Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1320

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FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. OH. 429. 1899. CHAPTER THIRTEEN. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS AND DEFINITION. Sec. _ Sec. 184. Division of crimes. 200. "Jail," definition of. t _ 185. Parties to crimes. 201. Sentences to county jail how ex- 186. Principals, who deemed such. ecuted. 187. Accessories, who deemed such. 202. Evidence given by a person may be 188. No accessories in misdemeanors. used against him on a prosecution 189. Accessories how punished. for perjury. 190. Person not,punishable for omission 203. Conviction of crime not to work forwhen periormedby another. feiture of property. _ 191. Misdemeanor, punishment for, when 204. Coulpt to ascertain and impose punnot otherwise prescribed. is ments. 192. Attempt to commit crime, punish- 205. In prosecution for libel, truth may ment of. be given in evidence. 193. Preceding section, how construed. 206. Presumption in case of injurious 194. Computation of sentences. publication. _ _ _ 195. Treatment of convicts. 207. "Dwelling house," definition of, in 196. Judgment of imprisonment in peni- relation to arson. tentiary, effect of. f 1 f 208. “Dvivelling hpu of definition of, in 197. Judgment o imprisonment or i e. re ation to urg ary. 198. Person of ag ponvict under the pro- 209. Certain terms presumed to be used tection o aw. .in a certain sense. 199. Sentences to penitentiary, how ex- 210. "Signature," what it includes. ecuted.211. "Writing" includes printing. 212. “Property" includes both real and 215. Mzscugine gender, what it comprepersonal. _ en s. 213. The term, " person," what it in- 216. Intent to defraud, what sufficient. cludes. 217. Criminal prosecution not to exclude 214. The singular number includes the other remedy or penalty. ‘ plural. Division Mmmm. Sec. 184. That crimes are divided into felonies and misdemeanors. . A felony is a crime punishable with death, or which is or may be pun~ . ishablo by imprisonment in the penitentiary. Every other crime is a misdemeanor. Parties ¢¤ ¤rir¤¤¤· Sec. 185. That the parties to crime are classified as- First. Principals. Second. Accessories. rmmipsis, who Sec. 186. That all persons concerned in the commission of a crime, °°°“"’d ““°"‘ whether 1t be felony or misdemeanor, and whether they directly commit the act constituting the crime or aid and abet in its commission, though not present, are principals, and to be tried and punished as such. d Accstsezsss, who Sec. 187. That all persons who, after the commission of any felony, °°“‘°" ""“ · conceal or and the offender, with knowledge that he has committed a felony and with intent that he may avoid or escape from arrest, trial, CODVIGUOD, 0I' p\1I]lSl1lIl8l1T}, 8I’6 accessories. mmégmgaet in Sec. 188. That in misdemeanors there are no accessories. pu=}_~;§;3eri¤¤» Mw Sec. 189. That except in cases where a different punishment is preacribed bhy 112.:*, an accessory to a lfelouy, upon conviction thereof, shall e pI1I11S e y imprisonment in the penitentiary not less than one year nor more than nve years, or by imprisonment in the county jail not less than three months nor more than one year, or by tine not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars. - ablfggggmqggippppg Sec. 190. That no person is punishable for an omission to perform an ,.,,,,,%,,,,,,1 by ,,,,,,,m_ act where such act has been performed by another person acting in his ' behalf, and competent by law to perform it. m?f;:g·;¤¥::¤;%By;££ _ Sec. 191. That whenever, by any law relating to said district, an act m.,.,,.-..,, ,;,,,.c.·¤,ed_ is declared to be a misdemeanor, and no punishment is prescribed therefor, the_ person committing the same, upon conviction thereof, shallvbe punished by imprisonment in the county jail not more than · one year, or by fine not more than five hundred dollars. nipgggpgiggsgrggyt SE1". 192. [hat if any person attempts to commit any crime, and in · such attempt does any act toward the commission of such crime, but fails, or IS prevented or intercepted in the perpetration thereof, such