Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/599

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FIFTY-FOURTH CON GRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 265. 1897. 569 one hundred and ninety-five thousand dollars and no person so appointed shall be employed in the State from which he is appointed; and any of those now employed in the Pension Office or as special examiners may be reappointed if they be found to be qualified. PATENT OFFICE: For the Commissioner of Patents, five thousand P=*°¤*°¤¤·· dollars; Assistant Commissioner, who shall perform such duties pertaining to the office of Commissioner as may be assigned to him by the Commissioner, three thousand dollars; chief clerk, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollar  ; two law clerks, at two thousand dollars each; three examiners in chief, at three thousand dollars each; examiner of interferences, two thousand five hundred dollars; thirty-two principal examiners, at two thousand five hundred dollars each; thirty-tour iirst assistant examiners, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each ; thirty- eight second assistant examiners, at one thousand six hundred dollars . each; forty-three third assistant examiners, at one thousand four hundred dollars each; fifty-two fourth assistant examiners, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; financial clerk, two thousand dollars, who shall give bonds in such amount as the Secretary of the Interior may determine; librarian, two thousand dollars; three chiefs of division, at two thousand dollars each; three assistant chiefs of division, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; five clerks of class four, one of whom shall act as application clerk; machinist, one thousand six hundred dollars; six cierks of class three, one of whom shall be translator of languages; fourteen clerks of class two; fifty-one clerks of class one; skilled laborer, one thousand two hundred dollars; three skilled draftsmen, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; four draftsmen, at one thousand dollars each; messenger and property clerk, one thousand dollars; twenty-tive permanent clerks, at one thousand dollars each; tive model attendants, at one thousand dollars each; ten model attendants, at eight hundred dollars each; sixty copyists, five of whom may be copyists of drawings; seventy-six copyists, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; three messengers; twenty assistant messengers; forty-tive laborers, at six hundred dollars each; forty-five laborers, at four hundred and eighty dollars each; twenty messenger boys, at three hundred and sixty dollars each; in all, six hundred and ninety-five thousand nine hundred and ninety dollars. For purchase of professional and scientific books and expenses of B°°’“· transporting publications of patents issued by the Patent Oiilce to foreign Governments, three thousand dollars. For producing the Official Gazette, including weekly, monthly, °'“°“° G“°"°· quarterly, and annual indexes therefor, exclusive of expired patents, ninety-five thousand nine hundred dollars. For producing copies of drawings of the weekly issues of patents, “g"l""’ °' d"*"*“¤°· for producing copies of designs, trademarks, and pending applica- I tions, and for the reproduction of exhausted copies of drawings and specifications; said work referred to in this and the preceding para- _ graph to be done as provided by the “Act providing for the public ‘°L”*·P·“2°· printing- and binding and for the distribution of public documents;” _ Provided, That the entire work may be done at the Government Print- Q;'}';"',,, 60,,, ing Office if, in the judgment of the Joint Committee on Printing, or if ¤¤¤¤t Primus 0¤i•=•- there shall be no Joint Committee, in the judgment of the Committee on Printing of either House, it shall be deemed to be for the best interests of the Government, fifty-nine thousand dollars. _ For investigating the question of the public use or sale of inventions m{:;g;f;g*gg§m°f for two years or more prior to filing applications for patents, and for ` expenses attending defense of suits instituted against the Commissioner of Patents, two hundred and fifty dollars. _ For the share of the United States in the expense of conducting the "::“B'_fj:;’¤“1 Bm International Bureau at Berne, Switzerland, seven hundred dollars. ' Bm-mtu or Enncxrroxz For Commissioner of Education, three ,,_*f,‘f’°““ °‘ E"“‘* thousand dollars; chief clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; statistician, one thousand eight hundred dollars; translator, one thousand six hundred dollars; collector and compiler of statistics, two