Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1587

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1550 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. CHS. 411, 412, 464, 465. 1899. Russell, United States Navy, be, and they are hereby, authorized to accept medals presented to them by the Russian Government on the occasion of the coronation of the Czar Nicholas the Second, in May,` eighteen hundred and ninety-six. Approved, March 2, 1899. Mucha 1899. CHAP. 412.-An Act For the relief of Charles K. Kirby and Edinger Brothers —*——— and Jacobi. , Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Gheriss K- Kirby States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Z”.'}.1$2i,?,g°r Bmw" Treasury is hereby authorized and directed to ascertain the amount of ,0_I;·;*;j§°¤ °**·¤ °” in ternal-revenue tax assessed or new due on bran dy produced by Charles ° y' K. Kirby, under the name and style of Edinger Brothers and Jacobi, and Lachman and Jacobi, at distillery numbered two hundred and ' sixty-three, in the tirst collection district of California, and destroyed or lost at sea while in transit in bond trom said distillery for deposit in a special bonded warehouse; and to remit in favor of the said Charles K. Kirby and Edinger Brothers and Jacobi, and the said Lachman and Jacobi, so much of the tax on the brandy which he shall ascertain has been so lost or destroyed, as aforesaid, as shall have been assessed against them, respectively. · Approved, March 2, 1899. March 3, 1899. CHAP. 464.-An Act To remove the charge of desertion against Gardner Dodge. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United mm D,jg§;mb,,_ States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War is mmm. hereby authorized and directed to revoke and set aside Special Orders, Numbered four hundred and twenty-one, paragraph fourteen, dated War Department, Adjutant-Genera1’s Office, August fifth, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, and Special Orders, Numbered one hundred and thirteen, dated Headquarters Department of Arkansas, May eleventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-Live, and General Orders, Numbered thirty- nine, Headquarters Department of Arkansas, Little Rock, Arkansas, May sixth, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, approving the proceedings and iindings of the general court-martial convened pursuant to paragraph two of Special Orders, Numbered sixty-six, dated Headquarters Department of Arkansas, March sixteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty- live, and confirming the sentence of such court in so far as such orders relate to and affect Gardner Dodge, of Company L, Ninth Regiment Iowa Cavalry Volunteers, and to disapprove the proceedings and tindings of said court-martial relating to said soldier, and to remove the charge of desertion from his record, and to issue to him an honorable _ discharge as of date August tenth, eighteen hundred_and sixty-five: mj;-ctc_ Provided, That no pay, bounty, or allowance shall be paid him by virtue of this Act. Approved, March 3, 1899. March 3, 1899- n _ CHAP. 465:-An Act Removing the charge of desertion from the record of William ’;`"i ‘ Moore, Company I, Twenty-third Regiment Kentucky Volunteers. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United

 1}::;:;*uo States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be,

,,,,,,,,,g,_ and he 18 hereby, directed to remove the charge of desertion hom the mihtary record of William Moore, late a member of Company I, Twenty- third Kentucky Infantry Volunteers, and grant to him an honorable discharge. Ns v¤r·¤¤=- Sec. 2. That no pay or allowance shall become due by reason of the passage of this Act. Approved, March 3, 1899.