Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1896

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1 866 INDEX. ' Fisher, James 0., Page- Flathead, Crow, etc., Ind{ana—Continued. Page payment to executor of . . 1194 deficiency appropriation for commission. . , Fisher, Samuel W., 5 payment to administrator of ... . . 1193 for support of . .. - . .. - . 1249 Fisheries (scc Seal Fisheries). Flathead, etc., Indians, Mont., ·Eiaheries Exposition, International (ace International | appropriation for support, etc., of . . . 77, 585, 937 Fisheries Exposition). Flat cad Indians, Fish Hatchery (sec Fish Commission). reappraisement and sale of lands of, Bitter "Fi0h Hawk," Steamer, . Root Valley, Mont .. ,.. 596 appropriation for cabin boy ... 25, 611, 1089 Flathead Indians, Carlos’s Band, Mont., deticiency appropriation for repairs 115, 236 appropriation for support, etc., of. . . 77, 585, 937 1·`Eahing Creek, N. G., Fleanor, Virginia C (widow), appropriation for improvement of 1137 pension . .. . . - -.. .. . . 1491 Fic ing Vessels (ace Navigation), Fleetwood, Jackson, regu] ations to prevent collisions on inland payment to . . . . .. . . . . 1176 waters, atc ,.,...,.. 98 Fkwhcrt, Martha E., sailing vessel to keep out of way of .. 102 appropriation for , ... 1478 Fish La c Forest Reservation, Utah, Fletcher, John E., proclamation setting apart . . . -. . 1787 payment to . . . . . . . . .. 1184 Bak, Capt. W L., Fletcher, Robert, credit allowed in accounts of .- .. 658 {pension increased . . - - . - . . 1538 .Fitol•burg,1IIass., F ima, Hargh, appropriation for public building . 919, 1075 payment to administrator of . 1164 Fitchburg Railroad Company, Flinn, James M., · may enlarge dock Boston Navy-Yard. 1032 payment to .- .. . . 1180 to use jointly with United States', etc. . . 1032 Flint, Frank P., Fitzhugk, Henry, deficiency appropriation for. . .. . . L .. . 683 payment to administrator of -. . -. 1184 Flint River, Ga., Fitzpatrick, Dennis, a.ppropria.tion·for improvement of 1138 granted honorable discharge .. .L . 1521 construction of bridge authorized across, Five Civilized Tribes of Indians (scc Commis- Decatur'County, Ga. -- . 966 sion to, etc.), _ Floods, _ _ _ _ . appropriation for salary and expenses ot appropriation for tents for sufferers, Mis- ' commission to negotiate with . 83, 591, 939 sissippi River,. - . . . 216 for expenses of disbnrsing agent .- 83, 591 for relief of sufferers . .. 219 for clerical help, secretary, etc ..-. 83, 591 on Rio Grande River . .. 221, 723 for F. E. Willie .. .. 83 on Red River of North - .. 219 for A. W. Dickey . .. 83 Florence, for W. H. McCloud0n .. .-- . . .- . 83 appropriation for consul ..., , , . , - - - . 269, 830 for Henry Stronp .. . . .. 83 for clerk hire .. . . 271, 832 ' for N. L. Steele 83 Florence Ceiltenton Mission, D. 0., for A. S. McKenn0n .. . ... .. 83 incorporated; powers, etc .,,, ., ..,,,__,. 352 appeals in citizenship cases allowed to Florida, Supreme Court, perfecting, appeals, appropriation for investigating, etc., water vto .. ..-. . . ---- 591 hyacintli in waters of .. .- .. 48 ‘ commission to report on rights of Missis- for boat, etc., to remove the " water hyasippi Ch0¤t¤W¤, •t¤ 83 ciuth" from streams, etc ... 1139 citizens speaking English, etc., of tribes, to for surveyor-general, clerks, etc .. 309, 882 serve as jurors . 83 for superintendent of life-saving stations meaning of *‘roils of citizenship" . 8-I. and houses of refuge . 16, 603, 1080 agreements made with, to suspend act, etc. 84 for dredge for river and harbor improveaets, etc., of councils ot} to be certified to ment, west coast of . .. . 1139 U18 PPG8W0H! ----..--.· - . ...-.. 84 estimates to be submitted for improving not to take eifect if disapproved, etc 81 Hillsboro Bay, etc . . . . . . 741 for adjournment, relativetonegotiations Tampa Ba , to be submitted . ... 746 with commissioners, etc., not to be relief of ceriain homestead settlers .. 890 certified .. .. 84 Flour, 1;, 0., Fire Mile Harbor, Conn., adnltera‘ed, sale, etc., forbidden .. 247 appropriation for improvement of harbor. 1123 inspection of; innpooim-n_ ___________ _ ____ 765 Flagler, Henry H., dimensions of barrels .. . . 765 gxohange of old, oustumpnonsg lot, in St, false packing or mixing . ,.., . .,., , . , , ,_ , . 766 Augustine, Fla., subject torights of. 1359 quantity in barrels, etc. ; branding .. . 766 Flags, _ commissioners of flour inspection; duties. return gg fg State; of Ley Yg]-k gud ()`hi0_ 748 etc . . , ..,,,,_,,,, , , ,,.., -, , . - - 767 Flandrcau, S. Bak., _ rye flour; grades established ... -. 767 apfpropriation for Indian school _ ____ 80, 588, 943 fraudulent marking or packing ... 767 0]: Iaud for ug;) as iiyqlqgtyigl gghgg] ____80 b]e¤(]¢(l ju|)|'|\" briudillg Of, , ,_ _ _ _ , _ _ _ , _ , , . for erection of building .. .. . --- 588 Flour, Mixed, deticiency appropriation for Indian school- 675, tax on manufacturers and packers of. 467 ~ 1234, 1247 regulations governing packing, branding, gmutgd right gfwny through ggrtnin ]nnd3_ 429 gig ______ _ _______ _ _____ _ _ _ ______ _ _ _ 467 Flqydrggu Shy; [ndiagg of S_ D4k_, i stamp tax on __________ __ _ _ ____ _ _____ ____ 468 report of treaties, annuities due, payments Flower, John to, etc . -. .. . . . . 89 payment to administrator of .. . .. 1198 Flathead Agency, Moat., Flower, Richard, appropriation for Indian agent at. .- 63, 572, 924 payment to administrator of .. - .. 1198 for gaw and Hour miljg, qtc __,, ,.. ...,.. 84 179:3;-3, Iygqiiug G., U Flathead, Qrow, etc., Isdigmt _ _ lpayment to administrator of . 1178 appropriation for continuing negotiations F oyd, Sergt. Charles, with . - .. . 86, 592 appropriation for monument .. . . . 1225