Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/385

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FIFTYSEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I.- Ch. 1036. 1902. 3lS United States post—ofiice at Elizabeth, New Jersey, one hundred and El*m‘><**h· X J· thirty-five thousand dollars. » United States post-oflice and revenue office at Durham, North Caro- Durham, N. C. lina, seventy thousand dollars. United States post—oliice and revenue office at Chillicothe, Ohio, Chillicothe, Ohio. seventy thousand dollars. United States post-office at Zanesville, Ohio, one hundred and ten Zanesville. Ohio. thousand dollars. United States st—otHce and court-house at Grand Forks North G’““‘* F°’kS· N- Dakota, one hundligd and sixgy-five thousand dollars. ’ Duh United States post-office at indlay, Ohio, fifty-five thousand dollars. Fi¤d1¤»·. Ohio. United States ost-oiliee at Geneva, New York, sevent —five thousand Geneve, N. Y. d ll P‘ y o ars. United States post-office court-house, and revenue office at Fresno Freshe. Cal. California, one hundred thhusand dollars. 7 United States post—office at Warren, Ohio, forty-five thousand dollars. Werreh. Ohio. hUnited States post—oiHce at Allentown, Pennsylvania, one hundred A¤e¤f<>w¤.P¤- thousand dollars. United States post—office at Goldsboro, North Carolina, thirty-tive G<>ldS¤<>r<>.N-¤- thousand dollars. United States post—office at West Chester Pennsylvania sixty thou- Wm Chews P¤- ' sand dollars. , , United States post-office at McKeesport, Pennsylvania, one hundred M°K°°SP°"· P¤· thousand dollars. United States post—oflic·e at Lebanon Pennsylvania seventy-five I·<~>¤¤¤<>¤. P¤· thousand dollars. ’’ United States post-office at Washington, Pennsylvania, sixty thou- W¤¤hi¤s¤>¤. Pesand dollars. United States post—office at Norristown, Pennsylvania, seventy-eight N°¤"¤*°W¤v P¤· thousand dollars. United States post~oflice at Newcastle Pennsylvania, one hundred N€“'°**S'l€·*’**· and twenty-five thousand dollars. i d United States post-office at Ithaca, New York, seventy thousand m‘“°“»N-Y- ollars.. United States post—office at Niagara Falls, New York, seventy-Eve X‘“g’"“ "““*'*~N·Y- thousand dollars. _ _ United States post—office at Gloversville, New York, seventy-tive G“"'°"“‘“*’·"·Y· thousand dollars. _ Y _ d United States post—office at Little Falls, New York, fifty thousand L‘"*° F““"~“· "· ollars. United States post-office at Kingston, New York, eighty thousand K“‘“*‘°“· K Y· dollars. United States post-office and custom-house at Georgetown, South G°°'¥°“’“‘“·S·C· Carolina, fifty thousand dollars. United States £ost—oiHce and revenue office at Spartanburg, South S¥’°’°”“"“’¤·S·C· Carolina, sixty thousand dollars. _ United States post—oflice, court—house and assay office at Deadwood, D"“"‘"""‘- *· D“· South Dakota, two hundred thousand dollars. _ _ United States post—office at Flint, Michigan, sixty-five thousand dol- Fhmr “‘°h· l8.I‘s. _ United States post·oflice and court-house at Charlottesville, Virginia, °*‘“’“’““"‘“*· “‘· one hundred thousand dollars. h d b ,8 Superior W United States st-office court- ouse. an custom- ouse at uperior, · “*· Vliisconsin, two lildndred ahd twenty-tive thousand dollars. __ United States post-office at Baraboo, Wisconsin, forty-five thousand B“’“"°°· “‘”· dollars. _ __ United States post-oftice at \Vausau, Wisconsin, fifty thousand dol- W“‘*"“‘·“"’· lars. _ United States post-office and courthouse at Green Bay, Wisconsin, G’°°“ B“>`· WA one hundred and forty thousand dollars.