Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/2212

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2160_ mnnx. United States C'ourts·—Gontinued. P¤·8¢· Lhtiversal Postal Umbn, AP68€· in Alaska, accommodations, etc .. 332 deficiency appropriation for representation appeals and writs of error from district at . . . 24 court to Supreme Court, etc ... 414 Unknown Heirs, D. C., — Alaska,`certain license fees to be turned notice in case of ,. 6 ,.,,,,,...,,,. 1207 over to treasurer, etc .. 1438 1 Upham, Sarah Elvira CU (widow), _ in Indiaer;dTe;·1gtqry, terms at Poteau in- Upens?/n .,,_,,,,.__,,_,,,,___,_________, 1605 st 0 ameron _ . 65 7 pper_ hite River Ark. United States commissioner at Wewoka, i appropriation for constructing lock and · Ind. 11., authorized .. p . 170 l dam No. 2 .,..,.. 587 appeal from interlocutory orders granting for improvement of ... 628 injunctions, etc., to circuit courts of i Uruguay, tz appeals . (1. . . . .. _- . I Utzplpropriation for minister .. 61, 883 rm o in nor em is 'ct o exas . circuitfcdui°{zp`to` havejurrsdggion of actions 760 appropriation for surveyor-general, clerks, . ora otmentsto nns etc .. etc ... 127 1002 writin%s lan1d§6dint;:Cherokee 860 for incidental expenses Indian servigei; ation to reco e . in 3 , 1073 United States commissioners to supersede for support of Indian school in south- ( circuit court commissioners, etc . . . 956 ern ... 246, 1082 to issrge warrapts of arregt for violations 956 for establishéng boundary between Ario interna ·revenue ws ... . zona an . . .. . 617 mag! administer oaths ... 4:,,.., 956 deficiency appropriation for clerk hire, juris iction to try violations of quarantine 1087 f Ietg., surveyor-general’s office .. measures etc . . or n ian seryice in 301 2 to heap- cpkrtain, land condemnation cases 1 20 clerk Erljid ggrghal accountable for fees in ,734 . or av . 1 ni tates cases etc designation cg penitetptiaries for confine- 1450 locations of ceuigaincglhippewa half-breed 01 ment o convic etc .. scrip co rm ... 8 Arkansas, eastern district, terms of .. 733 refund of certain moneys illegally collected Indian Territor , fees of clerk of court of by collector of interna revenue . . . 817 a peals with reference to corpora Ute Indwtns Confeder te B ds - ‘ a an tilzms . ., .. 795 appro riaition for fulfillin trieaty with- 233, 1070 ll; S jurisdiction and powers of courts over. . 795 Utilla, onduras, - clerlgs district court to retum certain 1073 appropriation for consul 68,892 ' ees .. » annual payment for extra services . 1073 Iowa, gouthern hdlistrist, terms of court at 73 V V- restonc n e .. t ... 0 accination Kentucky divided Into eastern and west- appropridtion for, of Indians, etc . 224,1061 ern judicial districts .. 781 de ciency appropriation for, of Indians. . . 301 — appointment of judicial officers for Valencia, - epstenin . . .5 . - . ; r Walppropriation for consul 68, 892 trans er o pcn_ ing cases .. parawo terms of . . . ; - . r . . .. ... 783 apprcgipriation for consul 66, 888 Missouri, western district, southwestern Vanars el, Ambrose J, division created .. 739 pension . . .. 1493 termsof court, etc .. L. 739 Vance, Frederick E., Ohio, anprthernl digtrict, appointment of 726 Vpension increased ... 1506 ditiona judge .. :.. . ancouver vacancy not to be filled 1 . . 726 appropriation for consul 67,890 Pennsylvania, middle district created 880 or clerk hire . 893 terms of, etc . 881 Van Der Vaart, Simon, Utah, clerk and marshal acooimtable for pension increased . : ’ . 1 522 feep earned in United States cases 73 Van Eaton, Flavel WZ, 1584 · on ,. . ... 4 pension increased ... West Virginia divided into two judicial Van Etten, Amos, _ _ districts; ...,.. : .. 736 deficiency pjmpropriation for . 1043 appoinerlment of judicial officers author- 736 Van Gelder, en& 1659 iz ,,,,,,,,. _ pension mcrea ... duties of existing marshal and attorney. 737 Van I{orn,_ Margaret E. (widow), transfer of certain pending cases ... 737 pension increased .. . 1573 terms of court, northern istrict ... 737 Van Nausdle, Amos, terms of court, southern district ... 738 pension increased.; i 1687 jurisdiction over crime 738 Van Wicklen, Julut (widow), ‘ district, for eastern district of New York pension ... ; 1661 to try case of Brooklyn Ferry Com- 1789 Vars, [ohn, ted » ‘ 1475 any ,,,.,,,.,.,. . . . . pension gran retr1r§Ii·equ§Tsted of Senate bill No. 3106.. 1997 Vaults, Safe.? and Locks, Public Buildings, 592 1136 Uyngd rates tes i appropria ion or limitation ag ’to denomination to be deficiency appropriation for 54, 282, 316 printed ,,,,.. 1017 Vegetable Physwlogy and Pathology, Division United States Penitentiary (see Penitentiaries, ojj Department of Agriculture, United States). . - appropriation for pathologist, assistants, United States Securities (see Securities). etc .. .. - .. 192