Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1183

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rrrcrr rrrrn oonoanss. snss. III. cu. 425. 1899. 1 145 Improving Detroit River, Michigan, removing shoals from Detroit to D°"°*°R*"°*-M*°h- Lake Erie: Continuing improvement, one hundred thousand dollars: _ , Provided, That a contract or contracts may be entered into by the Sec- {-,’,f,‘{§’,,";,§,L retary of War for such materials and work as may be necessary to complete the same in accordance with the present project, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law, not to exceed in the aggregate six hundred and sixty-one thousand five hundred dpllars, exclusive olfhthe amount herein ang, heretogmre approriated: rovi cd urthor at the Secretar of ar sha cause to sm-vsy frpm Detroit he made and repogeu as ,early as practicableya survey of the Detroit *° L"k° E'"' River from Detroit to Lake Erie, with a plan and estimate of the cost of such improvement as will secure a safe and convenient channel twenty- one feet deep between said points, the expense of which shall be paid _ from the said appropriation for improving Detroit River. Improving Black River at Port Huron, Michigan: Continuing Bhwk Ri*•¤·Mi¤*¤· improvement, four thousand dollars. _ Improving galamazoo River, Michigan: Continuing improvement, MQ§;'1{“’““”°° R“’°'· ten thousand ollars. Improving Gsand River, Michigan: Continuing improvement, seventy- G¤·¤·i Fmt Michfive thousand ollars. Improving Sebewaing River, Michigan: Completing improvement, m§°,§’_°"“*"¤ Ri'"- thirt -two thousand dollars. Imyproving Rouge River, Michigan: Any amount heretofore appro- R¤¤s¤ River- Mmpriated for the construction of a turning basin at Rouge River, Michigan, which is now unexpended, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall, in the discretion of the Secretary of War, be made available for improving the channel of said river. _ _ _ Improving Chippewa Bivgr, Wissoéisfln, including yellow banks: Con- w‘;,}§‘¥‘P°"“ R'"'- tinuin im rovement ten thousand dollars. _ _ Impgovirig Fox ltivzer, Wiscwonsinz Continuing improvement, twenty- §‘§§,_,’f,§`,,°,,{;,,Yf"“‘ seven thousand five hundred dollars, of which amount the sum of three thousand dollars, or so much thereof as maybe necessary, shall be used to remove bars and snags from and tootherwise improve Wolf River below Shawano, Wisconsin; and two thousand dollars of said sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be used in the protection of and in further improving the harbor of refuge established and partially constructed on the east shore of Lake Winnebago, Wisconsin, under the provisions of the river and harbor Act, eighteen hundred and ninety six, and two thousand five hundred dollars ot said sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be used in the construction of a retaining wall on the north side of the canal, at the city of Kaukauna, for the protection of said canal, _ __ Improving Saint Croix River, Wisconsin and Minnesota: Continuing m:{~§{:L=j j¤*·•··“'*·- improvement, nine thousand dollars, _ _ _ Mmmm mm Improving Menominee River, Michigan and Wnsconsiii: According to M;,,h_ um, Wn_ · the second, or dredging, plan, reported November tlnrtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-six, eighteen thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars. . , 0 Improving Bed River of the North, Minnesota, and itstributaries; N§'{‘Q_§}f,§f .°f "‘ Continuing improvement, twenty-five thousand dollars, oi which sum ¤¤·¤1·•·k·¤¤v¤r- ten thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be used in improving the navigation of the Red Lake River,. Mmmm mv"' Improving Minnesota _River, Minnesota: Continuing improvement, mm. one thousand dollars; said sum, or so much thereof as may necessary, to be used in renéoging bar atspr pe? the iéuipth of laaid rivgr, For removing a san ar a emou o arroa iver, mneso a, ee thousand dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary. thlhor making a survey of Red Lake and Bed Lake River, Minnesota, L,£“R{•$§,§,}’{§mB“ with a view to the construction of a dam with lock at the outlet of said lake, for the purpose of improving thenavigation of the Red River of the North and said Red Lake River, Minnesota, and estimating the cost of said improvement, five thousand dollars.