Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/481

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452 FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Suss. II. Ch. 307. 1894. ·'¤¤v¤¤¤*¤·°°¤**¤* executor of Caroline R. Williams deceased, one thousand five hundred cmmkcmmwl and ninety-six dollars and sixtysix cents; To John M. Parry, two hundred and thirty dollars and seventy-tive ` cents; To Nathaniel W. Trimble, one thousand nve hundred and twenty-six dollars and eighty cents; To Richard Jones, one hundred and Bfty-eight dollars and thirty- three cents; To pay interest at four per centnm per annum from June tenth, eighteen hundred and ninety, to March sixth, eighteen hundred and v¤1.¤¤.1>·¤¤¤- ninety-three, under the provisions of the Act of September thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety, on a judgment for three thousand dollars - - rendered by the Court of Claims in case numbered fourteen thousand seven hundred and eighty-four, in favor 'of George Truesdell, three hundred and twenty-eight dollars and forty-four cents; _ To pay interest at tour per centnm per annum from June tenth, eighteen hundred and ninety, to March sixth, eighteen hundred and v¤1.2s, ninety-three, under the provisions of the Act of September thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety, on a judgment for one thousand live hundred dollars, rendered by the Court of Claims in case numbered fourteen thousand eight hundred and one, in favor of Finella M. Alexander and Sophia L. Little, one hundred and sixty-four dollars and twenty-two cents; _ To Thomas B. Coyle, two thousand nine hundred and twenty-two dollars and nine cents; To Martin L. N oerr, nine hundred dollars; To Helen R. Tindall, nine hundred dollars; 'To Max Lansburgh, one thousand seven hundred dollars; The amounts of the four last-named judgments, together with the amount of the judgment of the Court of Claims in favor of Patrick Maloney and Andrew Gleason, appropriated by the deficiency appro- . ‘v¤1.:¤,p.1m. priation Act of September thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety, vo1.22.p1cs. shall be subject to all the provisions and restrictions of the Act to increase the water supply of the city of Washington, and for other purposes, approved July fifteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, Wok Z4. p.1¤¤ and of the Act approved July fifth, eighteen hundred and eighty-four, making appropriations for the expenses of the government of the District of Columbia, as to apportionment and settlement between the United States and the District of Columbia, and the refunding thereof; To Marion Erwin, two hundred and lifteen dollars, with interest thereon from May twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, to March sixth, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, six dollars and seventy-two cents; To Ellen M. Marston, administratrix of Charles A. Marston, three hundred and thirty-nine dollars and seventy seven cents; To Charles H. Lednum, four hundred and sixty-nine dollars and twenty-five cents; To George A. Williaiiis, John G. M. Appleton, and Frank B. Pease, constituting the firm of Williams and Company, for the use of George A. Williaiinns, forty-eight dollars and forty cents; To Charles M. Guild, two hundred and twenty-six dollars and six cents; . To Curtis L. Sears, twohundred and nine dollars and sixty-seven cents; To Levi T. Williams, fifty-two dollars and thirty-six cents; To William Young, one hundred and thirty-three dollars and six cents; To Charles P. Dyer, forty-five dollars and thirty-five cents; To Nathaniel W. White, two hundred and forty dollars and thirty- seven cents; mmmcmh¤' ex- To John F. Appleton, four hundred and twelve dollars and ninety. VKPQ5, mm four cents;