Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/697

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668 Fl]".l"Y·TH`lRD CONGRESS. Ssss. III. Cus. 98, 100. . 1895.. February 1s, 1896. - CHAP. 98.-An Act To bridge the Newark Bal'- Bc it enacted by the Scams and House of Representatives of the United Newt Bn;. I ·¥- States of America in Congress assembled, That theboardsof chosen freemB§{.°f§'°srE`5,.]?1i” holders of the counties of Hudson and llmon, in the State of New r Jersey, or the legally constituted authorities of the city of Bayonne and the city of Elizabeth, as may be determined by the authorities of the State of New Jersey, shall be, and they are hereby, authorized to locate, build, maintain, equip, and operate a bridgeacross Newark Bay, m the State of New Jersey, between the city of Elizabeth, in the county_ot mmm. Union, and the city of Bayonne, in the county of Hudson, at a point ‘ not less than five hundred feet above- the present bridge structure nom". known as the Central Railroad bridge: Provided, That the bridge herem °""· authorized shall be built as a drawbridge, with a draw giving a clear width of opening of not less than one hundred feet and said bridge shall be located and builtin such manner and under such regulations for swmnp of Wn fc the security of navigation as the Secretary of War may prescribe; and "l’*"°'°’ ""'· “°‘ to secure that object the parties proposing to build said bridge shall submit to the Secretary of War, for his examination and approval, a design and drawing of the bridge and a map of the location, and until the said plan and location of the bridge are approved by the Secretary of War the bridge shall not be commenced or built; and should any change be made in the plans of said bridgeduring the progress of its construction, such changes shall be subject to the approval of the Secretary of War and the said bridge shall be held to be a public highway 0v•¤i¤s•ir•w- forever: Provided also, That the draw of said bridge shall be promptly opened, upon reasonable signal, for the passage of vessels and boats; and the owners of said bridge shall maintain thereon, irom sunset to Lis¤¤·· •¢¤- sunrise, such lights and other signals as the Light-House Board shall prescribe. ‘ _ 0omm¤¤¤•¤•¤¢ •¤•1 Sec. 2. That this Act shall be null and void if actual construction of °°‘“"°“°"‘ the bridge herein authorizbd be not commenced within one year and completed within three years from the approval of this Act. -¤¤¤¤¢h¤¤¤t••4=- Sec. That th; right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby express y reserve .' Approved, February 18, 1895. may xs, me. CHAP. 100.-·A.n Act To extend the nrlsdiction of usticee of the peace in the —-];——-·······" District of Columbia, and to regulate ting proceedings bgfore them. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _m¤¤·v=¤ of ¤¤1·¤¤- States of America in Congress assembled, That justices of the peace of °"_?,,,.,,,;,m.,,. ,; ju. the District of Columbia shall have jurisdiction to hear, try, and deter-

    • ¤,g gf,g*·Zv·•_;>·m mine all civil pleas and actions, including attachment and repleviu,

,.1i·:, uslmiisa.' when the amount claimed to be due or the value of the property sought to be recovered shall not exceed three hundred dollars, except in cases where the title to real estate is in issue, actions for malicious prosecution, actions against justices of the peace or other officers for misconduct in office, and actions for slander, verbal or written, and actions for damages for breachesof promise to marry. xmum jnnaxe Sec. 2. That such jurisdiction shall be exclusive original jurisdiction “°"‘ where the amount claimed to be due or the value of the property sought to he recovered shall not exceed one hundred dollars, and original and 0•>¤¤¤rr¤¤t concurrent with the supreme court of the District of Columbia where the amount claimed to be due or the value of the property sought to be recovered is more than one hundred dollars, but does not exceed three Jury ¤¤1•· hundred dollars; and where the sum claimed exceeds twenty dollars either party shall be entitledto a trial by jury. . Unit vf ¥PP¢h· Sec. 3. That no ippealshall be allowed from the judgment of a justice of the peace in any c0mmon—law action unless the matter in demand in such action or pleaded in setof thereto, shall exceed the sumof live dollars, nor unless the appellant, with sufficient surety, approved by