Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/2038

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2008 INDEX. Taylor, Mary E. (daughter), Page- I Tennessee River, Tenn.—C0ntinued. P¤g¤· pension ... - - . .. . . . . . . 1547 appropriation for improvement of, between Taylor, Solomon, I _ Chattanooga and Riverton; surveys, Tpoymgnlt to ammnmistmtor of .. . . . . 1189 betc . . . . - ay or, amos . a ove a anoo a. .. . ... payment to administrator of . -.. . 1169 estimates, c:mal,lIocca.sin Bend . 1143 Taylor, William, construction of bridge authorized across-- 905 pensnon increased .. . . . . . . 1448 budge authorized across at Sheiheld, Ala- 1366 Taylor, Wilgam B., 1167 Tenney, Dczrsiiel K., 1167 paymen o .. . . . . , .,... . . paymen o  ;. . ... Taylor, William H., _ _ Tenpenny, Tobias, payment to exocutmx of .. . ... 118u payment to . . 1183 Tea, Tensas lfwer, La. and Ark., duty on ,.,__, , _,,,,,,, _ ,,,___ , _ , _ ,.., , _ , _ 470 appropriation for improvement of .,,_,, . . 1140 investigation, etc., of pmcticability of Tents, domestic culture ..,..,..,,. 956 appropriation for, Mississippi River Hood adulterated, sale, etc. , in District of Colum- suilercrs . . - . ... 216 bia forbidden ..,,...,.. 247 to be issued Grand Army encampment at Taft, Thomas S., Fort Leavenworth, etc. ,,,, ,__ _ 223 pension increased ---- .. . .,... 1516 at Cincinnati, Ohio .. ,- 737 Tegaclgalpa, Terrill A. T. appropriation for consul .. . 269, 829 payment to . . .. -- .. . . 1183 Telegraph and Telephone Service, D. C., T°'"t°"“l.H?'"°°°f°r .V°l°"‘t°°”¤ appropriation for salaries- .. . . 537, 1058 “P£rPP"“t“‘“ f" ¥‘d_l’° ---- · ; --—-·· No €‘w» H13 for 61.0 alarm telegraph; Police teh_ de ciency appropriation for and to. 121, 668, 1227 phone ______ _ _____________ _ _____ 537,1058 deiluctnon for pen ions. .,,. ,, 668 for_po1ice,patrol eystem .. . . 1058 T°""“‘”`“"zat, f t _ 7 86 deficiency appropriation for Chesapeake “Pl2I`?P“ mn °l` g?V‘?"-‘m°D m -----·· 29 » 9 um Potomac Telephone C0 ________ 117 dehcnency appropriation for government for replacing fire alarm system, etc. 664 m ~--—-- - --_- ·-·--· -- --··---- -- - · 114, 1219 for contingent expenses .. . . 1221 f°l' Ol€]“h°m“-* ---···---- - -·---· ··- · 662: 1219 existing (conduits within fire limits, legal- fg: §;*;°&; -8-- ----~· ··-- -·-··- · ·--·- ‘.. . .,.. 664 , ° ·-_ ---• - ·---· ; --·-- · --~-· Postallzlfzlegraph CompanyCa.b1e, connec- m“”l°;,P“1 °‘{?:’mt‘2¤* may NW6 b°¤d¤ — _ trans Aqueduct ridge .__, ,.. .. ..., 664 1 tf"` 8;*]*:1 {Yo °_ °·z_Pm'P°$€s --·--- ··— 252 mguhtum of charge, fm. wlcphono mtv_ _ e ec 1on o e ermme issuance . I ,,,. 252 gc, ______ _ _____ ____ ____ _ _____ _ _____ 538 msuing of t\£¤:¤_ {31; constrngcgug Amana · · I a _ _ capr un ng, ratme . ,, 253 TJ! '°P"’ 9°“°°‘. *9 C°}”‘° ml D°1’°° "°°°““’ district courts oi made courts of bankpproprmtnon for . . . - . 