Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/474

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444 FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. GH. 420. 1896. 6*3***** l>•*¤¤ For repairs to the Guilford battle grounds: To enable the Guilford gmmBattle Ground Company to repair the grounds and public buildings of said company on said battle grounds, one thousand dollars; said amount to be disbursed on the order of the president of the said company; and the United States shall be at no further expense in the future for repairs or other expenses relating to said battle grounds. 1ii¤¤¤1\¤¤¤¤¤¤· mscELLANEoUs OBJECTS, WAR DEPARTMENT. m§*¤j;g;:*N°¤‘*¤=¤· Snmrmr or NORTHERN AND NORTHWESTERN Lucas: For print- "ing and issuing charts for use of navigators and electrotyping plates tor chart printing, two thousand dollars. Additions- For surveys, additions to, and correcting engraved plates. to be available until expended, twenty-five thousand dollars. T¤¤*P°***¤8 ¤¤•P¤· '1‘IcANsI·01tTATI0N OF REPORTS AND MAPS T0 FOREIGN COUN- ` thIES: For the transportation ol reports and maps to foreign countries through the Smithsonian Institution, one hundred dollars. —*¤”*°**' mb'- A1cTIFIcIAI, LIMBSZ For furnishing artiiicial limbs and apparatus or commutation therefor. and necessary transportation, to be disbursed under the direction of the Secretary of War, five hundred and seventy- five thousand dollars. abgngijggggz M dir APPLIANCES Fox DISABLED SOLDIERS: For furnishing surgical ' appliances to persons disabled in the military or naval service of the United States, and not entitled to artificial limbs or trusses for the same disabilities, to be disbursed under the direction of the Secretary of War, two thousand dollars. . o P¤»vi<1•¤¤¤ Hari- SUPPORT AND MEDICAL TREATMENT oF DESTITUTE PATIENTS:. °‘}3£;§;,., ,,,6,,,,, For the support and medical treatment of ninety-Eve medical and surgical patients who are destitute, in the city of Washington, under a contract to be made with the Providence Hospital by the Surgeon-Gem eral of the Army, nineteen thousand dollars. DGL5•¤·¤¤1<¤ H·»·1>i¤1. GARFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL: For maintenance, to enable it to imummct. provide medical and surgical treatment to persons unable to pay therefor, nineteen thousand dollars. ¤¤¤*¤>‘ <=·>¤I*¤*¤· EXPENSES or MILITARY <·oNvIcTs: For paymentof costs and charges of State penitentiaries, for the care, clothing, maintenance, and medical attendance of United States military convicts confined in them, five hundred dollars, to be expended in the current support of military convicts. °f<m¢i,·;]:,;"_gg;*({_jl¤"’•* PUBLICATION OF OFFICIAL RECORDS or THE WAR or THE Rnnm.- (·,,,,.,,,,,i,,g,,,;l,u.,,. LION: For continuing the publication of the official ree-ords of the Union ¤¤¤· and Confederate armies, including theatlasof maps and plans, in accordance with the plan approved by the Secretary of War August third, <>i~·i¤¤¤ *»·»¤rd- eighteen hundred and eighty, and for the compensation of the civilian members of the board of publication, appointed in accordance with the "°'·”·P-°’°· · Act of March second, eighteen hundred and eightynine, and for the compensation of such temporary expert services in connection with the preparation, publication, and distribution of said records as may be deemed necessary by the Secretary ot \\'ar, and lor the purchase of stationery and for additional rent, not exceeding one thousand eight hundred dollars, and for traveling expenses of the agent lor collection of records, to be disbursed under such regulations as the Secretary of War may prescI·ibc, not exceeding five hundred dollars, one hundred and forty-tive thousand dollars. rJiiti1Ii;ii7¤J%ifi°°l’ AR'l‘ILLERY SoHo0L AT Foirr MONnoE, VIRGINIA: To provide for means of instruction, such as textbooks, instruments, drawing materials, and stationery required in the courses of artillery, engineering, law. and the art and science of war, and for other necessary expenses of the school, five thousand dollars. F1‘:¤:=;¤¤iré::;Ls:b$l. INFANTRY AND UAVALRY S01IOOL, FOR.T LEAVEN\VORTH, KANSAS: Kim. °For text-books, books of reference, instruments and materials for use iitutheoretical and practical instruction, one thousand five hundred 0 ars.