Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/695

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FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 386, 387. 1897. 665 by contract not more than three torpedo boats, to have a speed of not less than thirty knots, to cost in all not exceeding eight hundred Cmthousand dollars. And not more than two of said torpedo boats shall be built in one yard or by one contracting party, and in each case the Contracts. contract shall be awarded by the Secretary of the Navy to the lowest best responsible bidder. And in the construction of said torpedo boats $¢•¤{¤g¤¤¢i¤¤- all the provisions of the Act of August third, eighteen hundred and °' ’p`215' eightysix, entitled *‘An Act to increase the naval establishment," as to materials for said vessels, their engines, boilers, and machinery, the contracts under which they are built, except as to premiums, which are not to be offered, the notice of proposals for the same, the plans, drawings, and specifications therefor, and the method of executing said contracts, shall be observed and followed, and said vessels shall be built in compliance with the terms of said Act, and in all their parts shall be of domestic manufacture. _ Constrnuorron AND MACHINERY: On account of the hulls and outhts mfo‘;$$,§,‘,?"°“ “"‘* of vessels and steam machinery of vessels heretofore authorized, and authorized under this Act, six million four hundred and twenty-five thousand three hundred and fifty-nine dollars. · AEMOR AND ARMAMENT: Toward the armament and armor of domes- ,,,,§,Q{'“°’ “"‘l “"““‘ tic manufacture for the vessels authorized by the Act of August third, V•>1·24. r- 215. eighteen hundred and eighty-six; of those authorized by the Act of V°’·2"·PP-25°·7$‘- July nineteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-two; of the vessels author- V0, 28 m B 41 ized by the Act of March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-three; ofm)` ’ ` the three torpedo boats, Act of July twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, and the torpedo boats authorized under this Act; of the vessels authorized under the Act of March second, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, of the vessels authorized by the Act of June tenth, A”'°· P- 378- eighteen hundred and ninety-six, seven million two hundred and twenty thousand seven hundred and ninety-six dollars, to be immediately available: Provided, That the total cost of the armor, according to th c plans f_°{Ifgf*°·;;, cost 0 f and specifications already prepared, for the three battle ships authorized Amor. by the Act of June tenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-six, shall not exceed two million four hundred and seven thousand five hundred dollar s, exclusive of the cost of transportation, ballistic test plates, and tests, and no contract for armor plate shall be made at au average rate to exceed three hundred dollars per ton of two thousand two hundred and forty pounds: And provided further, That the Secretary of the Navy mf)?‘{§;‘{§§",, f_‘j§,,§,}f“° is authorized, in his discretion, to contract with either or all of the builders of the hulls and machinery of those vessels, or with any one or more bidders, for the furnishing of the entire amount of said armor at a cost not exceeding the aforesaid three hundred dollars per ton, if he shall deem it for the best interest of the Government. EQUIPMENT: Toward the completion of the equipment outfit of the E‘l‘**P‘“°“*· new vessels heretotbre authorized by Congress, one hundred and sixty- two thousand six hundred and twenty-eight dollars, of which sum thirty . thousand dollars to be immediately available. _ TRAm1NG VESSEL ron NAVAL ACADEM\'¢ For one composite vessel, N,fFj{‘]§'g§d‘g,§‘,{l‘ '“’ propelled by steam and sail, to be used for the training of cadets at ` the Naval Academy, including outfit, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Approved, March 3, 1897 . March 3, 1897. CHAP. 387.-An Act Making appropriations to provide for the expenses of the I-.__._ government of the District of Columbia for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and for other purposes. Be it enacted b· the Senate and House of Representatives of the United , _ _ States of Americ¢`i{·in Congress assembled, That the half of the following ,.P£:,;;¥;§€,(i;I°mb“ sums named, respectively, is hereby appropriated, out of any money in