Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/979

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FIFTY·FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 324. 1899. 94] form as provided by existing law: Provided, That no allotment which {•‘°·!*·>- conilicts with any entry or location underthe Act approved June seventh, —.4l:i::;_"i·iiZ eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, declaring the unallotted lands of. said reservation, except those containing gilsonite, asphalt, elaterite, or other like substances, open for entry and location on said date, shall be approved. _ That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby authorized, UK§f"*** R°•°"¤¤*·>¤- in his discretion, to grant rights of way for the construction and main- ci-Qty of water tenance of dams, ditches, and canals, on or through the Uintah Indian ""‘" "'· Reservation in Utah, for the purpose of diverting and appropriating the waters of the streams in said reservation for useful purposes: Provided, That all such grants shall be subject at all times to the para· §{°,';:_°· { I d. mount rights of the Indians on said reservation to so much of said partial.; ” l"' waters as may have been appropriated,or may hereafter be appropriated or needed by them for agricultural and domestic purposes; and it shall R°¥“’***°¤¤ be the duty of the Secretary of the Interior to prescribe such rules and ' regulations as he may deem necessary to secure to the Indians the quantity of water needed for their present and prospective wants, and to otherwise protect the rights and interests of the Indians and the Indian service. For the purchase of not to exceed one hundred acres of land, at a §•,:c°g;f'*-0l}*}=·¤d. price not to exceed thirty dollars per acre, in the vicinity of Canton, in insane asylum twig: the State of South Dakota, and for the erection thereon of an asylum ‘"“ “”· for insane Indians, said building to be constructed under the direction · - of the Secretary of the Interior, rortynvs thousand dollars. For the erection of suitable buildings, and for fencing, water supply, k•¤¢*¤ L·l=¤·£fii¤¤- means of locomotion, and other things necessary to properly establish at g°°°y °°" °h°°i and conduct an agency at Leech Lake, Minnesota, fifteen thousand dol-' lars, to be immediately available. ' That the Indians of the Yakima Indian Reservation, to whom lands t,Qf_•**·¤• *¤·¤·¤•- have been allotted under the laws of the United States, may lease their rétm of maui. lands so allotted for agricultural purposes for a term not exceeding five }';Q,f,';,“,;}‘f_”¥*¤°*¤· years, under such rules and regulations as are or may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior, anything in the law now limiting the term to a shorter term notwithstanding. That the provision in the Indian appropriation Act approved July "§‘;}f}‘,fg0,'j‘° R°¤· first, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, relating to a water supply for' irrigation purposes to be used on a portion of the reservation of the Southern Utes in Colorado, is hereby continued in force for and during the fiscal year nineteen hundred, and is hereby amended so as to read as follows: “ That the Secretary of the Interior shall make investigation as to °hfj;;*{·v·;¤H*ri¤g1t:>;¤_;; the practicability of providing a water supply for irrigation purposes, to in-apart miittai. be used on a portion of the reservation of the Southern Utes in Colorado, **’•'*· P- 5*- and he is authorized, in his discretion, to contract for, and to expend from the funds of said Southern Utes in the purchase of, perpetual water rights sufficient to irrigate not exceeding ten thousand acres on the western part of the Southern Ute Reservation, and for annual charges for maintenance of such water thereon, such amount and upon such terms and conditions as to him may seem just and reasonable, not exceedingone hundred and fiftythousand dollarsfor the purchase of such perpetual water rights, and not exceeding a maximum of fifty cents per acre per annum for the maintenance of water upon the land to be irrigated; Provided, That after such an investigation he shall and all the iggjmmv 0, m essential conditions relative to the water supply and to the perpetuity time. “P of its availability for use upon said lands, such as in his judgment will justify a contract for its perpetual use : Provided, That the Secretary of W}1gggg¤*°y b°¤**· the Interior, upon making all such contracts, shall require from the ' rson or persons entering into such contract a bond of indemnity, to Kg approved by him, thr the faithful and continuous execution of such contract as provided therein." _