Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/380

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314 FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1036. 1902. of one hundred and sixty feet from Main to Bank streets, containing about nine thousand six hundred square feet, within a limit of cost of seventy-five thousand dollars, hereby fixed, unless a higher value, not exceeding one hundred and seventy-tive thousand dollars, be fixed in` the condemnation proceedings hereinbefore authorized. _ Fw 0***** W'*· United States post-office and court-house at Eau Claire, Wisconsm, from one hundred and ten thousand dollars to one hundred and forty thousand dollars, and the limit of cost of site is hereby iixed at ten thousand dollars. §*},‘}’,f;’{*;,‘j{,°€· md United States post-office and court-house at Portland, Oregon, from co¤¤—1w¤¤¢- four hundred and four thousand three hundred and five dollars and seventy-four cents to six hundred and four thousand three hundred and five dollars and seventy-four cents, for the purpose of enlarging said building so as to make the same suitable for the further accommodation of the post·oiHee and United States courts which shall continue therein. — °¤**°¤*·**°“—‘°· United States custom-house at Portland, Oregon, from seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars to seven hundred and sixty thousand dollars. '

  • “’°"*°°"· S- ”'*"· United States post-office and court-house at Aberdeen, South Dakota,

_ from one hundred thousand dollars to one hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars. ¥¤¤P*·*¤- '*`¢¤¤- United States post-office, court-house, and custom-house at Memphis, Tennessee, from six hundred and six thousand three hundred and twenty-three dollars and fifty-three cents to eight hundred and fifty- six thousand three hundred and twenty-three ollars and fifty-three cents. D·“•¤» '*'°*· United States post-office and court—house at Dallas, Texas, from two hundred and ninety-six thousand and fifty-four dollars and seventy- five cents to four hundred and forty-six thousand and fifty-four dollars and seventy-five cents. · xienudnavu. United States ?>ost—otIice, court-house, and custom-house at Alexandria, Virginia, rom ninety-eight thousand seven hundred and eight ' nine dollars and thirgetyeight cents to one hundred and fifty-eight thousand seven hundr an eighty-nine dollars and thirty-eight cents. 8•*¤*·'°°°P¤-M°· United States p0st·office, court-house, and custom-house at Saint Josefh, Missouri, fr·om three hundred and seventy-two thousand one hun red and forty dollars and sixty-six cents to three hundred and - _ ninety thousand one hundred and forty dollars and sixty-six cents: · f[,‘{,']'g'f,n_,,_md_ ftwvided, That the Secretary of the Treasury acquires b purchase, condemnation, or otherwise a tract of ground immediately adjoinin the present site with a frontage of not ess than sixty feet on Eighth street and a depth of one hundred and forty feet, within a limit of cost of eighteen thousand dollars, hereby fixed. "°"”“""°· T°““· United States post-oflice, court-house, and custom-house at Nashville, Tennessee, from four hundred and seventy-four thousand nine hundred and forty-eight dollars and sixty-five cents to five hundred and seventy-four thousand nine hundred and forty-eight dollars and sixty- five cents. Newport News, vu. United States st-office and custom-house at Newport News, Virginia, from two hiindred thousand dollars to two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. nausea. United States lposboflice and court-house at Rome, Georgia. from fifty-one thousan one hundred and four dollars and fort *-eight cents to fifty-nine thousand one hundred and four dollars and forty-eight Additionalland. cents, and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized in his discretion to expend a sum not in excess of eight thousand dollars for a tract of land immediately adjoining the post—oflice site in said cit having a frontage of eighty-eight feet on East First street and a depth of one hundred and thirty-two feet.