Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/2036

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2006 mnnx. Tarijf of 1897-Continued. Paragwph- P=¤g<=- Turi_fof1897—C0ntin11ed. Pagew00len— Articles specified in reciprocity top waste .. . . , . 361 183 section 3——C0ntinued. trimmings ,...,.,., 371 185 tonquin, tonqua., or tenka wosuos ... 361, 362 183 beans . . . . . . sec. 3 204 wearing apparel .. . 370 184 vanilla beans -- BGG. 3 204 webbings _,..,. . ... 371 185 vermnth . . . S60. 3 203, 204 yam waste ,_,_ _ ._.,,.. 362 183 wino lees, crude . . .. sec. 3 203, 204 yarns ,_,, _ ___,, ,,,, .,., ... , 365 184 water-color painting .. . sec. 3 204 works of nrt, ,,.,.. -.., 701, 702, 703 203 wines, spark ing . . . sec.3 203, 204 for exhibition _____,,_.,,. 701, 702 203 wines, still .. . . . sec. 3 203, 204 for presentation .,,,,, . .,... , 703 203 Schedule A, duty on chemicals, oils, and wgrm gut, paints . . . . . 15]. mgunfgctureg of .,,..,. 448 193 Schedule B, duty on earths, curthauwaro, unmanufactured .. . . . . - 517 197 and glassware - - .. . 155 worms, silk, eggs of .. ...- 662 201 Schedule C, duty on metals, and manufacwrgpper, tobacco ,.,..,,... 213, 214 169 tures of . . . . 159 wrecked or sunken vessels,. sec.28 210 Schedule D, duty on wood, and manufacwrought iron or steel.- 122, 162, 163 159, 164 tures of .. . . -» . . . 167 xylidm ,,,, . ,,..,..,,.,.. A 524 197 Schedule E, duty on sugar, molasses, and xyo] ,,,,,, , ,,,,, . - . . . .,.. 524 197 manufactures of .‘. . 168 yum; ,,,,,,,,,.,. 704 203 Schedule F, duty on tobacco, and manufacyamg, tures of . . . . 169 coir ..,.,, . , . .. 531 107 Schedule G, duty on agricultural products cotton, carded .. ... 302 175 and provisions .. . . . 169 ig; ,.,.., . . . ., 331 180 Schedule H, duty on spirits, wines, and , hemp ., . . -. 331 V 180 other beverages - - .. 173 jute .. 4 . ... 328 180 Schedule I , duty on cotton manufactures. . 175 ramio ,,,, .- ...,... . 331 180 Schedule J, duty ou flax, hemp, and jute, silk . - . 385 185 and manufactures of . . - . .. . . .180 waste, woolon ..-. - 362 183 Schedule K, duty on wool, and manufacl woolon - ... 365 184 tures of .. -- - . -- ,... 182 yellow- Schedule L, duty on silk and silk goods-, . 185 ohrome .. . . .‘--- 48 153 Schedule M, duty on pulp, papers, and metal . . 176 165 books - . - . . 187 mssiate of potash ..-. 66 154 Schedule N, duty on undries .. . .. 189 yolks of eggs 245 170 free list . .. - .. 194 zaifer .. . . 705 203 President may enter into reciprocity nego- Zante currants. ; . ---. 264 171 · tiations . ..._ --- ... 203 zinc, may suspend duties during time of such , articles or wares ot] not spe- agreements .. - . . ... 203 cially provided for . 193 167 suspension may be revoked . 204 blocks or pigs of . . . 192 167 may suspend free entry if unreasonable chloride of . -. .. 57 154 duty is exacted on American proddry .. . . . ... 57 154 ucts . . .. . . . 204 ground in oil .. 57 154 duty to be such as specilied in reciprocity old and worn-out . . 192 167 treaties - - - . .. . . . ... 204 oxide of . . . 57 154 additional, imposed on goods upon which sheets of. .. . . .. 192 167 bounties are bestowed abroad .. 205 sulfld of . .. 57 154 raw or unmunufactured articles, not enusulphate of ..-. -. .. 57 154 merated .. . . . . .. . . . 205 wlute paint or pigment con- on manufactures, in whole or part not protainini . ... 57 154 vided for . , 205 white sulp ide of ...,.. 57 154 on unenumerated articles .. . . ...- 205 Articles specified in reciprocity similar to enumerated articles . . .- 205 section 3. if two or more rates applicable, to pay the nrgols -... . sec. 3 203, 204 highest .. . ... . . 205 beans, tonquin, tonqua, or similar to two or more enumerated artitouka . sec. 3 204 cles - . . .. . ...,. . - - . 205 beans, vanilla .. sec. 3 204 of two or more materials . 205 brandies . ‘. . sec. 3 203, 204 articles to be marked with country of orichampagne . . . . --.. sec.3 203,204 gin, etc .. .. ..., . ...,.,, 205 coffee ... - .. sec. 3 204 label, etc., to correctly indicate quantity, crude tartar .. . ... . sec. 3 203, 204 number, etc .. . ..,,. . . . . 206 cuts, vanilla beans . sec.3 204 stamps to be prepared for paying tax on distilled spirits .. . . sec. 3 203, 204 fermented liquors, etc .,.. . - ._,,,,, , 206 drawings, pen and ink .. sec. 3 204 permits to be furnished brewers .. 206 lees,wino, crude .. . . sec. 3 203, 204 tax imposed upon civars and cigarettes, .- 206 oil paintings ... Sec. 3 204 entry of articles simurlatin g domestic tradepaintings .. sec. 3 203, 204 marks, etc., forbidden . . . . ._ 207 pastels .. . . .-.. sec.3 204 trade-marks may be registered in Trew pen and ink drawings .. sec. 3 204 m-y Department ,..,.. , ,.,,,_______ 207 sparkling wines . .. scc. 3 203, 204 vessels, materials for building, for foreign spirits manufactured or dis- trade, etc., admitted free _,,_ ,_ _ 207 tilled from grain ... sec. 3 203, 204 limit of employment in coastwise trade- 207 statuary .. - sec. 3 203, 204 foreigmowned, not to engage in coaststill wines .. .. . S60. 3 203, 204wise trade ... -... ..,,_, 207 tartar, crude .. --.. . scc.3 203, 204 American, in foreign trade, productions tea .. . . sec. 3 204 for repairing withdrawn free ...,.., 207