · To Brigham L. Morse, one hundred and eighty-nine dollars and ninety-five cents- To John N. Snowdon, surviving partner of Snowdon and Mason, ninety-one thousan and seventytwo dollars- To Charles W. Durant, survivor of the of C. W. Durant and Son, eight thousand and twenty-one dollars and thirty-eight cents; · To Henry T. Harvey and William C. Pollock, executors of James Igollock, deceased, four thousanu seven hundred and tlnrty dollars and t irty-one cents;