Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1396

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INDEX. XCIX Qihcera, Navy, ·P¤8¤· Ohio River—C0ntinuod. Pmapprepriatiou for pay 662, 1177 pmliminarycxaminntiou of Saud Island for allowance for tmvcl when repeatedly por- moorings, etc . 378 formed ... . .. 663 Ogden Landing, Ky . 378 increase in grades below commander . 1197 bridge authorized across, Allaghcu , Pa.-- 178 rank, etc., not affected by law increasing report on ueccsary changes to brilgsnn. 360 number .__.,,.,,...,. 1198 Ohio Volunteer Light A Ojfcu, D. (L, military service of First "ment, recogterms of, not affected by Code xmlns spe- · uized ... ; 757 0 l Gcjally u;?utioned . 546 gu guy, pm, mm F"? ““”* O » construction of public buildi authorised apprppnauou for g ... _ 180, 895 at ______ ___________ __________ 317 dcfimcncy 8[é[.1{0;l'lB»tl0D for producing - 20, 1054 gppygpriatign for __________________ 428, 1038 WCW P°€¥¤{ » ‘ _ _ ullllt of cost increased, public building.. - 1206 approgrumou for publxcqtxon .. 167, 902 0;; ygngng (gp,;,,,,, Ofmd _ 'fb of me _ assessment permitted on one of a group ¤PP¤'#P¤¤¤0¤ f°¤’ d*¤*¤b¤¤°¤ b? Fm? under same ownership §25 ¤¤v¤¤¤¤ 0¤¤zr¤¤¤: 1•¤¤w¤ w be dc- ommgan mw, Wm., _ 9V9V8d -···--- ; -··-····-··---···- 1145 np ropriatinn for improvement of 371 0mm: qw oing .sm», mo.:, · 897 q;;,;,,}:,,,,,.,, · lpp 011 ofPFO@|¤§ ·-··-·--·---· appropriation for salaries, government in. 148,


8pp!'0p‘¤8tl011 {0I', House of R0PN¤€‘¤¤\•· for contlngeutuxpensas . 148,882 5V0B -·-··--· - ··----·-·-· - ·-·- · · 125, 861 for legislative expenses ...,. 148, 882 {Of SBPBK6 ···-·-·--··- - -----·-·----- 124, 857 (X)¤tIB€tfofEh00‘8tEdI¤0Bdll\0Wd, 882 for N¤¤b¤¥'§¤¤¤>¤*¤» my HWU of B¤P· for surevcying, etc., boundary, Colorado, rescnhhvu ... den _ New M¤x;w,_;qd, ?;m¤¤d: ..,_ i 1117 -···--·---·---·-·-- · ·...·. , cum approprntmon r contmgen deficiency appropriation for extra month's qgmm ________ _ ________________ 10 Ply?" ··--------····--.-. 588, 1066 for lqnslgtiva expenses ,,.,..,. 1042 09¤¤f'¢L Mw A-, _ _ _ for resurvey of boundary, Colorado, New deiimgziy approprmhon for scrvxcns . 573 Mum, and ______________________ 514 ·O9d¢¤, _, _ _ _ _ » additional allowance for blic works, c¤nstmctionofpubl1c buxlding authorized; www10m glu, Wiqglu, gm., upnonginnl site ... ; . 316 sion _,,_,,_,,,__ _ ,,,__________,,_ 503 8pP1’0:>1’¤1ti9l1 fol' ..------.. 428, 1088 bond imue for school buildings permitted; terms 0 district court at 841 limitations ,,,_,...,.. 392 Ogdenaburg, N K, _ commutation of homestead for t0wr·~sih¤¤ uppropnnticu for 1mprovemeut of harbor- 334 entries on lands ceded by Wichita, Oglealm, W M, etc., Indians . 63 gauymeut to . 488 by Comanches, Kiowas, and Apaches,. 63 O io, _ _ general provisionsfor rightof way, through deficiency approppatwu for refunding cx- Indian reservations in . 50 _pquse¤, rmmnf volunteers . r 586 public building contracts prohibited . 1-18 · jurisdxcuon over omtnon of S01d1cm' . public land receipts in, to be used for irri- Home, Dayton, ceded back to . 732 gution ... 388 Ohio Riveg, _ _ mappcrtionment of districts ordered . 148 gpfroprmtnon for lighting 433, 1094 two additional justices to be appointed. . . IS4 or nmprcwjcment of . -: 859 seventjudicia! districts esnblis wed ... 185 for ice prcr, Msrzgvnlle, Ky . 359 seat 0 government not to be changed 148 at Falls of the O aq . _ 359 right 0 way througlh, granted Enid and for removing depomts at me piers 359 Anadnrkc Ran way Company .. 43 for levee, Shuwncctown, Ill . 359 Olclahvma City and Western Rmlroud Comfor rebuildiu$ icc piers, Middlcport pany, and Gallipo is 359 granted nght of wai, Fort Sill Military for ice pier mouth of Big Hocking Reservation, 0 la 821 River .. . ... . . 359 Oklahoma Oily, Okla., for locks and dams 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6; constmction of public building authorized. 316 contracts . . 359, 1127 appropriation for .. 426, 1088 for lock and dam 7 . 359 site at nominal cost authorized for public for lock at dam 8 ... 1127 building . 1212 . for lock at dam 11 .. 1127 Olcou, N K, for lock and dam 37; contracts 359, 1127 appropriation for improvement of harbor. 334 for movable dum 8; contracts 360 preliminary examination to be made of ' for movable dam 11; contracts ... 360 harbor ... 380 [or movable dam 19 . 360 Oldden, James, below Pittsburg, Pa., dams 13 and : payment of French spoliation claim to ad- 18 ... - 463, 1125 { ministrator of .. 218, 223 dciicieuc appropriation for improvement Q Oldden, John, of {owen-; emergency .. 563 : payment of French spoliution claim to adpreliminary examination of, to be made of, I ministmtcr of 223 Elizabethtown, III --.- 377 | O’Leary, M J., Mound City, Ill . - 377 ; payment to 487 Mound City to Cairo ..,... 377 f Okomargarine, below Green River .. .- . . .. 377 [ appropriation for expenses inspection of- 142, 877 head of Fg11s, Louisville ,,.. . .. 378 z su ject to State, etc., laws ... 193