Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/559

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FIFTY—FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 229, 230. 1897. 529 Rock Island Bridge, in the ibllowing words: “Proz·ided further, That $**6*** *¤—iJw=*>‘,¤<>¤¤· the Secretary of War shall not, under the Act *to empower the Secre- iliiididild? giggidz tary of War to permit the establishment, under certain conditions, of a P°"°’ *°’ ‘i¤’·“’· horse railway upon and over the island of Rock Island, and the bridges erected by the United States connecting the cities of Davenport and Bock Island therewith} approved March third, eighteen hundred and eightyfive, permit the lower section of said bridge to be occupied by any street railway without paying a reasonable rent therefor," be, and the same is hereby, amended by adding after the final words, “paying a reasonable rent therefor," the following words: “unless said company, in lieu of such rent, shall furnish and deliver at the electric motor on the draw of the bridge the necessary and proper electric power for operating the draw, to the satisfaction of the Secretary of War, so long as said company occupies or uses said bridge for railway purposes." Approved, February 15, 1897. CHAP. 230.-An Act To extend and amend an Act entitled "An Act to rant the F¤br¤-sry 15. 1897- right of way to the Kansas, Oklahoma Central and Southwestern Railway Company ""'_'"" through the Indian Territory and Oklahoma Territory, and for other purp0ses," approved December twenty-iirst, eighteen hundred and ninety-three. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the provisions of an Act Kkishtvfgirsglwtw entitled “An Act to grant the right of way to the Kansas, Oklahoma c§.i]€§’ and s`...°ii°iC Central and Southwestern Railway Company through the Indian Terri ;{ljj:°{¤h1‘};lQj_:{ tory and Oklahoma Territory, and for other purposes," approved Decem- oknidms rmsmses ber twenty-nrst, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, be, and the same °‘,?,°,f{*§,f’·p_,,,_ are hereby, extended for a period of two years from and after December ` twenty-first, eighteen hundred and ninety-six, so that said Kansas,Oklahoma Central and Southwestern Railway Company shall have until December twenty-first, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, to build the iirst one hundred miles of its said railway line in said Territories, and two years thereaher to complete the same. Sec. 2. That section one of said Act approved December twenty- I·<>°*¤°¤ °h¤¤Z°*=‘· first, eighteen hundred and ninetythree, be amended to read as follows: “ That the Kansas, Oklahoma Central and Southwestern Railway Company, a corporation organized, created, and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the Territory of Oklahoma, and of the laws of the State of Kansas, be, and the same is hereby, invested and empowered with the right of locating, constructing, equipping, operating, using, and maintaining a railway, telegraph, and telephone line through the Indian Territory and Oklahoma Territory, including lands that have _ _ been allotted to Indians in severalty or reserved for Indian purposes, I"d‘““ T“"“°"· beginning at any point to be selected by said railway company on the south line of the State of Kansas, in the county of Montgomery, on the south line of section numbered thirteen or section numbered fourteen, township numbered thirty-flve, range numbered thirteen east of the sixth principal meridian, or on the south line of section numbered thirteen or section numbered fourteen, township numbered thirty-tive, range sixteen east of the sixth principal meridian, and running thence by the most practicable route through the Indian Territory to the west line thereof; thence in a south or southwesterly direction by the most t0g<1¤¤·¤¤¤¤ Turipracticable route into and through Oklahoma Territory to a point on ' the Texas State line and on Red River between said State of Texas and the Comanche and Apache Indian reservations, in said Oklahoma Territory, by way of Bartlesville, Pawhuska, Pawnee, Stillwater, Guthrie, and El Reno, in Oklahoma Territory, and passing through the Osage, Pawnee, Wichita, Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Indian reservations, and through the organized counties of Pawnee, Payne, Logan, Oklahoma, and Canadian, in said Oklahoma Territory, with the right to construct, use, and maintain such tracks, turn-outs, sidings, and extensions srner 1,-voL 29-—-34