Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/693

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654 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 571. 1898. Samoa, and purporting to be on the business of the United States Government, aggregating one thousand eight hundred dollars and sixty cents, together with interest thereon at the rate of eight per centum per annum to the date of payment. Foreignlntercourse. FOREIGN INTERCOURSE. Fmizn ¤¤¤¤i¤¤¤- CONTINGENT EXPENSES, FOREIGN mss10Ns: To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation for ‘• Contingent expenses, foreign missions," nscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, ten thousand seven hundred and one dollars and sixtyeight cents. 0¤¤s¤1¤¤¤¤- UONTINGENT EXPENSES, UNITED STATES CONSULATES: To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation for “Contingent expen es, United States consulates,” fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, five thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight dollars and eighty-four cents. ,¤¤=·¤*··*¤ *0* ¤°¤···· Snmuzms, mansnsns ron OONSULAR connrs: To pay amounts ` found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation for “Salaries, marshals for consular courts," tiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-seven., two hundred dollars. hg*;':P{L°:_*Q,j_°"§g; That a competent person be employed, under the direction of the foreign governuem. Committee on Foreign Relations, at a compensation in hill not exceeding one thousand five hundred dollars, which sum is hereby appropriated, to make a compilation of all the treaties now in force between -wlm¤w¤¤nt-¤i¤- the United States and any foreign Government. Said compilation shall contain the full text of the treaties now in force, together with a citation of any decision which may have been made in regard to said treaties by the Supreme Court of the United States or any court of Federal jurisdiction. The said work shall also contain. a list, in chronological order, of all the treaties at any time made by the United ' States with other foreign countries, with a reference to the page and volume where the text of the same may be found, the whole to be care-

,¤g;;l>°1‘ *°b° P'*¤*· fully indexed by countries and by subjectematters. There shall be

' printed one thousand five hundred copies of said volume; one thousand for the use of the House of Representatives and five hundred for the use of the Senate. m_';¥:;¤¤¤r.v Perm- TREASURY DEPARTMENT. ,_,£*;*;°*{,. $3*;;:, To make the salary of the Deputy Commissioner of Internal Revenue ummm, Emmy. four thousand dollars for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety- ' nine, eight hundred dollars. '· E B“’°°“· To pay amount due T. E. Barton as assistant messenger in the onice of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, fiscal year eighteen hundred _ and ninety-three, thirty-one dollars and thirty cents. ,,,§,`§[°"§}'",§‘,'{,,,f,’§,'.§j CONTINGENT Exrmzsns: To pay the amount due The Friedenwald i·=·yi¤<>··¤ w- Company, of Baltimore, Maryland, for stationery furnished the Treasury Department August nineteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-tive, being a deficiency for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-six, _ _ nine dollars. v_,;;’;"°$°"‘ °" To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation **Contingent expenses, Treasury Department: Freight, telegrams, and so forth," for the nscal year eighteen hundred and ninetysix, ten cents. To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation “Contingent expenses, Treasury Department: Freight, telegrams, and so forth/’ for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, one thousand seven hundred and seventeen dollars and thirteen cents. To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation “Contingent expenses, Treasury