Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/215

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176 rmrrrrrrrn conennss. smss. 1. cu. 11. 1897. C0gf,f°,m;·,ac_ exceeding six square yards to the pound,.one and one-half cents per sum-conrsuum. square yard; exceeding six and not exceeding nme square yards to the pound, one and three-fourths cents per square yard; exceeding nine square yards to the pound, two and one-fourth cents per square yard; if dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, and not exceeding six square yards to the pound, two and threetourths cents per square yard; exceeding six and not exceeding nine square yards to the pound, three and one-tourth cents per square yard; exceeding nine square Promo. _ yards to the pound, three and one-half cents per square yard: Provided, F'"' ‘*“°h°" That on all cotton cloth not exceeding one hundred threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, ` painted, or printed, valued at over seven cents per square yard, twenty- live per centum ad valorem; bleached, valued at over nine cents per square yard, twenty-five per centuin ad valorem; and dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, valued at over twelve cents per square yard,. there shall be levied,`collected, and paid a duty of thirty per centum ad valorem. 306. Cotton cloth, not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, exceeding one hundred and not exceeding one hundred and fifty threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, and not exceeding four square yards to the pound, one and one-half cents per square yard; exceeding four and not exceeding six square yards to the pound, two cents per square yard; exceeding six and not exceeding eight square yards to the pound, two and one-half cents per square yard; exceeding eight square yards to the pound, two and threefourths cents per square yard; if bleached, and not exceeding four square yards to the pound, two and one·half cents per square yard; exceeding four and not exceeding six square yards to the pound, three cents per square yard; exceeding six and not exceeding eight square yards to the pound, three and one-half cents per square yard; exceeding eight square yards to the pound, three and three—fourths cents per square yard; if dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, and not exceeding four square yards to the pound, three and one-half cents per square yard; exceeding tour and not exceeding six square yards to the pound, three and three-fourths cents per square yard; exceeding six and not exceeding eight square yards to the pound, four and onefourth cents per square yard; exceeding eight square yards to the pound, four and one-half

;j:··¢;>;mm cents per square yard: Provided, That on all cotton cloth exceeding

‘ y' one hundred and not exceeding one hundred and tlfty threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or priuted,valued at 0VCl' nine cents per square yard, thirty per centum ad valorem; bleached, valued at over eleven cents per square yard, thirty-tive per centum ad valorem; dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, valued at over twelve and one-half cents per square yard, there shall be levied, collected, and paid an duty of thirty-five per centuni ad valorem. 307. Cotton cloth not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, exceeding one hundred and fifty and not exceeding two hundred threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, and not exceeding three and one-half square yards to the pound, two cents per square yard; exceeding three and onehalf and not exceeding four and ouehalf square yards to the pound, two and three-fourths cents per square yard; exceeding four and one-half and not exceeding six square yards to the pound, three cents per square yard; exceeding six square yards to the pound, three and onehalf cents per square yard; if bleached, and not exceeding three and onehalf square yards to the pound, two and three-tourths cents per square yard; exceeding three and ouehalf and not exceeding four and one-half square yards to the pound. three and one-half cents per square yard; exceeding four and one-half and not exceeding six square yards to the pound, four cents per square yard; exceeding six square yards to the pound, four Hlld oue—fourth cents per square yard: if dyed, colored, stained, painted, or