Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/321

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FIFTYFOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 373. 1896. 291 Rnrnonncnvo 1-1.ATs or snnvnvs: To pay the account of the {jj,gj;·{H_gi_¤z i>1¤¢—¤· Evening Star Newspaper Company, of Washingtoii, District of Colum— g' bia, for publishing, in September, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, proposals for bids for photolithographing township plats and other plats constituting part of the ofhcial records of the General Land Oilice, eleven dollars and twenty-five cents. GEOLOGIGAL SURVEY: For topographic surveys in various portions WTgP°g*‘¤P*¤i¤ ¤¤*· of the United States, being for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and y ' ninety-five, two hundred and seventy-two dollars and thirty-eight cents. PAYMENTS TO DEPUTY sunvnvonsz To pay Fred L. Gould, Albert g;_iy;_QgS¤“*”°Y°¤· F. Easeley, John E. Jackson, William R. Whipple, Clayton G. Cole- ` man, and Bernard Keegan, United States deputy surveyors, the amounts of their accounts for services, as set forth in House Documents Numbered One hundred and twentyeight and Three hundred and twenty-tour, of this session, nine hundred and thirty dollars and seventy-seven cents. To pay Charles Holcomb, James R. Glover, George_W. Baker, S. A. Hanson, Milton Santee, M. F. Reilly, and George H. Pradt, United States deputy surveyors, the amounts of their accounts for services, as set forth in House Document Numbered Three hundred and thirty- seven, of this session, nine thousand two hundred and two dollars and thirty-four cents. To pay to George T. Simpson and Louis Shaw the difference between Goorgo T· Simpson the amount actually expended by them in the survey of the Grand °";Sl,,],i;’,}§Z,,S3,7w‘ Portage Indian Reservation, in the State of Minnesota, and the amount allowed them under the construction of their contract for the work by the Second Comptroller of the Treasury, nine hundred and eighty-six dollars and sixty-seven cents. To pay Oscar Sonnekalb, of Pocatello, Idaho, for surveying public g;;#;°§]<;¤;;¤k¤1b- lands in the State of Idaho under contract numbered one hundred and ‘ ` fifty two, five hundred and seventy-five dollars and twentyfive cents, said sum being the cost and value of the work done under said survey contract, according to the rates iixed by statute. To pay Richard S. Fuller, United States deputy surveyor, balance Rickard S-Fuller. due for surveys executed in townships three and four north, of range P“’"'°"t m' ninety-one west, and township three north, of range ninety»two west, in Colorado, under contract numbered seven hundred and eighty-one, and for retracements of thirty-three miles forty-two links and twenty-nine chains of retraced exterior lines of survey of said townships, and reestablishing corners along said lines, said contract having been approved by the surveyongeneral, four hundred and twenty-three dollars and eighty-one cents. To pay the account of Philip M. Gallaher, United States deputy sur· Philip M·Gn11uher. veyor, for the survey of certain boundary lines of the Yellowstone N a-_ P“y'"“"° °°‘ tional Park and Public Forest Reserve in Montana, executed by him under contract numbered two hundred and sixty-three, dated October seventeenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, and approved by the Secretary of the Interior and by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, respectively, under date of June third, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, at rates of twentysix dollars, thirty dollars, and forty-three dollars per mile for lines embraced in said contract, eight thousand five hundred and sixty-seven dollars and twenty-four cents. PAYMENT TO nnorsrnn Ann 11E0E1V1m: To pay John J. Beavers, Bggggfylggggygd register, and Benjamin H. Crowley, receiver, of the United States Land Payment it. y` Oihce at Little Rock, Arkansas, compensation at the rate of five dollars per day each for nine days in February. eighteen hundred and ninety-five, the time in which they were respectively engaged in appraising the Government lots at Hot Springs Reservation, Arkansas, ninety dollars. INDIAN AFFAIRS. I¤·1i¤¤ Dopnrtinem. PAY or TNTERPRETEBS: To pay amounts found due by the account I“*°’P’°*°’°· ing officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation for “Pay