Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/313

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274 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 56, 57. 1898. Mw- NAVAL ESTABLISHMENT. mglgxgagmmme nmznsu or Mmvromm AND SURGERY. For surgeons’ necessaries for vessels in commission, navy-yards, naval stations, Marine Corps, and Coast Survey, and for the civil establishment at the several naval hospitals, navy-yards, naval laboratory and department of instruction, museum of hygiene, and Naval Academy, ‘ ten thousand dollars. mgrtmsu of Equip· BUREAU OF EQUIPMENT. _¥·¤v¤¤¤¤* ¤f M- Eourrunrrr or vnssnrs: For purchase of coal for stcamers’ and ' ships’ use, including expenses of transportation, torage, and handling the same; hemp, wire, iron, and other materials for the manufactmre of eordage, anchors, cables, galleys, and chains; canvas for the manufacture of sails, awnings, hammocks, and other work; water for steaming purposes; stationery for commanding and navigating officers of ships, equipment officers on shore and ailoat, and for the use of courts-martial on board ship, and for the purchase of all other articles of equipment at home and abroad, and for the payment of labor in equipping vessels and manufacture of equipment articles in the several navy-yards; foreign and local pilotage and towage of ships of war; services and materials in' g, correcting, adjusting, and testing compasses on shore and o ship; nautical and astronomical instruments, and repairs to same; libraries for ships of war; professional books and papers, and drawings and engravings for signal books; naval signals and apparatus, namely, signals, lights, lanterns, rockets, running lights, compass ilttings, including binnacles, tripods, and other appendages of ships compasses; logs and other appliances for measuring the ship’s way, and leads and other appliances for sounding; lanterns and lamps, and their appendages, for general use on board ship, for illuminatin g purposes, and oil and candles used in connection therewith; hunting and other materials for making and repairing ilags of all kinds; photographic instruments and materials; musical instruments and music; and installing and maintaining electric lights and interior sigpal communications on board vessels of war, one hundred thousand dollars. B¤¤··¤·>* °¤*¤¤·¢*- nunmn or onnnsncn. For miscellaneous items, namely: Freight to foreign and home stations; advertising; cartage and express charges; repairs to iire engines; gas and water pipes; gas and water tax at magazines; tolls, ferriage, foreign postage and telegrams to and from the Bureau, technical books, and incidental expenses attending in pections of ordnance material, seven thousand dollars. s N=·**·*¤··¤·*¤*·¤···‘· NATIONAL DEFENSE. For the national defense, and for each and every purpose connected therewith, to be expended at the discretion of the President and to remain available until January first, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, fifty million dollars. Approved, March 9, 1898. M=¤‘<=h U. 189% CHAP. 5'7.—An Act To repeal in part and to limit section thirty-four hundred and '_ """‘ eighty of the Revised Statutes of the United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ _ _ States of America. in Congress assembled, That section thirty-four hunb0jl[{f1f;§j{{'** *"dred and eighty of the Revised Statutes of the United States be, and `” the same is hereby, so far, and no further, modified and repealed as to -,.1-tt; tr itynxq- in dispense with proof of loyalty during the late war of the rebellion as a mfpgjf ;§f{“‘°“ *“* prerequisite in any application for bounty land where the proof other- 6Sé=._\3;ms£·d Mw. p. wise shows that the applicant is entitled thereto. "Approved, March 11, 1898.