Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/277

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FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 317. 1896. 247 Z as a repeal of this charter; and matters of dispute between the com- Di¤P¤*·°¤- panics respecting railways parallel to the Conduit road, and affecting the same, in the District of Columbia shall be referred to and determined by the Secretary of War; and matters in dispute between the companies respecting railways on the Canal road shall be determined upon the application of either road to any court in the District of Columbia having competent jurisdiction. The inner rail of said Wash- d1:i¤t¤:¤d¤¤ Mm Owington and Great Falls Railway shall not, at any place ou the line of ° ° ` said railway, be less than one hundred ieet from the middle of the paved portion of the Conduit road, except in the county of Montgomery, in the State of Maryland, in which county said inner rail shall not be less than fifty feet from the middle of the paved portion of the Conduit road; and the said railroad may cross, under such conditions as the Secretary of War may impose, the lands of the United States at Chautauqua, between `Washington Aqueduct boundary stone numbered thirty-one and a planted stone south thirtysix degrees forty-three minutes west, and distant two hundred and six and fivetenths feet from Washington Aqueduct boundary stone numbered sixty-seven, at ` which place the inner rail of the tracks shall benot less than sixty-five feet from the middle of the paved portion of the Conduit road: Provided, however, That said Washington and Great Falls Electric Rail- Lnggegr P¤¤>*¤¤° way Company, being authorized thereto by a vote of the majority of p° ' its stockholders of record, may contract with any street railway company in the State of Maryland or the District of Columbia, owning or operating a. connecting or intersecting line, for the joint management, lease, or purchase of such line or lines, and operate the same in connection and as an extension with its present line, and in case of such contract may provide the means necessary by an increase of its capital stock not to exceed the actual consideration paid or the actual cost of the necessary construction, completion, equipment, and maintenance thereof And for the purpose aforesaid said company is hereby author- Issue ofbouds ized and empowered to issue its bonds to aid in paying for such construction, completion, motive power, equipment, and maintenance aforesaid and to secure the said bonds by mortgage or deed of trust of its right of way and all its property and hanchise of whatsoever kind, whether real, personal, or mixed, on the whole of said line, its extensions, and branches, and connections, the stock and bonds authorized to he issued and negotiated by said company, to the amount of ` six hundred and fifty thousand dollars, under the decree of the supreme court of the District of Columbia being hereby confirmed. Wherever Sammy ¤fW•rfo the said railway shall run over or across any of the lands of the United ‘Q,{§l’,‘{§"§,‘,,°,{Q'{°·°°°‘·°” States or any of the accessory works of the Washington Aqueduct, as provided in this Act, it shall be done only on such lines, in such manner. and on such conditions as shall be approved by the Secretary of W:it· and accepted by said company, and no work shall be done on said railway on any of said lands until after such approval and acceptance in writing. No steam cars, locomotives, or passenger or other ears for h%p;¤¤ iwver nmsteam railways shall ever be run over the tracks of said ruilway within I ' the District of Columbia or on said lands. Said company shall, before Depcsltfnrcxguns commencing work on said milway, deposit with the Treasurer of the °H"‘*’°°°i°"’° ‘ United States to the credit of the Wasliiiigtoii Aqueduct the sum of tive thousand dollars, or such other sum as the Secretary of War may deem proper, to defray all the expenses that may be incurred by the United States in connection with the inspection of the company’s work on the lands of the United States and any of the company’s work that , may nilect the interests of the United States, and in making good any damages done by said company or its works to any work or land or other property of the United States, and in completing, as the Secretary of \Var may deem necessary, any of the company’s work that the said company may neglect or refuse to complete and that the Secretary of War may consider necessary for the safety of the Waslnirngton Aqueduct and the works pertaining thereto, including its telephone line, or for the proper drainage of the United States lands, its reservoirs, and