Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/1054

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APPENDlX.—(1ONCURRl]NT RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. 15 ADJOURNMENT, 1896. Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That p ·l¤¤¤ 10-1*9 the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Repre- c6¤mssm¤m¤T¤ sentatives be authorized to close the present session by adjourning J“"° 1**18%* their Eespective Houses on Thursday, the eleventh day of June at four oc oc p. ID. Passed the Senate June 10, 1896. Passed the House of Representatives June 10, 1896. SECOND SESSION FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. HOLIDAY RECESS, 1896. Resolved by the House of Rqzresentattves (the Senate concurring) That mmm1m-1s, ism. when the two Houses adjourn on Tuesday the twenty-second day of H,,`l§d,, m,` ,` ,_,,; December they stand adjourned until twelve o’c1ock meridian on Tues- C¤¤s¤*¤¤· 189*- day, January fifth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven. Passed the House of Repxiesentatives December 14, 1896. Passed the Senate Decem r 15, 1896. STATISTICS OF THE EXECUTIVE CIVIL SERVICE. Resolved by the Home of Representatives (the conmtrring), That ·¥¤¤¤¤¤·y 5.18% fifteen hundred copiles of a copnpilggpn ortghegslatxlgtics sihowgrg th; exact minimal`: rei 1-11. stateof theclassili and unc assi pa o e xecu Ive IVI ervice PQ, gl" ',‘°“· ,_ of the United States soarran gled alsupo includebpositiezlns byhDepartme;1ts, 1m»»i1:11r$g¤e(Z.1_°¤mp Odi d C issions wit su ivisions y gra es e compi a 1on contzaegiiiilgg a. gcglxiuplete list of all positions whether classified by compensation, whether appointed by the President solely or conhrmation of the Senate, whether the positions are in the classified service and excepted from examination, whether they are in thelulptclassitietd sergice b reason of their exclusion whether they are mere a rers an unc assiiied or whether they are positions classitiable but not yet classified, be printed, of which one thousand copies, shall be for the use of the House of Representatives and nve hundred copies for the use of the Senate. Passed the House of Representatives December 22, 1896. Passed the Senate January 5, 1897. INVESTIGATION LEAVENWORTH SOLDIERS HOME. Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring) that .Im¤¤ys,1a¤1. the special committee to 1I1V08h1g8hé the Soldiers Home at Leuven- u"““w:;;b 1;; ,::,`T_` worth, Kansas, be, and are hereby authorized to procure the printing ,,,m,ug 0, mm, of the testimony taken by said Committee, together with such exhibits gtiqndttassuw su. used in said investigation as said committee shall deem necessary. °“’ · Passed the House of Representatives December 17 1896. Passed the Senate January 6, 1897. ’