Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/107

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FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 118. 1900. 55 WAR DEPARTMENT. WM ¤>¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤*- . MILITARY rosrs. That the provisions of section three hundred and fifty-five, Revised F¤r*¤¤ P¤¤¢·D$¢1· Statutes, are waived so far as they prohibit the expend1ture of public m$$m$uie»igc:i$§`sigi money for the purpose of erecting public buildings on a tract of land {’,§§,},f,° b““‘“’?¥“ recently acquired as a site for necessary buildings at Fort Du Pont, R·S-.éec.855.p.6¤» Delaware, before the consent of the legislature of the State of Dela- 1 ware to the urchase has been given, it bein impracticable to apply to the State legislature for consent to its purcgase until its next session in January, nineteen hundred and one, and the buildings being urgently required for the shelter of troops. E NAVAL ESTABLISHMENT. Navy. To meet unforeseen contingencies constantly arising, to be expended E¤¤¤rs¢¤¤vf¤¤d· at the discretion of the President, one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. • For the purchase of a water boat for the pur ose of supplying ships wsm ima. of the Navy with water, twenty-five thousand d)ollars. For the plurchase of coal barges for su plying coal to ships of the C°”·1bm`8€¤· Navy, one undred and fifty thousand dollars. BUREAU OF EQUIPMENT. mggwau of Equip- For the installation of a suitable equipment plant in the Philippine rnnippm mmap. Islands, thirty thousand dollars. A BUREAU OF AND DOCKS• D‘£:{]1;g3,ugfY3,rdggnd For general maintenance of yards and docks, namely: · For freight, transportation of materials and stores, books maps, Maintenance. models, ang drawing ; purchase and re air of fire engines ; machinery ; repairs on steam fire engines and attengance on the same; purchaseand maintenance of oxen, horses, and driving teams; carts, timber wheels, _ and all vehicles for use in the navy-yards; tools and repairs of the _ same; postage on letters and mailable matter on public service sent to foreign countries, and telegrams; stationery; furniture for Government houses and offices in navy-yards; coal and other fuel, candles, oil, and gas; cleaning and clearing up yards and care of buildings; attendance on Hres, lights, Hre engines, and apparatus ; incidental labor at navy-yards; water tax, tolls, ferria e; rent of four officers’ quarters at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; pay 0% watchmen in navy-yards; awnings and packing boxes, and advertising for yards and docks and for ot er purposes; and for rent of wharf and storehouses at Erie, Pennsylvania, or use and accommodation of United States steamer Michigan, fifty thousand dollars. v _ For repairs and preservation at navy-yards and stations, fifty thou- 1zepm¤,em. _ sand dollars. , For contingent expenses that may arise at navy-yards and stations, eouungmexpeuseq. ten thousand dollars. _ For reconstructing building numbered seven, replacing furniture, Building No.7. mathematical and engineering instruments and stationery, and provid- . ing temporaxgv offices, rendered necessary by Hre on February eleventh, nineteen hun red, sixty thousand dollars. BUREAU or MEDICINE AND SURGERYL aunimigggmedicme To sup ly a deticienc in the appropriation for naval hospital fund Naval nospmus. for the iihcal year endin June thirtieth, nineteen hundred, “For maintenance of the naval lnospitals at the various navy-yards and stations, and for the care and maintenance of patients in other hospitals at home and abroad," ten thousand dollars.