Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/429

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FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 419. 1896. 399 the Commissioners of the District to lay a water main in said street between the points named if found necessary. For the construction of the followingmamed sewers now under contract, namely: For continuation of the Rock Creek and B street intercepting sewer, Rwk Cmk ¤¤v¤r· sixty thousand dollars. ‘ For completion of the Eckington Valley sewer, seventeen thousand E°ki°¢"°¤ V*“°Y· dollars, to be immediately available. For completion of the Brookland sewer, forty-two thousand dollars. “’°°“"“"· For completion of the Kenesaw avenue sewer, four thousand dollars. K°"°’““` °"°¤¤°· For condemnation of rights of way for construction, maintenance, C°¤*‘°'¤¤**°*°¤~ and repairs of public sewers, one thousand dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary. For automatic iiushing tanks, one thousand dollars. Fl¤¤1¤i¤g vmks. STREETS. S°*¤¤*¤· Rmmms Srunnrs, Avnmms, Aim Anmars: For current work of R~v¤i¤¤·¤¤¤•>¢¤:¤¤¤- repairs of streets, avenues, and alleys, thirty thousand dollars. And stmt mnways. this appropriation shall be available for repairing the pavements of street railways when necessary; the amounts thus expended shall be collected from such railroad company as provided by section five of V°1·2°·P·l°6· “An Act providing a permanent form of government for the District of Columbia," approved June eleventh, eighteen hundred and seventy- ' eight, and shall be deposited to the credit of the appropriation for the fiscal year in which they are collected: Provided, That the fifth section Pmme _ of the Act of Congress approved August second, eighteen hundred w§,°§‘Q,°,},’;‘,k,'{’;.'f R‘“l‘ and ninety-four, relating to reciprocal trackage arrangements by the V<>1·28.r·21S- Metropolitan and other railroad companies, be, and the same is hereby amended by adding the following thereto: Provided, That any subur- Uw»r¤n;,rimkS1.y ban street railroad company in the District of Columbia intersecting ““"“’l”“ °°“‘P“'“°*· or connecting with any urban street railroad may have such reasonable number of its trail cars drawn by such urban railroad company, over the route of such urban railroad for the transportation of through passengers, as shall not, in the judgment of the supreme court of the e District of Columbia, be to the undue detriment of such urban railroad company. The schedule, kind, and number of cars to be drawn, com- agreement ¤¤ w pensation therefor, and all other matters relating thereto in the event °° "1°"°°°‘ of said railroad companies being unable to agree between themselves shall, from time to time, on petition of either railroad company, be decided by said supreme court: Provided further, That in no event Tocnllccum- only shnll any railroad company be entitled under said law providing for °" ""' °'“"“°"‘ trackage arrangements or under the provisions of this Act to collect fares except from such passengers as board the ears upon their own line: Provided jvrther, That this provision shall not be construed to Existing mgm me affect rights heretotore acquired either by contract or under any order “°`°“°‘*‘ of court made under authority of law. For replacing sidewalks and curbs around public reservations, five Sid¤w¤1k¤.¤t¤. thousand dollars. Rnmxms Country Rows: For current work of repairs of county 1<·>·v¤¤¤·· ¤>··1¤- roads and suburban streets, forty thousand dollars: Provided, That hwg. this appropriation shall be available for the repair of all county roads, m§d§f"1’“"° f"' ““ _ except such as are rendered useless by the opening and improving of new highways established under the Act approved March second, V°‘· 27-**2 eighteen hundred and ninety~three. Cousrnuorrorz or Comrrr Rows: For construction of county tv¤!ggl¤£¤¤¤¤z ¤¤¤¤- roads and suburban streets, as follows: · ` For grading and regulating Sherman avenue, Roanoke and Irving _ streets, continuing improvement, ten thousand dollars: Provided, That lf buudjumx this appropriation shall be available for removing buildings, terracin g m., cumin ntspriii banks, and replacing fences of Garfield Hospital grounds and other g'°“"‘“· premises abutting on Sherman avenue between Grant and Princeton