Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1299

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ii mmcx. "-1gamenticus," Irvmclad Monitor, P¤g€· Alaska—C0ntinued. PHS6- claim for extra compensation, turrets of, 1 appropriation for military roads and B refexired to Court of Claims . - . - 244 a f bridges; blxance available . 517 Agate ay 4 inn., or military ca. e to ... 929 appropriation for improvement of harbor. 346 1 for exhibit at Louisiana Purchase Ex- Agents, Lzdian, V position ... ; . - 1108 appropriation for pay of civilian, at a.gené45 d for site, military post .. 1133 cies . Q .. ,982 eficiency a propriation or rein eer . 1 Agricultural Colleges, etc., 1 for invest&a.ting mineral resources . 22 _ appropriation for exhibit at Louisiana 1 for survcyongeneml ... 31 Purchase Exposition by ... 1108 for traveling expenses, court offidetiaiency in payments for, from public- l cials ... 25, 577,1063 land sales, to be paid by United 5 for salaries of commissioners ... 560 States 803for transporting destitute citizens from 563, 1046 on acelcggig of reclamation fund, pro- 38 1 éor eougt expenses . 587, lg vi or . 8 [ or 00 to natives 1 Agricultural Department (see Department 1 for relief of destitute natives ... 1048 A _ <;fdAgriculpurei) _ 1 additioualgergeants, Signal Corps, for serv- 509 gneultu Erpemnen Statwm, · 1ce 1 ..., . appropriation forexpenses; blanks, etc- 301, 1163 game protection in . I .. _. ._ 327 or report on Alaska resources, etc-, 301, 1164 destrucuon of w1ld game prohxbmed; car index .. 302, 1164 description ... 327 for station, Hawaiian Islands ... 302, 1164 sealing, etc., laws not affected . .. - 327 Porto Rico .. 302, 1164 I open game seasons; special prohibitions- 327 Agroiusltgerql _ 696 1 restriggicintfn tegles 0 game, etc sa , m 1 ippmes .. 1 on en . -. Agricultural Products I penalties· arrests, etc .. . .. 328 appropriation for extending foreign mar- [ homestead iaws extended to 1028 kets for ... 300, 1162 restriction on indemnity, etc., locations. 1028 Agricmdtuml Report, distance from prior locations on navigaappropriation fcr printing and binding- 480, 1146 ble waters .--... Jl. . Ea ..- lm Almapec Wis., maximum commutation ow ... 1 appropriation {er improvement of harbor. 345 ent;ie1e along sheies ... 1% Aix la Cha llc, ermany, 0 s ores nota ow 1 appropngiion fjor consul at --... 82, 814 up to 320 acres allowed .-.-. 1029 for clerk hire -... 86,818 on unsnuveyed lands; proceedings 1:0 Akron, Sterling and Northern Railroad Com- f pate?: . .-.--.-... · pany ees, e ., reqm .. time extexicged for constructing road in mineral and cial lands got suliject to -. Alas .-- 1230 restriction on ers y sett ers . Alabama, . contgacts priolrgg recgipt of patentgoid. . 1030 homestead certificates to parties holding land istricts uce to one; office at titles to lands from certain railroads. 1222 Sitka ...- 20 spare of Spanish battle ships donated to. - 304 lands granted Juneau ... 773 Alabama Middle Judicial District, l1]H.TSh8].,S bond may be increased ..-. 2 1 . . terms of court, Montgomery . 820 three rewordnng and judicial divisions Alabama Northern Judicial Durtrict, 5 establislneui. . .. ..-..-.,..- 385 eastern division created ...-.-... 832 time extended lor <·0ustm<·ting Akron, court rooms, process, etc .-. 832 Sterling and Northam Railroad 1230 teréns of Q0111N, Anniston ...,.,. go I trade sumsincs of commerce with, re- 172 irmin am --..-..--.. ..1, 8. :. 1 quirec .-. Huntsxglle ..,.-.. 820 I Alaska Cifvil Code Agggmlmentg, bol Alabama Rizw Alu., admire ty omitte rom section 2. ishing appropriation for improvement of .-.. 354 _ _ forms of pleadings - . I - ._  : .. 944 bridge authornzed across, m Wilcox County 772 m divorce proceedings plaintiff to remde Alqfia, Manatee and Guy` Cbaat Railway Cam- two years instead of . 944 pam; _ town-connci powers exten .- 945 granted riéht of way, Gasparillu Island, 1 treasurer of corporations; bond -..-.. 946 Fla., reservation -- 384 3 to receiveall license monefrs; division for Alaska, 3 school and municipa uses ...-.-..- 946 appropriation for emergency mail service license moneys for business outside of in -: .-. _ ...-... 114, 1172 _ towns to fonsehool purposes. 946 {or salaries, government m .-.-.. 147, g2 private corporations provisions .. 947 or contingent expenses ...-. 47 2 Ag 1 C · 1 C , for ¤¤rv¤y·r>r—z¢¤<=r¤L clerks, ew ----- 162; 897 ggéeiegzgmiggiopgggggqfor wood; mud for report, etc., agricultural resources . 301, 1164 required ________________________ _ 1047 forlight-houwwdfog-sigéusl stations- 433, 1095 ge, relief of Alaskans _________________ 1048 I t t' . 1 . h 435 1 ‘ 1 · 13£5J?»YZ‘§»£S§§S3S2S?‘F.i i Y`?? mf 1333 -*’g#;g;,-§gg;¤g¤**gg Qggggpgggr ,,1 7 for expenses, seal fisheries .. 4-19, 1111 for 1,8116 gpnagves pa- ng `‘‘' 1048 for protecting salmon Esheries .. 450, 1111 ’'°`‘‘’‘‘`' for investigating mineral resources . 1118 Al'”k“” Bf’“{'d*"?/· _ fe, reindeer 1-01. ____________________ .15;, 1120 approprnzmon for tribunal to settle ... 1138 for traveling expenses, court officials. 474, 1140 Alaskan Fur Seals, for incidental expenses, court officials 474, 1140 appropriation for new examination of _ for military telegraph cpntiuued ... 508 habxts, etc ...,...,,.. 1138