Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/2053

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INDEX. 2023 Western Shoshone Reservation, Nev.,Page. I `White Mountain Reservation, Page. IPPIOPXIBUOH fol` Sl1pp0l't, Btn., of I¤d18.l1B;;86 sepamt: Indian agency crggtgd to cgvgp, Western Union Telcgraplg Company, _ v i I Wim, R3,;! '``````````````'``````````````` 64 (106018351};] gppggprxation for services, I ish ul, I Wiopstlppctiop arf bridge authorized across,- 893 .•.••••·•-• | _ U;:.§¤!2u·;at¤;#¤ M., 118; apiproptiigtpoéiogimprevement of . . . . 1142 m _ --·--- ·; --·--——-·---- - -------- or u an or . ... .. . . 1142 ll est Fork Rorer, W. la., _ Whitmer, atuguete (widow), 9!um¤l708 to IDG HIM1G fol‘ 1m1p1’0Vl11g, ctc . - 740 Wpennwu increased., ,, ,, ,_ ___ _ ________ _ _ _ _ 1424 West Galveston Bay Channel, ere., hitnwre, Lewis K., Wq;p;opnat1ou for improvement of 11-11 Wpsnsiou . . ..-. 1444 ee n iu, itne Franklin ¤ppr¤pri¤tion for observations during bur- Wpaynilent to adniinim-arrix of . 1175 f rieant; season ... . 10, 340, 958 muy, Maria ,9., or new s tions .. . . . ... 958 usiou .. . . . , 1553 }.‘E$2,,’Z$§’3€.$.'°;’}}‘“.f3f’).2`°““°‘“"· ”'¤“"· i';':""' "· ..6. n ar aee. aymeu .,..,,,__, , ,_,., . .._,_ preliminary examination JQ to be made-, 1157 Whitten, Catharine, Weymouth Rzrer, glass., t f 1 33 deiicieucy appropriation for,dwater·main appro ria ion or improvemen o ..-. 1 tax erroneous assesse ... 120 Wham, Xlaj. Joseph W., Whittle, Conway, y to be restored to Army ... 1489 ppyment to administrator of .. 1199 Whmyf prqyerty, _ _ _ " . H, Smith/’ canal boat, control oi} 111 District of Columbia ... 1377 deficiency appropriation for owners .. 666 Wheat Observations, I Wichita, etc., Indiana, · appropriation for, uucler Weather Bureau. 10, appropriation for support etc., of. -. 77, 584, 936 Wh 340, SBS { de cihncy appropriation for support of. .. 14;, eaten William R. ,147 6 5 ayment to .. Z  ; . . 1210 Wickham, Wmm., ’ lllheeler, Benjamin, payment to administrator of . 1196 Wpapmeritbto aglministratrix of 1201, 1203 Wilberi Margaret (mother), 1 30 ge er on , _ ns on .. 5 ' payment of posts authorized in suit Willem, John Ka, t f 1 7 g inst ,.,,,. - . 122 ayment to a ministra or o .. ,-. 1 5 Wherry. Jgilon J.,Wild, Robert P.,— payment to administratrix of ..-. 1184 Wpensicu increased .. . . -- .. 1417 W ite, Benjamin l1',, _ _ , iley, :7ohn N., payment to udmmxstratrix of . ... 1185 I pension 1I1ct68E0d .. . . . ·.. 1494 White, Benjamin R., Walkoebarre, Pa., _ _ symsm; to __,_,, , ,,,., . ,..,, . .., 1190 I appropriation for public building. 968, l07c Wilma, Clark C., f 1175 mlkiwgvn, Ju? A., in M9_ payment to executor 0 .. P011810D 88 01'11101' W1 W -------- ·--- --·· -·¤ Wi, 1 ,} A, _ Willamette River Or . deiieienyctsappropriatiou for, Ford’s Thea- , apprnpriatiomfor ligibting .. 16, 621;, t 'dj an ______ , _,__, , ,,. 109for improvement o . . . - .. Wlgitgy Jo;;,h,s er ~ preliminary examination of canal at Wil- I Pgymgut to administrator of ,_,,.. -. . 1191 * f llamette Falls tp be made . .. W5,} , y o ower to be ma e .. . . . . . 5 p;;mem3 gdmiuistratrix of -- ... 1177 Willapa River? and Harbor, Wuvlc., White, Nathan F,, appropriation for improvement of . .. . 1149 deficiency appropriation for, 1·`or¤1’s Thea- Willard, John, rm- disaster ,_,,,, , ,.,.. . ,.. 109 Wigymgnt to noir; of ...·.- . -.-- · -·-·-- WU White Owen (or Orrin), ’i els ’0int_ r'. ., _ payinent to administratrix of . ... 1184 appropriation for expenses, army engineer _ wma, William 1:., _ depot ...-·.·--·-- - ---- - ----·-·-- 3‘!·'·.1°·i’ wg?g?;?:;15z:-i;````````-·`' ° `-`'` H II . 1172 , Wzglibignrpoppmpdutioii tor, Ford’¤ ’I`h¤¤·- fgrpgymgntfg _______ ____ _ ______ ______, “ l 8tQl'dl8•Dt9T•..-···· ··-- ··--······· 109 While and Bla¢g3Ri;ei Valley Igailzray Company, Bw Urllhtiv, ·Ql;k¤\7’N; um, m; b 'dg3 g3g,____ " 7 Bymtbh O.. . .. .··-·--·- I ·· mil., ii. ifimli,"`" _ _ ~ ¥ru~··»·,7· mg, _ _ ileliciency appropriatxpnd for futrmshing ms . 8»PPl'0}£1'1¤l·$13:i fo1‘ p¤}’1¤3‘ FV0H0h ¤P0}Sé_, 1197 supplies to wrec e crew 0 · __ _ 1011 _ 1115 ·-------·--· -- ·---·· -» · Wh'!. E -th Indian Agency Minn. g lhlleame, llenyanra _ npproglimion for Indian agent at 64, 573, 926 g pny¤n•=nt_t0 aduniustratcr of -. ... 1196, 1201 for telephone line to i. . 592 Z Wzllmnu, lharlee, _ n'}.;:,; Earth Indian Reserration, Mmn.,_ , l>¤}¤¤¤0¤ ¤1°1’¤¤¤§d - --··-·-----·---- · ·----· 1=>8** appropriation for erecting school building, 67 _ Wnllvarna, gum 1\or¢hway, 1249 .t,___ _____ _______ ______ ______, __,, l PRYHIBD 0 ..·- ·----- . --·--· ·----· - rm Jupporz or Otter Tail, etc., Indians. 77, * ll·U•<vgw, Esther (wrdvir), 01 585, 937 I Vg1g11810D }ncmud · - ··-··- 14 -- , m Y lzzam»,,ze· ,_, _ " g;,z::g:c?’::;.r°p€;,“tf::%0, ______ __ ______ 666 , payment to aagministratrix of .. . . 1201, 1202 "xh· h d M _ , Uvilliame Green of · _ ,,;;,,:,:,,.},,_t£,Q, for light station _ _______ ___ 1078 * payment to admgiistmtrix of -·------ 1184 White 1,..1..., Mich., 5 ” ·""”¤*· H“'*°!/· . . to f Im appropriation for impl'0V€m0¤f of l13N10T- 1130 { Payment to admlnlstra r ° ‘ ‘’‘‘''