Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/1056

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APPENDIX.-CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. 17 for the use of the House of Representative and th th (1 f hundred for the use of the Department of Agricultuig? Oman our Passed the Senate February 2, 1897. Passed the House of Representatives February 3, 1897. REPEAL OF TIMBER-GULTURE LAWS. Resolved by the Senate (the Home of Representatives concurring), That F·¤¤¤·ry 9.1897- the President be requested to return to the Senate Senate bill num- mpi tr umm-. bored thirty· three hundred and twenty eight, entitled "An Act to°“},'j}"fr}f‘;}· bm · amend an Act entitled ‘An Act to repeal the timber-culture laws, and quam. "' for other pm·poses."’ Passed the Senate February 9, 1897. Passed the House of Representatives February 9, 1897. ABTESIAN WATERS OF THE DAKOTAS. Resolved the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring), That F¤br¤¤y 16»189'7· _ there be printed two thousand additional copies of an extract irom the Ar¤¤IiH£ Seventeenth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey, of N rt entitled “Preliminary report on artesian waters of a portion of the mm? P° Dakotas,” for distribution by the Geological Survey. ‘ Passed the Senate January 8, 1897. Passed the House of Representatives February 16, 1897. ADMINISTRATION OF PENSION LAWS. Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That F·r»r¤n·y22.1¤w. there be printed in pamphlet form, for the use of the Department of Administratlodj the Interior, three thousand additional copies of the report of the *'*;1m§;°¤{,=}wjé N Assistant Secretary for eighteen hundred and ninety-six, relative to dlrecterkg p° the administration of the pension laws. Passed the House of Representatives February 8, 1897. Passed the Senate February 22, 1897. · ENROLLING BILLS. ' Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate eoncurriny)» That roam.-y zum. during the last six days of the present session of Congress the engross. " nmuinéi bl; gg; ing and enrolling of bills and Joint Resolutions by printing, as provided {nr ql1¤·£·1 dpririg by Act of Congress, approved March Second, eighteen hundred ninety- ,'L§.,,§}f ’° ° t ° five, may be suspended, and said bills and Joint resolutions may be written by hand. Passed the House of Representatives February 26, 1897. Passed the Senate February 26, 1897. TARIFF HEARINGS BEFORE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That __§f*}*j·{r§7j§°@_ there be printed for the use of the two Houses of Congress, ten thou- rm-nr ttm-ings. sand copies of the tariff hearin gs of the Comnuttee on Ways and xf{;‘f"‘“‘°“"“°°’"‘ Means during the second session of the Fifty-fourth Congress, of which Printing ·11¤·¤r¤<1· three thousand two hundred fifty copies shall be for the use of the