Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/120

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. , 7 ’= PJ. ;,~ .¢ »~ m 54 $ FIF1‘Y—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 140. 1902. M¤¤>h 8, 1902- CHAP. 140.-An Act Temporarily to provide revenue for the Philippine Islands, "' [Public Nu zu and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and ]I0usc of Rywmtatiqeg of the United ,§:f_}g°}f$jdIj};;§; States ofAmm`0a in Congress assembled, That the PFOVISIODS of en Act ggidilommlsicn wu- entitled "An Act to revise and amend the tariff lawe of the Phdippme ,.,,,, ‘,_ m_ ArchipeIag0," enacted b the United States Philifpme Commission on the seventeenth day of Szaptember, nineteen hun red and one, shall be sind remain in full force and effect, and there shall be levied, collected, and id upon all articles coming into the Philippine Archipelago from the gnited States the rates of duty which are required b the said Act to be levied, collecged, and id upon like articles imported from foreign countries ium said arc i 0. {$*3 Sec. 2. That on and ahlzenqhe passage of this Act there shall be levied, cumm digs. collected, and paid upon all articles coming into the United States from . the Philippine Arch1 lgo the rates of duty which are required to be levied, collected, uudpe d upon like articles imported from foreign fQ’e‘g‘§,‘;;m on Pm_ countries: Provided, mt upon all articles the growth and product of ivvine products. the Philippine Archipelago coming into the nibed States fxjom the _ Philippine Archipelago there shall be levied, collected, and paid only seventy-five per ceutum of the rates of duty aforesaid: And pro-

,3‘§§"§{,’ vided furthe1·, That the rates of duty which are required hereby to be

levied, collected, and paid upon products of the Philippine Arclufnelago coming into the United States shall be less any dnt? or taxes evied, collected, and paid therebn rgxon the shipment thereo from the PhilipineArchipela 0,as rovide by the Act of the United Sta.tesPhilippine Commission regerredp to in section one { this Act, under such ruies and ·'*’”°'°¤°¤ *¤*¢J?=* regulations as the Secretary of the easury may reucribe., ut a mmgxuwv articles, the growth and product of the Philippine Iislnnds, admitted into the ports of the United States free of dniéy under the provisions of this Act and coming directly from said islam s to the United States for use and consumption therein, shall be hereafter exempt from any exgort duties imposed in the Philippine Islands. eigg';‘;:·§e*{s‘f’x °“ *°" Ec. 3. That 0n and after the passage of this Act the same tonnage taxes shall be levied, collected, and gid upon all foreign vessels coming into the United States from the hilipsine Archipelago which are required if law to be levied, collected, an paid ufgnlessels coming ,{.’g;****;ry mm into the nited States from foreign countries: 'ded, hawever, mimi;. vase`: That until July first, nineteen hundred and four, the provisions of law restricting to vessels of the United States the brunspormtion of passengers and merchandise directly or indirectéy from one rt of the United States to another port of the Unite States shallpiiot be applicable m foreign vessels engaging in trade between the 1’hil%>g>ine Archipelago and the United States, or between ports in ve;·jg;f***°*' “’ h¤*”°' the ilippine Arehigelagoz Andp1·0videdfurthe1·, That the Philippine Commission sha be authorized and empowered to issue licenses to eninge in lighters5e or other exclusively harbor business to vessels or other craft actuu y engaged in such usiness at the date of the WE of this Act, and to vessels or other craft built in the Philippine sh or in the United States and owned by citizens of the Lmted States or bi: inhabitants of the Philippine Islands. n}Q;‘Q;j’éj;g;8Q‘; {{1*;,*; Sue. hat the duties and taxes collected in the Philippine Archii¤;1éLcgur¥·r¤§ tie¤ga¢;¤ peh1E0 rn Jnursuance of this Act, and all duties and taxes collected in ° pp "° "' ‘ the 'nite States upon articles coming from the Philippine Archipelago and upon foreign vessels coming therefrom, shall not be covered into the general fund of the Treasury of the United States, but shall be held as u sepamte fund and paid into the treasury of the Philippine Islands, to be used and expended for the government and

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  • %**5** *0 . 'Ec. 5. at w en uties prescribe by this Act are based ll n the

giidiyiigm at um of weight of merchandise deposited in any public or private hgnded