Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/493

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FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. sms. 1. ou. 1301. 1902. 427 For post-office at Amesbury, Massachusetts, ten thousand dollars. A'“°“’“’l`» M”S· For post—ofIice at Anderson, Indiana, twenty thousand dollars. A”dm°“» 1**** d For post—office and court·house at Athens, Georgia, fifteen thousand A*h**"$· Gn- 0 ars. For post—office at Atlantic City, New Jersey, thirty thousand dollars. *“l”“**° 0**% N· J- For post-office at Baraboo, Wisconsin, ten thousand dollars. B’““l’°°» W“· For post—office and court—house at Batesville, Arkansas, fifteen Botoovlllo. Arkthousand dollars. ‘ For post—office at Battlecreek, Michigan, twenty thousand dollars. Bwloorook. Mich. For post-office, court-house, and custom-house at Biloxi, Mississippi, Biloxi. Misstwenty-five thousand dollars. For post—of·Hce at Boone, Iowa, twenty thousand dollars. Boooo. Iowu- _ For post—office and court—house at Charlottesville, Virginia, twenty <¤h¤u¤¤¤e¤vi1¤e.v¤. thousand dollars. For post-office and revenue office at Chillicothe, Ohio, fifteen Chillicothe, Ohio. thousand dollars. d For post—office at Colorado Springs, Colorado, thirty thousand Cggl°'“"° SPl’i¤H¤· ` o ars. For post·of]ice at Crawfordsville, Indiana, ten thousand dollars. C"“‘"°'d*""‘€·I¤°- For post-office, court-house, and assay office at Deadwood, South Douurvood. S- Dak- Dakota, thirty thousand dollars. For post—office at Decatur, Illinois, fifteen thousand dollars. Doootur. Ill- For post—office at Dekalb, Illinois, fifteen thousand dollars. Dekalb. Ill. For post—office and revenue office at Durham, North Carolina, fifteen Durham. N. C. thousand dollars. r ~ For post—oflice at Elizabeth, New Jersey, sixty thousand dollars. E"’“*’°“‘r N- J· For post—oflice at Elkhart, Indiana, twenty thousand dollars. Elklm"- Ind- For post-office at Evanston, Illinois, twenty thousand dollars. E"“""°“· m- For post-office and court—house at Evanston, Vllyoming, twenty-five Eroorloo. Wrothousand dollars. _ _ For post-office at Findlay, Ohio, fifteen thousand dollars. F‘f‘d“‘Y·_°h‘°· For post—office at Flint, Michigan, twenty thousand dollars. Fhmr M‘°l“· For post—ofIice at Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, fifteen thousand dollars. F°"d ‘l“ L“°· “'*"· For post-office, court—house, and revenue office at Fresno, California, F'"“°* C“l· twenty-five thousand dollars. _ _ For post—office at Gainesville, Texas, fifteen thousand dollars. (’°"°°"mf" T°"‘ For post-office at Geneva, New York, fifteen thousand dollars. G"'°"‘ °" l‘_ For post·office and custom—house at Georgetown, South Carolina, G°°"‘°“""‘·*·“· fifteen thousand dollars. _ _ _ For post-office at Gloversville, New York, fifteen thousand dollars. ('l°v°'”vm°* I`; l' For post-office at Goldsboro, North Carolina, ten thousand dollars. G°l°“°°'°* N‘ (‘ Y For post·office and court-house at Grand Forks, North Dakota, D,?§“"d F°"‘“· "· twenty-five thousand dollars. ` For post—oi}icc and court-house at Green Bay, Wisconsin, twenty- <*r•¤·•¤¤ B¤r.Wi¤- five thousand dollars. For post·office and courthouse at Greeneville, Tennessee, twenty ¤ro·=¤<>vlllo.Tou¤- thousand dollars. For post·oflEice and court-house at Hammond, Indiana, thirty thou- H·¤¤¤¤o¤<l-1¤<l- sand dollars. For post-office and court—house at Harrison, Arkansas, fifteen thou- Hurrioou. Arksand dollars. For post-omce at Henderson, Kentucky, fifteen thousand dollars. Houoorooh. Kr For post-office at Holyoke, Massachusetts, forty thousand dollars. Holvolra Moor- For post-office and court-house at Huntington. West Virginia, Huntington. W- Vutwenty-five thousand dollars. For post-office at Hutchison, Kansas, fifteen thousand dollars. Hurohisou. Kour- For post—office at Iowa City, Iowa, ten thousand dollars. Ion CW. Towa- For posbofiice at Ithaca, New York, twenty thousand dollars. m’“°’*· *‘· Y~ For post—office at Jacksonville, Illinois, fifteen thousand dollars. J**°k¤°¤Vm°» m- For post·oflice at Kankakee, Illinois, twenty thousand dollars. Kf*“k”k°°· UL For post-office at Kingston, New York. twenty thousand dollars. K'“g°"°°· N- Y-