Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1015

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FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. CHS. 351, 352. 1899. 977 CHAP. 351.-An Act Authorizig/g the terms of the district court of the United M¤r¤h 2.1899- States for the southern district of ississippi to be held hereafter at Biloxi. ”’;"‘j"" Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the terms of the district m_ff,?:f,*;jf\l{¥{{,ljlQ,‘;:b· court of the United States for the southern district of Mississippi, now preqmr of com "n required by law to be held at Mississippi City, shall hereafter be held B“°"· at Biloxi. Sligo. 2. Thatcall pplocizszebs heretoitgre ordhereafterggsuedhmtugplable P°¤d*°8 °°*°°· at ississippi ity s a returna e an roceed wit at ’ oxi~ and all bonds taken for appearances at Mis issippi City are hereby made returnable and require the appearance of parties at Biloxi; and

11 caulsias, cigdi oglizriminal, hergtoforelgiable at Mississippi City shall

e tria e an n y etermina e at ioxi. Srzc. 3. That this Act shall take elfect immediately upon its passage. E¤¤¤¤· Approved, March 2, 1899. S C5AP.‘??2.—An Act For increasing the edicieney of the Army of the United March 2.1899. `B8 BS, BD 0I' OIDOI' PDYPOSGS.ii"'; Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That from and after the date A¤¤y· _ of approval of this Act the Army of the United States shall consist of °°'"’°°“‘°" °" three major generals, six brigadier-generals, ten regiments of cavalry, seven regiments of artillery, twenty-five regiments of infantry, an Adjutant-General’s Department, an Inspector-General’s Department, a Judge-Advocate-General’s Department, a Quartermastens Department, a Subsistence Department, a Medical Department, a Pay Department, a Corps of Engineers, an Ordnance Department, a Signal Corps, thirty chaplénins, to be tasxségnedohto 1£giment;_s tm- posts 1-gi the discretion o the eeretary o ar, e officers o e an Pension Office, the officers and enlisted men of the Army on the retired list, the professors, corps of cadets, an army-service detachment and band at the United States Military Academy, and such other officers and enlisted men as may hereinafter be provided for: Provided, That {)’;ggj;¢··0 f t when a vacancy hall occur through death, retirement, or other sepa- keeper it qc5a;-°¤i£T ration from active service, in the office of storckeeper in the Quarter- }§;£,;Qt{;*;¤‘Q;‘;ggjaj: mastefsl l)eptar1;mentgaa(1;d)mQr<;i;a‘r;;>€CD32s2t1g0m;',. respectively, now mg present mum. rov1 e or y aw 1 ce Xl . · P Sec. 2. Thateacli regiment of cavalry shall consist of one colonel; §g;’;}0’g}mM,Ng,_ one lieutenant-colonel; three majors; fourteen captains, two of whom mem. shall be available for detail as adjutant and quartermaster; sixteen ' iirst lieutenants, of whom one shall be available lor detail as commissary, and three for detail as squadron adjutants; twelve second lieutenants, two veterinarians, one sergeant-major, one quartermastensergeant, one commissary-sergeant, who shall have the rank, pay, and allowances of a regimental quartermaster-sergeant of cavalry; three squadron sergeant-majors, who shall be senior to and have the pay and allowances of first sergeants of cavalry; one band; and twelve troops organized into three squadrons of four troops each: Provided, That gg0mgnothing herein contained shall be construed as abolishing the office of “° °' chaplain in each regiment of colored cavalry. Each cavalry band shall mdconsist of one chief musician; one chief trumpeter; one principal musiclan; one drum major, who shall have the rank, pay, and allowances of a lirst sergeant; four sergeants; eight corporals; one cook, and eleven privates. Each troop of cavalry shall consist of one captain; {Troon ¢<>¤¤x¤>¤i¤¤¤ one iirst lieutenant; one second lieutenant; one first sergeant; one °' quartermaster-sergeant, who shall have the pay and allowances of a sergeant; six sergeants, six corporals, two cooks, two farriers and blacksmiths, one saddler, one wagoner, two trumpeters, and forty-three privates. Of the veterinarians provided for in this Act, one shall have V¤¤·>¤¤=rm¤- the pay and allowances of a second lieutenant of cavalry and one P""°“"°f‘ shall have the pay of sevetnty-five dollars per month and the allowances vox. xxx-—6.