Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1319

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F IF TY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 854. 1901. 1267 CHAPTER SIXTEEN CONVEYANCING. C°”"€*'*‘~“°“’g· SUBCHAPTER ONE. ABSOLUTE DEEDS OF REAL PROPERTY. m»;¤;gy;g;,;}¤¤¤¤ ¤* Sec. 492. ESTATES.—NO estate of inheritance, or for life, or for a Esmmlonger term than one year, in any real property, corporeal or incorporeal, in the District of Columbia, or any declaration or limitation of uses in the same, for any of the estates mentioned, shall be created or take effect, except by deed signed and sealed by the grantor, lessor, or declarant, and acknowledged in the manner herein provided. Sec. 493. ACKNO\VLEDGMENT.—SHCh acknowledgment inay be made ’*°k“"‘“‘°"g"‘°"°· in the District of Columbia before any judge of any of the courts of said District, the clerk of the supreme court of the District, or any justice of the peace or notary public, or the recorder of deeds of said District, and the certificate of the officer taking the acknowledgment shall be to the following effect: _ I, A B, a justice of the peace (or other officer authorized) in and for the District of Columbia, do hereby certify that C D, party to a certain deed bearing date on the -- -- day of -- -. , and hereto annexed, personally appeared before me in said District, the said C D being personally well known to me as (or proved by the oath of credible witnesses to be) the person who executed the said deed, and acknowled ed the same to be his act and deed. Q given under my hand and seal this day of - - - . y A B. [Seal.] g Sec. 494. RELEASE or DowER.—If the wife of the party executing R€lm° °fd°“'°’- said deed, being not less than eighteen years of age, shall desire to release her right of dower in the property conveyed, she shall unite in the deed with her husband and sign, seal, and acknowledge the same in the same manner as her husband, and the officer taking her acknowledgment shall add to the above form of certificate a further certificate to the following effect, namely: And at the same time personally appeared before me, in said District, E F, the wife of said C D, personally well known to_me (or B proved by the oath of credible witnesses) to be such, and acknowledged the same to be her act and deed. Such wife, however, may release her right of dower by her separate deed, when the releasee claims or derives title from, by. through, or under her husband. Sec. 495. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OUT or D1sTR1oT.—)Vhen any deed or Ou’§°§§‘°"§,§§§‘§ °b‘§,§ contract under Seal relating to land is to be acknowledged out of the gjithirl the U¤i¤¤<i District of Columbia, but within the United States, the acknowledga am ment inay be made before any judge of a court of record and of law, or any chancellor of a State, any judge or justice of the Supreme, circuit, or Territorial courts of the United States, any justice of the peace _ or notary public: P2·om`ded, That the certificate of acknowledgment §§§{‘{§§f,’§‘.,, Of ,,c_ aforesaid, made by any officer of a State or Territory, shall be,accompa— k¤¤“’l€dgm€¤€- nied by a certiicate of the register, clerk, or other public officer having official cognizance of the fact that the officer taking said acknowledgment was in fact the officer he professed to be: Protvided, furilwr, Eézggg Sumcieut °°*· That a certiiicate by any such register, clerk, or other public officer, in ' the form prescribed by the laws of the State or Territory in which such certificate is made or customarily used therein, shall be a sufficient certificate for the purposes of this section.