628, 1104 ruptcy 545 Telegmphic Manages, Tmy Thonma `°````````''''''’ "" not to be transmitted unless stamped. 456 Pasfmcut t0_ _ _ I __ _______ 1187 on company business, excepted from tax- - 456 Texarkana, AHL, ° °¤ G°"°mm°¤* bm‘m°”: mw t*”b1° --··· 456 deficiency appropriation for clerk United mmv *·¤ ·>¤ --·--~ - —·--— -- -·-~ - —---- 460 sem com . . . ... 682 Telegraph Poles, _ _ Tgxqg, Public PHD1k! ¤\1tl101‘1¤¤d to 1186 ¤¤1’li¤·1¤-- 736 deficiency appropriation for paying unex— ‘ Tglegmpha, Military, _ pemled balance to .. - .,,,,, 658 deiioieney appropriation for . . . . .. 778 for northern district, an additional dig. nzephmw Manage, 1=¤¤i i¤•iz¤ rrovgded ---... .. -. . 240 sump mx eu ,,_,_ ,, .,____,_,,,,,_,_,,_,__ 460 v¤¤¤¤·i)y§e1¤?•¤of existing judge not to b t taxtobeim osod .. .. 480 9 6 - ······~·--· - ·---· · -- 240 Tm:,,::; 3mm, D_ C? (no Telegraph, cmu removggux suits from State to Federal 397 S rvice . ,*··· . ······ · ····· · ·-··· - ·~•··- Tqloacopic·l9igM•)for Cannon ‘ T“”“’¤” 1?“t!'° Sh“'P> _ d mi 01 cn c · - ’ appropnatmu for Richmond Locomotive y appropriation for . . 704 . _ . and Machme Works, for losses m Temporary Employees, Executive Departments, cousuuctin _ 1431 term of service orteuded one year 889 Tum (my an g '’` ’ `’° I ‘’‘‘ not Sub-l°°t t° cfm “°rvi°°· °t° ·-··· · ··-·- 889 appropriation for improvementof channel TOIIQC, CIIOT10U A-, _ _ _ tg, fpqm Galveston ______ _____ ______ 1128 Tpuymferja to ¤·¢3¤m18¢!¤t1'1X of .-·- ··-- ---- 1163 preliméuairy examination of channel from nlm! MM! -, a. veston to, to be made. ..., . ,,__, 1],28 · Tpnmént tv -----·----~-—-··--· --- ---- 1172 mma Jugagax 12mm:, ¢M¤¢¢88¢¢ _ _ _ M u t tra of m es compromise of certain claims against, etc. 742 c mm Dgbgm d:,;;;:-gag _? mm 812 representation of McMinnville and Man- Pending actions lmatfectd _______ " `` 812 chester R- R- C0-, GUM M h¤¤·Yi¤g- -- 743 r causes returnable to northern distrietn 813 determination of liability between State • | Thanleg Rh-", Conn-, " and certain railroads ... 743 ‘ t' f 1* hg _________ survey of Elk River ordered . ---- 397 { api;-Oggglrgggmzgtggat gilgéwjch; N6°w]£Q,?£2’ 1086 Tennessee Bridge and Ferry Company, don ,.. . ...,,,_ ___ ____ _ _____ 1134 to bridge Tennessee River, at Sheffield, “Thankful," Schooner, _ , Ala. . . .. -.- IW appropriation for paying French spun;- Tennessee J udidal District, tion claims - ,.,.__ _ ____ 1192 `terms of court at Knoxville ..-. .. 814 Thanksgiving Day, · ' Tennessee River, Tenn., proclamation designating November %, appropriation for lighting . 16, 602, 1080 1897 .. - .,.,,_,,,__ _ ____ 1766 for improvement ot] below Riverton, Ala. 1142 November 24, 1898 .. .. .. , ,,,,__ 1786