Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1955

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INDEX. 1 9 25 Plfill .I?Ip0Dili0I—(°011fl11IlBrl. I58g4B. Pugh, Benedict, and Dent, S,, Page. dehcwucy approprmtmu lor taking pm-I; in payment 150 ____________ _ ____,_ _ __________ 1168 Ixiternutioninl Exposition ... 106 ‘ Pasquolank River, N. C., special commissiogcr to be appointed. . . 106appropriation for improvement of 1136 compensnt ion · u_y._- 106 Passaic River AK J. relport 01 specxal commissioner, printing of. 1796 appropriation for,improvemeut of 1134 Par cr, D4_11d, d 14 4 ¤ Pprehininnry examination of, to be mzule .. 1159 ponsron increase -,. ..., , 5 asa 4; 1 orw, Parker, David S., salary, etc., appropriated, to be paid con- Ppskynnegt to . . . . .. 1190 sul at . . . . . . 221 ar cr any ’ Passage Ticket deficiency appropriation for.. .. 139, 687 stump tux on, by soy vessel .. . ..,,,__ 462 puymvut to ·---.. - ---.-.·.. . . 1243 vessels plying between ports of United Parker, Joshua, 1402 States gud British North America. pemsmu . ,.,.. excspto _, ,,__, _ _ ,,__,,____ _ _ _ r ____ 462 Parker, Stephen W., _ Pass of Aransas, Gul/` Coast of Texas, Ppucyment to be lmale for services .. 88 appropriation for expenses of board to ex- GT GY Tlwlldv _ ay 01l _ _ · amine improvements etc .. - 51 may, be appointed assistant engineer m appointment of board; cluties .. 51 Navy . ... . . . . . . 1495 report of investigations .. .. 51 Parker, William B., Paatcs, Ppaymeut Eta administrator of .. - ... 1191 stamp tux on --.. .. . .., 462 arkhurst jah N. "Patapsco, Ship pensiou’i11crea.sod: . .--. .. 1468 appropriation ,i'or paying Frouoh spoliu- Porking iiznmiasion, D. C., 532 1002 tngu claims .. . . .--. 1195 appro tion for expenses; trees, etc- “Patapsco iver Md. , for lights; lamps to burn nightly .. I 532 appropriation forlmprovement of 1136 delioienoy spproprintiou for . . 116 Palchoguo River, M Y., Parking, D. C., preliminary examination oi} to he made -. 1159 control ot] vested in District Commission- 570 Patent Oyiooi f C ASS on . ,..., , ,.,.. . . -.-,-. upproprh ion or ommissioner istaut Puppngniatiou for core, etc., Rock Creek .. 1(59 f lexslrniuers, clerks, etc g 3;, gg arka, . W., or oo s etc . ... dsiioionoy sppropriatiou for, as clisbursingfor Omciol Gazette - . 307, 880

  • agent, Utah Commission, etc . . . 114 ;or weekly issues of patents, etc . 3877, 333

Parks, M 6 {tary or investigations . . . . , appropriation for Chickamauga and Chat- for International Bureau, Berne .. 307, 880 muoogs National, compensation of for rent; model exhibit -. .. .. 309,882 commnseioners, etc .. .. . 43, 629 deficiency appropriation for replacing . for improving Lafayette Bond .. 43 roof I . . ... s-- . . 126 for Shiloh National .. 43, 630, 1105 for addntxonal employees ... -- . - 672 for G•5ttysbur*¥°1:'ational . 44, 630, Hx ;_`0r Oilioml (guizette .. ... 673, 1g3g an smay _ ... : .. t or copnes o rawmgs e c . for establishing, at Vicksburg, Mrss 841 , worlr may be done, at Government deficiency appropriation for marking hues I _ _P!'|ll$ll\g' Oui0B---:- . - .. 673 of battle, etc., at Antietam . 120 additional iorce authorized to reclussify for Antivtsm battlefield -.·... . --...---- 1105 patents -----· - ----- - ··--- . . 440 for Chickamauga. and Chattanooga . 1105 Patent Rzqhta, _ Parka, Naiional, of Spaniards in Spanish relinquished terriappropriotiou for salary of c0mmissioner6§15i P M tory c0¤fi¤¤•d -·-... . -. 1760 { Y ‘t ., . . ; I o tr fg; Yglliylwsscno, improvement of, DUO 1]-135 g 1l]>l>0lDUl1;0¤€ 0% ooujlmlssiofirs to {oviso 481 j pa. en tm ru 0-III1U' ‘ uws 0 0 deficiency appropriation for Gettysburg. . , 1413 inventor becoming insane before plsteut isib, Youcwgggng ______ _ _,__, , , ,,.. . . . . 143, 6b"! 2 sued, patent shall devolve on guard- Parlealf B' F'? (dc'! . 1 1’a'e”t '/;" " ‘ """' "" 'tin un 0 . .·------·-- - —·-- F ¤» Q » Psrgzismmzzcgrwdmta, Houu of Represent- I “1ap'p;_0plriati<;n for, Assistant, clerks, ste. 307, 879 M- _ , ’a a m or » calmer printiuébocg authorized ... .. .. 740 { Pnpproprnsgon for e}uipmsu£i-,Pi Y, _ 1083 » [ C - ‘ i a oogy wssoon o egca e ynw ogy 1:;:,;], ::,,2 on mum ______,_ _ _,_,_,,... ,..- 464 ; aud, Department of Agriculture, Pm-sons, Edward C., [ appropriation for pathologist, assistants, gmngcd }wum·s,b1• discharge . 1575 I P lr BUG .. . .·. . . 2, 331, 949 P sl • C a M l:,::-$$,00.;;-ts tu have jurisdiction of suits 416 i Patropxibpjiatiouvfor consul . .. 270, 831 { ______ ____ ____,, _,,, .,,. -...  ; a c·, amear . a,",;:; when Units;] States is A tenant. 416 > payment to oduiinistrotrix of . 1174 Attorney-General may bid for property , Patrnck, Mm-um, _ _ at w3c_ _ _ _ _ _ i ,,,...,, .- .. 417 { Poayment_t·oadn11nmtmt0r of . . 1182 P ·cn shi ( a an rup s . aeraon r_. _., _ _ _ tinaymbe gdjfdgerl bankrupt, etc .. .. . . 547 approprmtron for public bmlding ---- 12 Paaadna and Mount Wilson Railwuyfompany, Patrol Synfenr, D. C., _ right of way through Son Gabriel Forest appropriatwn for new boxes made imme- Rcsm-vg ___________ , __,,,_,..,. . . . . 910 rhately svmlable ... 219 Pascagoula lfiver,Miaa., and Horn Island Hur- Pagtzraon, Jonah, _ hm form mud 1

e money appropua i n e ec-

,pI,",l;gé¤0¤ for improvement of .-.- 1140 tion expenses ·-·- ---- . --... 687