Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/3

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District of Columbia, trial boards. An act to amend an Act entitled "An Act to punish false swear- W ing before trial boards of the Metropolitan police force and fire department of the District of Columbia, and for other purposes," approved May eleventh, eighteen hundred and mm·t_5‘-two. February 20, 1896 .. . ..,_,._.__. ,, _,____ _ ___,_ __ _ , __,______, _ _______ ___ _ 10 American Island, S. Dak. An act to amend section twenty-one of an Act entitled "An Act to divide a portion of the reservation of the Sioux Nation of Indians in Dakota into separate reservations, and to secure the relinquishment of the Indian title to the remainder, and for other _ purposes," approved March second, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine. February 20, 1896- 10 Dcslrict of Columbia, Maryland and Washington Railway. An act extending the time within which the Maryland and Washington Railway Company shall be required to complete the building of the road of said company, under the provisions of an Act of Congress approved August first, eighteen hundred and ninety-two. as amended by an Actof Congress approved March S60011d, eighteen hundred and ninety-five. February 20, 1896 .. . . . , 11 Colorado, mineral claims on forest reservations. An act to open forest reservations in the State of _ Colorudo for the location of mining claims. February 20, 1896 ,.. 11 Right of way, Indian reservations, Minn. An act granting to the Brainerd and Northern Minnesota Railway Company a right of way through the Leech Lake Indian Reservation and Chippéwa Indian Reservation, in Minnesota. February 24, 1896 ... 12 Right of amy, Indian Territory. An act to authorize the Arkansas and Choctaw Railway Company to construct and operate a railway through the Choctaw Nation, in the Indian Territory, and for other purposes. February 24, 1896 __.,,.._,.._,...,,...,_,____ , ____,_,_____,_ 13 Settlers, Yankton Reservation, S. Dak. An act granting leave of absence for one year to homestead _ settlers upon the Yankton Indian Reservation, in the State of South Dakota, and lor other purposes. February 26, 1896 - . . .. . ..,..., 16 Chippewa Indians, Minn., pine lands. An Act to amend an Act entitled "An Act for the relief and civilization of the Chippewa Indians in the State of Minnesota. February 26 1896 . . - 17 Appropriations, urgent dcjicienciea. An act making appropriations to supply urgent deiicieneienin the appropriations for the fiscal year ending June thirticth eighteen hundred and ninety- six, and for prior years, and for other purposes. February 96, 1896 .. . ,... . 17 Appropriation, diplomatic and consular. An act making appropriations for the diplomatic and consular service for the fiscal year ending June thirtiet , eighteen hun and ninety- seven. February 26, 1896 .. . ... . . . . . , 28 United Staten courts, Tennessee. An act to change and iix the time for holding the district and circuit courts of the United States for the northern division of the eastern district of Tennessee. February 27, 1896 . ..,,.. - .. . ...,_ 39 Condemned cannon, Eldorado, Kuna. An act authorizing and directing the Secretary of the Na to donate one condemned cannon and four pyramids of condemned cannon balls to W. Wallace Post, Numbered Sixty-six, Grand Army of the Republic, of Eldorado, Kansas, and for other purposes. February 27, 1896 - ... . ., 39 Remission of forjbiinres. An act to amend section fifty-two hundred and ninety-four of the Revised Statutes of the United States relative to the power of the Secretary of the Treasury to remit or mitigate fines, penalties, and forfeitures, and for other purposes. March 2, 1896 . . . , 39 Right of nay, Indian Territory. An act to ·ant the Fort Smith and Western Coal Railroad Company a right of way through the Ingilan Territory, and for other purposes. March 2, 1896- . 40 Public lands, anmelling patents. An act to provide for the extension of the time within which sgiés may be brought to vacate and annul land patents, and for other purposes. March 2, 1 ...,. . .,.,. . .. . .. 42 Public lands, timber culture. An act relating to final proof in timber-culture entries. March 4, 1896 . 43 Right of way, Indian Territory. An act to amend un Act untitled "An Act to grant to the Guinesville, McAlester and Saint Louis Railroad Company u right of way through the Indian Territory." March 4, 1896 .I , 44 Right of way, Colville Reservation, Wash. An act granting to the Columbia and Red Mountain Railway Company a right of way through t ie Colville Indian Reservation, in the State of \Vashingtou, und for other pu oses. March 6, 1896 . . . . .. . ., . 44 Appropriations, pensions. An act mixing appropriations for the payment of invalid and other pensions of the United States for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, and for other purposes. March 6, 1896 .. - ... --. 45 Bridge, Lake Saint 1·3·ancis, Ark. An act to authorize the construction of a bridge across Lake Saint Francis, in the State of Arkansas. March 6, 1896. ... . ... 46 Appropriations, Military Academy. An act making appropriations for the support of the Military Academy for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven. March 6, 1896 . ... . ... . ... .. .. 46 Saint Marys Rirer, anchorage. An act relating to the anchorage and movements of vessels in Saint Marys River. March 6, 1896. .. . . . . -... .. . ... . .. . 54 Condcmnrd cannon, Hope Valley, R. I., Taylorrillc, Ill., and Newton, N. J. An act granting to Lin- · coln Post, Grand Army of the Republic, of Hope Valley, Rhode Island, one condemned cannon; also, to the Woman’s Relief Corps of Taylorville, l1linois.fonr condemned cannon and four condemned cannon balls for the purpose of decorating a soldiers' monument lately erected there by said corps; and, also, to the town of Newton, in the State of New Jersey, tour pieces of condemned cannon and twenty cannon balls for the decoration of the new soldiers’ and sailors’ monument in that town. March 7, 1896. . ... -.-. 55 Judge, Florida southern district. An act to repeal section Eve hundred and fifty-three of the Revised Statutes of the United State , requiring the district judge for the southern district of' Florida to reside at Key West. March 13, 1896 .. . . . . .. 5:, Bridge. .llissouri River. An act to authorize the construction of a bridge across the Missouri River at or near Chamberlain. South Dakota. March 13, 1896 · 55