Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/886

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1<`IF'I‘Y-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 187. 1895. 857 Pnrmnnr ro owunns or scuoounn Cnnnm DYE: To compen- ;¤¤¤·¤•> Dye" sate the owners of the schooner Carrie Dye for injuries sustained by ,c¤.5°3'¤s:° °"°r °f that vessel in consequence of a collision with the United States steamship Dolphin, on September fourteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety- four, four hundred and thirty-three dollars and twenty-one cents. _ P.u·m:N·r ro Nomar Anmmoau Communcnu. Comrumr: To com- CNMH ,-·#i¤¤¤ri¤¤¤ pensate the North American Commercial Company for the loss of one '}?t”:.°Z$`£0E§"P“"Y‘ bidarrah, or skin boat, which was sunk while engaged in lightening the United States steamship Adams, when aground on Saint Paul Island, Pribilof Group, Bering Sea, on August second, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, and which could not be raised, four hundred and ilfty-four dollars. mrrnnion DEPARTMENT. £.‘§f"°' ”°*’“'* To pay Charles E. Monroe for professional services rendered in the £g:_j¤-M¤¤r¤¤- chemical examination of and testing the quality of various rubber bands submitteefas samples with bids to supply the Department of the Interior bureaus and offices with stationery for the fiscal year ended ` June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, one hundred and twentydlve dollars. To pay John H. Cradlebaugh, of Hood River, Oregon, for publish- b_·L•=•£¤ H- ¤r¤·11<>· . ing in eighteen hundred and niuety-two, pursuant to instructions hom A§,;mmg_ the local land office at Vancouver, Washington, eleven notices of intention of final homestead proof to be made by Indians, fifty-tive dollar , or so much thereof as the Secretary of the Interior may ascertain to be _ due and certify for payment. Pxmnr Orman: For photolithographing or otherwise producing §';f:',;§,Qh’§;,°;Pm¤‘ copies of drawings of the weekly issues of patents, for producing copies isms ofpamna. of designs, trademarks, and pending applications, and for the reproduction of exhausted copies of drawings and specifications, said photolithographing or otherwise producing plates and copies referred to twelve thousand nve hundred dollars. Pmisrou Onmcn nurnnrimz For painting the interior of the great P¤¤¤i¤¤ OHM- court of the Pension Office building, one thousand five hundred dollars. _ Imruovma rim Cnrrror. Guoimns: For continuing the work of °“¤“”°‘ G’°“”“°· the improvement of the Capitol Grounds and for care of the grounds, one clerk, and the pay of mechanics, gardener , and laborers, and for artificial stone pavement, three thousand dollars. ELEVENTH CENSUS. Eleventh Cgngug, That the office of the Eleventh Census shall be abolished and the °°‘°°*‘>°“·‘·°**· terms of all employees appointed under the provisions of the Act of v°”°· "°°°‘ March nrst, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, entitled “An Act to provide for the taking of the Eleventh and subsequent censuses,” or of any subsequent Act relating to the Eleventh Census, shall cease and terminate, except as hereinafter specified, after the fourth day of March, eighteen hundred and ninety-tive. That the unfinished work of the Eleventh Census shall be completed Untnichqgiwwlg to in the office of the Secretary of the Interior, to whom the records and ‘,f,§}”,"‘§¥${,,, ;,l{{,,§§°,.f other property of the Census Office shall be transferred; and the Secre- ¤¤P¤>&‘¤¤¤· taryof the Interior is authorized to employ,irom the date specified in this Act, from the force of the Census Office then employed, a chief of division, at a salary of two thousand dollars per annum; three special agents, and such other employees, not to exceed ninety, as he may deem necessary for closing up and completing the work of the Eleventh Census, such employees to be paid according to the classification set forth in an Act to provide for the taking of the Eleventh and subsequent censuses, approved March first, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine; and the Secretary of the Interior is further authorized to rent necessary me rooms in the city of Washington to carry out the provisions of this