Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/40

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]() FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cns. 25, 26. 1896. Y¢br‘¤==\1‘s` 20-1896- CHAP. 25.——A11 Act To amend an Act entitled "An Act to pimish false swearing `;‘;‘*" before trial boards of the Metropolitan police force and fire department of the Distzligtsiggpgmmvbh, and for other purposes/’ approved May eleventh, eighteen hundred Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United

 States of America in Congress assembled, That an Act entitled “An Act

term agmmrds. " to punish false swearing before trial boards of the Metropolitan police ,_°¥dj_’;°],*;‘;“j{‘,f,'},‘,f‘} force and iire department of the District of Columbia, and_for other a-ms. purposes, approved May eleventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, v°"""2°‘ be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to read as follows: smmimce of wu. "'1‘hat hereafter any trial board of the Metropolitan police force and °°”°°· of the has departmentkig the lDistrict ori; Cplumbiadshall ihpye powes tr} issue su nas, attes in the name 0 the president 0 e oar 0 Commissididgers of the District of Columbia, to compel before it the attendance of witnesses ugon any prialfor procegdmgzraughorized by the rules and re ations 0 the po ice orce or- o the e epartmen . Punishment rar “SEc. 2. Thaiggiry willful and corrupt false swearing on the part of m“° "'°“'“‘g‘ any witness or person giving evidence before any trial board mentioned in the preceding section as to any material fact in any proceedings under the rules and regulations governing said police force and fire department shall be deemed perjury, and shall be punished in the manner prescribed by law for such offense. m1f{;·;¤ *°¤*?°¤*° ¤*# Sec. 3. That if any witness, having been iirst personally summoned, ` shall neglect or refuse to appear before any trial board mentioned in the first section of this Act, then, on the fact being reported by the major and superintendent of police, or chief of the tire department, to one of the justices of the police court, it shall be the duty of that court to compel the attendance of such witness before such trial board in the same manner as witnesses are now compellable to appear before said {gw- court: Provided, That witnesses subpoenaed to appear before said trial ' petihetr) tglan thosefemployed by the lgistrict of (lolumbia, shall en e same ecs as are now ai witnesses or attendance before the supreme court of the District df Columbia." Approved, February 20, 1896. ——-——’“°"’“"' ’°·""°‘ t.€£$fi.{.‘.?.2E$.1‘ .é°2‘».L'£..2L“.$‘l‘1i§3°§}°Er§‘é"“.T"§°2· °‘ °?r"‘3* °““‘*l?$’ {Qt" -A°‘ 10 X 8: 1011 0 Il IBDS separate reservations, and to secure the relinquishment of the Indisiln titl; toutlhg remainder, and for other purposes," approved March second, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Dghsmberlniu. s. States of America. in Congress assembled, That section twenty-one of an 1,,;,,,,,,,,,, 0,- Am,,,.,_ Act entitled “An Act to divide a portion of the reservation of the Sioux ¤·g:1¤L·;¤¤ gah Nation of Indians in Dakota into separate reservations, and to secure ' 'p'the relinquishment of the Indian title to the remainder, and for other purposes/’ approved March second, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, U and the same is hereby, amended by adding to said section the o owing: L¤¤¤q¤.¤w..¤fi¤1¤¤d “That the said city of Chamberlain b and throu h its re ar ' '"°'°""°‘ council, shall have authority to either! bgr itself or rignder a gygteniuhxf leases, securing a revenue to the city, to use or lease said island for public assemblies of a religious, literary, political, or scientific character · · to use or lease the same for fair grounds or driving park purposes ; the; right to improve, use, or lease to improve and use, the springs on said island for sanitarium and bathing purposes, together with the right to erect such buildings and make such improvements as may be necessary t0_ provide for the comfort and convenience of those connected therewith or visiting said island for any of the purposes named, the said city council at all times having authority to cou trol and regulate all the fees or charges made by any person or association thereon for any of the