Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/2028

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1998 INDEX. Tariff of 1897—Continued. P=¤r¤g¤¤·ph· Pago. Tarif of 18.97—Continued. Pewsmph- Pez0- retined bauxite .. 4 151 rugs, regalia, free .. . .. 649 201 Aubusson - . - . - . 379 185 regulu : , antimony ... - - - . 173 165 Axminster .. . . . . . . . 379 185 regulus, copper .. 534 197 Berlin .. . . ---. . 379 185 reimportation ofarticles. sec. 27, 483 195, 210 carpeting .. . ... 382 185 rendered oils 3 151 oriental . . . 379 185 rennets .. . ... -- -. 650 201 rust, no allowance for . . - . 138 162 repairs- rye flour .. . . . . ... 233 »170 to American vessels. .. sec. 13 207 rye .. .- . . .--- 233 170 to machinery . . - . - sec. 19 209 saccharine . . .. - . . 211 168 repeal provisions . . . sec. 34 213 sacks, jute .. . 343 181 residunm from burnt pyrites- *121 159 sad irons - . . . .. .. 148 163 resin gum, as drugs . 20, 548 152, 197 saddles and saddlery . 447 193 resoi-cm ., . . . 524 197 safety pins ... _ 1 88 166 revolving pistols- 158 164 safldower and extract of .. 651 201 retorts, satIiron—-—— gas . . . . 98 156 and extract of .. . - . . 651 201 platinum .. . ... 642 200 cake . ... . .. 651 201 revenue stamps .. --.. 670 201 sago, crude .. . ... 652 201 ribbons .. . . .--. 320, 386 179, 186 Saint J ohn’s bread or bean, ribs for parasols and umbrel- seed .. . 656 201 las .. . . - . .. 170 . 165 salacin .. - . .. . . .. 653 201 rice, sal ammoniac 5 151 broken .. . . --.. 232 169 saleratus 73 155 cleaned 232 169 salep or salop. . . . 654 201 flour ... - - .. 232 169 salicylic acid .. . .. 1 151 bnlled and not hulled .. 232 169 salmon . . . . . . . . . . 261 171 meal . -1. .. .-..` 232 169 salsoda .. . ... .--. 77 155 paddy ... -- -.. . 232 170 saltnncleaned .. . . . 232 169 cake . . . - ... . . - . 80 155 rieinoleic acid . . . ... . 32 153 for curing meats and iisl1-. . 284 173 riiles --.._ .. -157, 158 164 in bags, sacks, barrels, or ring waste. - . 361 183 other packages . 284 173 · rivet rode .. . . 136 161 in bulk . . . . . . . . 284 173 rivets . . - . . . . 167 165 saltedrochelle salts . ... 6 151 fish ... -- . .. 261 171 rock, herrings . . . . -. . 260 171 asphalt, limestone ., 93 156 mackerel, halibut, or salmon 261 171 crystal, manufactures of 115 159 saltpeter, rocoa, and extracts of . . . . 475 195 crude .. -. . - 644 200 rods, refined .. . .. 65 154 aluminum . - ... 172 165 salts, copper .. -.. 176 165 aniline . ... . ... 472 194 iron .. . . . 136, 141 161, 162 black .. 644 200 steel .. . . 136, 141 161, 162 chemical ... 3 151 rolls, licorice. .. . . 29 153 epsom . . . . . . ... 31 153 roman cement. . .,. . . . . 89 156 l mineral , - .. 615 199 roofing- of cincbona bark . .. 647 201 felt .. . . . . . . 394 187 of opium .. . 43 153 slates .. . . . . 120 159 rocbelle .. . 6 151 root, santonin. . . 71 155 arrow, not manufactured. . . 478 195 strichnia ..,... 83 155 briar .. -.-. 700 202 uranium . . . 691 202 chicory . . - . 280 172 sand . 671 201 dande ion .. . .. 283 172 sandstone . 117, 118 159 ginger . . ... 667 201 I santonin . . . . 71 155 roots- ~ sardels, or sardellen .. . . . - 258 171 as drugs .. 20, 548 152, 197 I sardines . .. .. , . .. 258 171 bulbous .. .. - . 20, 251,548 152, 170, 197 1 satinhop, for cultivation 576 198 white ,,,,,_,,,, ,,, ,,_,_,,_ 46 153 rope— wood - . . . 198, 700 167, 202 ends . . .- - ·---- · -- . . 632 200 sauce, fisb .. . --.- 241 17u hide . · - ----------~. 573 198 sauces, all n. s. p. f .. . . 241 170 waste .. . . - --.· 632 200 sausage, bologna . 655 201 roping, cotton - ·------ 302 175 saw plates, steel. . . 135, 141 161, 162 rosemary, oil of - . 626 199 sawedrose plants - .. . . - . 252 170 boards, plank, deals, etc . . 195, 198 167 rosewood .. .--. --.- UB, 700 167, 202 cabinet woods . ..., 195 1 167 roses. attar or ottar of - . . - 626 199 lumber ._,,,. , ,.,,_ _ _ ,__,,, 195 161 rotten stone .. 671 201 saws ..,,.,.,.. . .,,.,.,., 168 165 roving, Saxony velvet ca ets-- .. 373 185 cotton z ...-.. . . ...- 302 175 scenery, theatrical-ll ... 645 200 waste wool .--. 301 183 scientific apparatus for instiroucou and extracts of. . .. 475 195 tntiong ,_,,_. , ,,,__ _ _,_ 638 200 rough buhr stones 671 201 scissors, steel .. . . . . . . 153 163 · round iron or steel . 123, 124 159 scoured woo] . ..,,. ,-,. 354, 355 1,82, 183 ruclxings and rulilings, ecra ` Bax or cotton .. . ... 339 181 algmns ,. . ..,.,.,., 404 189 silk . .. .. . .. 390 187 india rubber. .. ,... 579 198