Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1950

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1920 INDEX. Norfolk, Va.——Continucd. Page 1 North Troy, Vt., Page appropriation for inland waterway to Albc- made subport of entry . . . . . . . 30 marie Sound,N. C . . 1137 Northvillc, Mich., for repairs, marine barracks. . . . 1043 appropriation for fish-culture Station, cmdeticicucy appropriation for navy-yard . .- 695 ployccs .. .. . . ... , 24, 610, 1088 for improving Elizabeth River to navy- , Northwest Territory Exposition (sec Ohio Cenyard ___,____,__, _ ________________,, 704 I tennial and Northwest Territory Excondemnation of land for wet dock, navy- I · position). yard, _,___, , ,,,,, , _,,__,__,,_ , _,,., 377 I Norwalk, Con n. , Norris, Bernard T., appropriation for improvement of haroor. 1123 payment to executor of ___,_____. _ ,,,__.. 1171 Norzvalk Ilarlwr, C0nn.,_ _ Nortk American Comrncroial Company, QPPYOIEESESD for 1*31*1* Muon, GTBBUS 1078 1 i » . ---- · —---— · - ---·-- - -·---·-··· d°hcwP,(_Z1;££50££;:tkg3 wg for bcacdns at Round beach, Fitchs Point 1078 mu. ,1 South Sam mm., S. C., for “h·{g Rock Rm wl GMSSY H·*=¤· ,0,8 preliminary examination of waterways, V _ moe '‘’''‘‘’'’‘ etc., between. to be made . . 1160 * °"°“-'/* . . f . . ,,63 823 North Carolina, gpproplmtwu Ur mln18g8f.' ‘‘‘‘ `Z" 3 ’ appropriation for superintendent for life- mv1ta;{91;1 tg I"E`iil°1p3'i.° m {1 °§n3’U°Da,,33 734 saving stations ,. . -- . 16, 603, 1080 1 .1S 812% XEOSI mm amfpde '‘ ’ 653 deficiency appropriation for establishing I VIBSO umogg _ zccep ance www 0 ‘‘’' iish-cultural station 662 ‘ * 'guéay an wei cnf . . f t . b unexpendcd balance for tish-culture sta- ° O1°Z?°¥, aPPr°Pma‘t1°u OL 0 mlm urS° · jab] t _ N _ U _"- 1089 . earson, master, etc .. . ,. 107 hou -mad° {wa} 0’ 0 CNorwich and Worcester Railroad Com um · North Carolina Cherokee Indians, Eastern granted right of way through mfvaihsm Band, . g ` deficiency appropriation for expenses liti- V . htlgm N°W L°nd°D> Cum ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ 344 gatgm, ________ _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ 680, 1237 # °"ww i _°”]'·» f 1_ b m_ 1 076 North Dakbuh appropriation or pub xc u1 mg 001, 1 appropriation for incidental expenses, In- V w;" 1h°'m°° RWM at ‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1134 dma Service '``'`°`'` 79’ 586’ 939 4 (sham tax on romissor 459 for surveyor-general, clerks, etc .. 310, 883 on Iéromst P y ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘' 462 N°"h E"? Rl“"> N. Cv issue acceptance of promissory unappropriation for improvement of .--. 1137 ’ Stamped forbidden _ ’ _ 453 Nw7h"" mul N0"lh“’¢8W"" 1}**7*768, · to amend act ’relating` to stamp tax on, . spvrvpristivn for 1>ri¤¢i¤g chars, M ---- 634 secured by mmgage or deed of mm. 1390 tor surveys, etc . .. . . 634, 1108 Notices, , Northern Cheyenne, etc., Indians, to creditors, etc., in bankruptcy proceedappropriation for fulfilling treaty with-- . 70, ings .. . . ., , 561 _ • 078, 931 I Noltmghmn, _ 4 Northern Chqumne Indian Reservation, Mont., g appropriation for consul . .. 268, 829 ‘ inspector to report on existing conditions E for clerk at consulate .. . . 271, 832 on feasibility of removal of Indians 596 Nuocitaa (Cuba), to negotiate with white settlers for sale appropriation for consul .. -.. 270 0 lands, etc .. - 597 Nuevo Laredo, Northern Liberty Market Claims, D. O., I appropriation for consul .. -.L. . 270, 830 deficiency appropriation for expense of I salary, etc., appropriated, to be paid conp1:oceedings,etc ... . . .. 119 * sul-general at .. . . . , 221 for allowances to Auditor . . 1222 I Nukualofa, limited to actual value of fixtures, etc 119 I appropristion for consul-general . . . 267, 827 Auditor to report, without allowance for I Numbering and Adding Machines, interest .. . . 119 I appropriation lor Treasury Department .. 616 drawback certificates not to be issued 119 5 deticiency appropriation for .. - - . . 655 interest not to be allowed 119 Nunn, Admiral X., Northern Pacific Railroad Company (see Min- 5 payment to administrator of ..,,,, _ ,___,_ 1165 eral Lands), Nuremburg, appropriation for commissioners to clas- appropristion for consul ...-.. . 267, 828 sify lands, etc .. . . --. 37, 619, 1096 I {gr clerk hire . . . .. . -. 271, 831 termination of W01'k, etc .. . ...,,,, ,1096 j Nurses, Army, deticiency appropriation for commission deficiency appropriation for civilian 703, 778 on mineral lands, etc., in Montana 3 and Idaho ... ... - ..,,...,.,_,,. 128 I - 0, settlements on land grant of; relinquishment of land by railroad and selec- I Oakland Agency, Okla., Ponca, Pawnee, Otoe, tion of lieu lands . ...,. 620 and lists of settled tracts, to be furnished rail— appropriation for Indian agent at 63, 572 925 road, etc ., . ,... . .. 621 Oakland, Cal., , railroad not recognized as successor, etc . . 621 appropriation for harbor improvement. . . 45 631 sett1ers’ right to select lieu lands. -.,, 621 for public building ..,. . - ...,,.,,.,, 974, 1075 grant of lands to, in lien of lands in Mount for improving harbor ____________ _ _____ 1106 Ranier National Park .. -... 994 I Oath of Allegiance, North Hero, V t., of Army prescribed for Navy - 1008 bridge authorized across Lake Champlain I Oaths, 3U ---·- . ----· ~· -·---·-- ---· ---- --·· 815 * s cial uvents Indian service mn d. L';;;-th JI;·Grcgor, Iowa, — pe istgr, cth . . . . . . . . . 3- , ,X?.,Tn574 927 rebuilding bridge across Mississippi River Obear, Josiah, y at, authorized ·..- .-.- ...- - -.-.. 350 ptymsut to administrator of ____ _ ____ ____ 1198 North Pamjic Palo! Chart, 0 lander, Charles, . appropriation for expenses. . - 302 protocol submitting to arbitration claim of. 1593