Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/178

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112 FIFIY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 563. 1902. ’°' dim- For per diem allowance for four assistant superintendents city delivery service when actually travelinglon business of the Post—OiHce Department, at a rate to be fixed by e Postmaster—General not to exceed four dollars per da , and for other necessary official expenses, five thousand two hundredy dollars. 1¤¤i¤¤¤*•¤ ¤¤- For all other incidental ex nses, including letter boxes, package m" boxes, posts, furniture, satchel: and straps, two hundred and seventy- two thousand three hundred dollars. ¤¤•¤=*·\¤¤¤*¤¥- For car fare for special-delivery messengers in emergent cases, ten thousand dollars. — For fees to special-delivery messengers, seven hundred and forty- two thousand dollars. ln all, nineteen million five hundred and five thousand four hundred and fifty dollars. Bgrqr time delivery- Bunn. msn-nmrvnar snnvrcms For compensation of seven special q2.;:' °° °°°°m agents in chaiége of divisions, at two thousand four hundred dollars each, sixteen ousand eight hundred dollars. cmks. For compensation to c erks at division headquarters: Six clerks. at . one thousand two hundred dollars each; six clerks, at one thousand one hundred dollars each; six clerks, at one thousand dollars each; six clerks, at nine hundred dollars; and three laborers, at seven hundred ' dollars each, twenty-seven thousand three hundred dollars. mw ¤s¤¤¤- For compensation to fifteen special agents, at one thousand six hundred dollars each; fifteen s ia agents, at one thousand five hundred dollars each; fifteen specialfgents, at one thousand four hundred dollars each; and fifteen special agents, at one thousand three hundred dollars each, eighggaeven thousand dollars.

  • ’¤'*“°¤· For per diem. owance for sixty special agents of the rural freedelivery service, when actually travelingon business of the Post-Oliice

Department, at a rate to be fixed by the Postmaster-General, not to exceed four dollars per day, and for other necessary official expenses, seventy-two thousand dollars. ¤¤¤*¤*¤¤P¤¤¤¤¤~ For compensation to seventy-one route inspectors, at one thousand two hundred dollars each, and four route inspectors at nine hundred dollars each, eighty-eight thousand eight hun red dollars. PM ¤i¤¤·· For per diem allowance for seventy-tive route inspectors of the rural free-de ivery service, when actually traveling on business of the Post- Oilice Department, ata rate to be fixed b * the Postmaster·General, not to exceed three dollars per day, and for other necessary official expenses, sixty-seven thousand five hundred dollars. l¤°**l°¤¤l¤- `or incidental expenses of special agents in charge of divisions, special agents, route inspectors, and for livery hire, and so forth, twenty thousand dollars. ¤é·_g:;¤;tg»¤¤¤·¤. fur- For incidental expenses, including letter boxes, furniture, satchels, .' straps, badges, and so forth, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. wm ·=·¤*¤·¤· For pay of letter carriers of rural free-delivery service, seven million do lars. In all, for rural free-delivery service, seven million live ggguon md hundred and twenty-nine thousand four undred dollars: P7·0vz'ded, mmpemsucs. That on and afterJuly first, nineteen hundred and two, the Postmaster- General be. and is hereby, authorized to classify the rural free-delivery service and fix the compensation to employees in such service as follows: $1***** *¢°¤'*· Special agents in charge of divisions at not exceeding two thousand four hundred dollars per annum. Special agents, four classes, graded in even hundreds of dollars, at one thousand three hundred, one thousand four hundred, one thousand five hundred, and not exceeding one thousand six hundred dollars per annum. aonrvinspecson. Route inspectors, four classes, graded in even hundreds of dollars, at nine hun red, one thousand, one thousand one hundred, and not exceeding one thousand two hundred dollars per annum.