Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1957

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INDEX. 1927 x Pall"?; James Gu Y¤B¤· Penitentiary, United Statec—C0ntinued. Page. Payment to - - ; - -·---------·- - -··... . . 1222 to be conveyed to State of Waohing|;o¤__ 56 Pa!/W; MGT1e Eliza, for subsistence, clothing, etc ____ 57 643 1115 Paymmlt to ---- - ----- -- ----.. 1169 for salaries ,,_____ , _______ _ _ __ _ _- ’ 643, 1115 Payrwg, Charles H., for industries and repairs ... 644,1115 Pd6fi<¤\9;;¤S' ¤PP1'0p1‘i¤|ii011 {01-' ... . .. 671 jail at Fort Smith declared 8, national ' ¤.•l6¢>fs wry,,________ _ _____ _ _ ______ _ ____ payment to administrator of .. . ... 1201 denoielnggotiiipropriation {0,- support etc P04U0d!, William S., . Pemoywitt, David W., ’ U ' PSYIDGDU to 110 made, {01* services . 88 pension increased ______ _ __________ _ _____ _ 1535 Peace, _ _ Pennsylvamo Avenue SE., D. C., pFoW0Cé)] 01-t0!'!!!! for 0B1I5b1I5h1I10D1Q 01, with 1742 £0r extension of _______________ _ _____ j ____ 1380 PRID; --·--- j-- ---- · ---·-.----. or extension of road .,____ , _________ 1383 Ptrpagypf, wpléh Spam .. . . 1754 Penobscot River, Me., way ea m . i ‘ ‘ p.3·m$..£“o-- . . . ... 1011 35E?`.}}}?.3`f§.°L‘£{l’.Z`.£,’I;‘£{§,Z?,‘.¥j‘i3“,§‘,;,;.a,;33 {E? Pearl Harbor, Hawaiian Islands, Penrod, E., appropriation for drawings, surveys of.. 48, 302 payment to ,..,,.__,,,_ . ...,,.,.. 1211 for improvement of . 1133 Pensacola, Fla., Pearl River Collection District, Mies., appropriation for road to national ceme~ • alice deputy collector port of East Pasco- tory .. . , . . 49, 634 gonla, located at Scranton . 838 for certain employees, etc., navy- ard .. 376, Pearl River, Misa., lél, 1039, 1040 construction of bridge authorized across, for construction plant. . . ... 1039 Columbia, Miss. . . ; . . . . .. . . 104 for repairs, marine barracks 1043 appropriation for improvement of mouth for improvement of harbor . 1126 of ; completion . . .. 1140 deficiency appropriation to restore om. Edinburg to Carthage . 1140 ployee’s compensation at port .. 108 . Cartha e to J ackson . . . 1140 for navy-yard . -, .,,___ , _,___ _ _ _____ 695 P l;e10w iaogzlson . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1140 Pcinsalcnlu anwwthzectm Railroad Company, ear man- . . ‘ m gee an orize across certa'ers 'u payment to . .3 . .. . . . . 1211 P Alabama 1I:.l;1:.-.1. 905 Pearson Charlco, encacola Naval Reacrmtion payment to . . . . . . . . .. 1185 right of way through - - . 3 911 Pearson, John, Pension Agencies, payment to .. . . . . . ... 1185 deficiency appropriation for contingent Peamm, Joshua, expenses. . . 711 payment to . ... . . . . ·- 1185 P¢M€M• Aqelfl, ‘ _ Pearson, Philllc. appropriation for salaries . . 276, 820 payment to heirs of . ... . . 1185 deficiency appropriation for salaries . 145, Pea on, T., 147 708 1247 de-lloienoy appropriation for expenses, etc., Pcnoiom Appeals, Board of, ’ , for imprisonment contrary to treaty- 107 appropriation for . . . . .. . . . . 304, 876 Pearson, William, or additional members .. . . 876 ° payment to .. - ... 1185 deficiency bapproprlation for additional Pease C eek Flu. mem 0!`¤ -------- ---- -·---- 1230 ap:pro,priation for improvement of -. . . 1126 Pension Oqice, _ _ · Pac , Ebenezer, appropnation for Commissioner, deputies, Paymgut to gdmipjgtrgtcr of . 1202 cprks, eta; 1 .(i_ .. é. . .: ..., ,1. 306, 879 P asc, Fran E. wid pre erence 0 so iers e 0. nn r - zienaionntfa i.--??);,. .- .. 14% ing force .. 306 Pecos River Forest Reeervahon, N. Mer., · for per lliom, etc., special erannners . . 306, 879 proclamation enlarging .. 1773 I for udelitnonap lepejfiol examiners .. 306, 879 blu Ja b, I or repairs 0 ui e mg ... 81, 617,1094 Pcpayniegngotey . . . -... . . 1174 , dotlciepgij appropriation for pay of Louis 12* Peekeldl , . . g 7 es e .. . . . . .. .. 5 agpmppiatioii for improvement of harbor. 1124 { P (or repairs ot building .,,,,,, 126, 233 . P , Sa I W. i canons, _ _ paymgiittcto bé made, for services .. -.. 88 E appropgiation for payment of Army ang', 8 P i-" ~ ··v.v ---~ - ----- - -~--·------~----- 6. 20 ‘i1.,;;’ro riation for rent of legation, etc., Navy, from Navy fund_ .. Z., 276,820 Iiwuildings . . . ... . _. 264, 825 , no pension to e paid foreign penpmum Indians, While Earth Reservation, E f {sions; upon power of attorney . ,-5-6 276 Ml . or ees,e e, examining surgeons . 1 .820 appropriggon for support, etc., of. .. 77, 585, 937 exeminatnpnaetc .. . ... 276, 820 pczjcm; Bond, Migaoeeri iver, _ fo1‘ 8g¤¤t8’_B8]B1‘l0¤ . . . : . .- 276, 820 deficiency appropriation for 1mprovement for clerk lure; apportionment .-.- 276. 820 of .. . ... .. .. . ...,.. 781 ger fuel, lights, rents . . . .. 277,820 P b' a, M I) k. orstatxouery etc-._ .. 277.820 eeiiatigiency appropriation to restore employ- deficiency appropriation for payment of. . 145, ee’s compensation at port .. 108 _ 150, 422, 674, 708, 711, 1247 Pgmbiym Tribe of Chippewaa, Mtn"-, i fol' PBT1E19K_ 9g0D1F! ---- - -------- · . 145, 147 appropriation for support, etc .. 584, 937 1 for examming surgeons .. . . 145, Pendergruss, Moses, 150, 674, 708, 711, 713, 1235, 1249 appropriation for 1474 i powers of attorney to collect, exempt lrom Pond Orville River, Wash., tax . . t . . . ,. .-.- 462 appropriation for improvement of 1149 · penalty for making false alndavit, etc 718 Penitenliary, United States, postdating v0ucher,_etc .. . . 719 appropriation for wing to building at , making mise certificate to voucher, \Valla Walla .. - 56 . etc 719