Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/478

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412 rirrrsavnxrn coxcanss. sms. 1. cH. 12,00. 1902. For extra pay of one enlisted man employed as watchman, at thirty- five cents per day, one hundred and ninety-one dollars and sixty-three cent"·

 extra pay of one enlisted man employed as trumpeter at the

cadet barracks at thirt -five cents er da , one hundred and fifty-nine _ ¤ _ Y P Y dollars and sixty-nine cents; _ _ For extra pay of one enlisted man employed in the ph1losoph1cal department observatory as a mechanic, at fifty cents per day, one hundred and fifty-six dollars and fifty cents; _ For extra pay of one enlisted man employed in the philosophical department in care of apaparatus, at fifty cents per day, one hundred and fifty-six dollars and fty cents· For extra pay of one enlisted man employed in the chemical department, at fifty cents per day, one hundre and fifty-six dollars and fifty cents· For extra pay of one enlisted man emdployed in the department of drawing, at fifty cents per day, one hun red and fifty-six dollars and fifty cents· ` For extia pay of one enlisted man employed in the mathematical department, at fifty cents per day, one hundred and fifty-six dollars and fifty cents· ‘· For extra ply of two enlisted men (cavalrymen) when performing slpecial skille mechanical labor, at fifty cents each per day, three hunred and thirteen dollars; For extra of one enlistedman em loved as saddler, at fift cents IFY _ P t Y per day, one undred and fifty-six dollars and fifty cents; For extra pay of one enlisted man on duty in charge of en `neer prplperty alngffatiguez, at fifty cents per day, one_ hundred and hgy-six o rs an y cen s· For extra pay of twb enlisted men as assistants and attendants at the library, at fifty cents each per day, three hundred and forty-two dollars· ' Fbr extra pay of one enlisted man as clerk in the department of practical military engineering and to the officer in charge of waterworks and works of construction at the Militar Y Academy, at fift _ 5 . Y cents per day, one hundred and fifty-six dollars and fifty cents; For extra pay of three enlisted men as clerks in the office of the quartermaster, United States Military Academy, at fifty cents each per day, four hundred and sixty-nine dollars and fifty cents; For extra pay of two enlisted men (artillerymen) when performing plxtréa ineghimical labor, at fifty cents each per day, three hundred an ir een o lars· In all. for pay of Militacpy Alpademy Bapd, lipid musicians, general army service, cavalry etac ment arti ery etachmeut. enlisted men on detached service, and extra pay of enlisted men on special duty at the Military Academy, eighty-eiggt thousand one hundred and 1jrm#~>· _ ninety-two dollars and eighty-two cents: mzided That the extra M d°pH°°"°°` provided by the psrecedifg paragraphs shall not be’paid to any enligzd man who receives extra-duty pay under existing laws or army regula— tions. - 0];% egg civilinm. PAY or (JIVILIANS. For pay of one teacher of music, one thousand four hundred dollars; For clerkdto the disbursing officer and quartermaster, one thousand five hundre dollars; For clerk to adjutant in charge of cadet records, one thousand five hundret dollars; For one clerk to the adjutant. one thousand two hundred dollars; F or clerk to treasurer. one thousand five hundred dollars; d ger one clerk to the quartermaster, one thousand two hundred o ars·