Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1988

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1936 CONVENTION+MEXICO. NOVEMBER 21, 1900. 0°¤"°““°¤~ Convention between the United States of America and the United States of Jllexico, extending for an indefinite period the treaty of March 1, 188.9, between the two Governments, known as the Wvater Boundary Oonlvention. Signed at T’Vas/zington, Noceniber 21, 1900 ,· ratged by Mexico, December 12, 1900,* rati;€cation advised by the Senate, ecem— ber 15, 1900,* ratggfed b the President, December 24, 1900; ratifications exchanged, ecemb/er Q4, 1900; proclaimed, December 24, 1900. BY THE PRESIDENT or THE UNITED STATES or AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Preamble- Whereas, a Convention between the United States of America and the United States of Mexico extending for an indefinite period from 5 Decem&r 24, 1900, the duration of the Convention between the two V<>1.26.p.1512- High °ntracting Parties of March 1, 1889, concerning the waterboundary between the two countries, was concluded and signed by V¤1-30.pp-1625, 1744 their respective plenipotentiaries at the City of Washington, on the ‘ 21st day of November, 1900, the original of which Convention, being in the English and Spanish languages, is word for word as follows: Whereas the United States of Deseando los Estados Unidos de America and the United States of América y los Estados Unidos Mexico desire to give full effect to Mexicanos dar entero cumplimithe rovisions of the Convention ento a las esti ulaciones de la Conconciiuded and signed in Washing- vencién concibida y iirmada en ton M31‘Ch 1, 1889, to facilitate the Washington el10 de Marzo de 1889, - execution of the provisions con- para facilitar la ejecucién de los tained in the Treaty signed by the principios contenidos en el Tratado ` two Hi h Contracting Parties on iirmado por las dos Altas Partes the 12tb or November 1884, and Contratantes el 12 de Noviembre to avoid thedifiicultiesarisingfrom de 1884, y evitar las dificultades the changes which are taking place ocasionadas por los cambios en los in the beds of the Bravo del Norte cauces de los rios Bravo del Norte and Colorado Rivers in those parts y Colorado, en las partes que sirven which serve as a boundary between de limite zi las dos Repfiblicas; the two Republics; , And whereas the pG1'i0d iixed Y debiendo expirar el 24 de Diby Article IX of the Convention ciembre de 1900 el plazo fijado en of March 1, 1889, extended by el articulo IX de la Convencion de the Conventions of October 1, 10 de Marzo de 1889, am liado por 1895, November 6, 1896, October las Convenciones de 1,0 dg Octubre 29, 1897, December 2, 1898, and de 1895, 6 de Noviembre de 1896, December 22, 1899, expires on 29 de Octubre de 1897, 2 de Dithe 24th of December 1900; giembre de 1898 y 22 de Diciembre e 1899; And whereas the two High Con- Y considerando conveniente las tracting Parties deem it expedient dos Altas Partes Contratantes proto indefinitely continue the period rrogar indeiinidamente el plazo esfixed by Article IX of the Conven- tipulado en el articulo IX de la Con.