Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/772

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706 FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1369. 1902. ment may be described as mining recorder of the province or department in which the same shall be situated, as the case may be, under such regulations as may be prescribed by said Government and sold to the hig est bidder, for cash, at a (price of not less than three dollars P='*‘·’¤¤*> ¤¤l¤¤· per hectare; and in case such lan s fail to sell when so offered, then the same shall be subject to private sale at such office, for cash, at a price not less than three dollars per hectare, in the same manner as P¤¤¤1¤m¤¤¤¤¤ of other lands in the said Islands are sold. All executive proclamations °°]°°`“ relating to the sales of public saline lands shall be published in onlv two newspapers, one pxginted in the English language and one in the Spanish language, at nila, which shall be designated by said secretary of Ml I ‘ I *1* HKS iumr90rTh A l d d t ts nm °¤ “*· nc. 5 . at no ct ntin an s to rovinces, is ric , or _ public itvginnlrmmor municipalities to aid in theljonstrguction of rogds, or for other public purposes, shall be so construed as to embrace mineral lands, which, in ‘ all cases, are reserved exclusively, unless otherwise specially provided in the Act or Acts making the grant. w;¤°•:s ecg1¤· Sec. 60. That nothing in this Act shall be construed to affect the ` rights of any person, partnership, or corporation having a valid, perfected mining concession granted prior to April eleventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, but all such concessions shall be con ucted under the provisions of the law in force at the time they were granted, subject at all times to cancellation by reason of illegality in the procedure by which they were obtained, or for failure to comply with the conditions prescribed as requisite to their retention in the laws under mg boundary which they were granted: Provided, That the owner or owners of une;. g every such concession shall cause the corners made by its boundaries to be distinctly marked with permanent monuments within six months after this Act has been promulgated in the Philippine Islands, and that any concessions the boundaries of which are not so marked within this period shall be free and open to explorations and purchase under the provisions of this Act. dFh¤g¤r¤ mining Sec. 61. That mining rights on public lands in the Philippine Islands gshall, after the passage o this Act, be acquired only in accordance wigh its pr0yli.;ions.u d f h ¤¤¤¤¢“¤¤<2¤ 0* W'- nc. 62. at a rocee ings or the cancellation of erfected

ns§l °°n` S nish concessions slihll be conducted in the courts of the Plhilippine

P‘°°°°‘““g“· Igdnds having jurisdiction of the sub`ect-matter and of the parties, unless the United States Phili pine Gommission, or its successors, shall create special tribunals for the determination of such controversies. Jéqrfggu (fmflf Arrruorurr ron mn PHILIPPINE ISLANDS GOVERNMENT ro rnncuasn em. mxns or Rnmorovs 0121>1·:ns AND OTHERS AND ISSUE norms 1*012 runcmlsrz Pmon. A“*h°'*°>'°°¤*°"°‘* Sec. 63. That the overnment of the Phili ine Islands is hereb »i(i¤<imiiii:l°6¤§i0"pi·i: authorized, subject togthe limitations and condildins prescribed in thih °"" Act, to acquire, receive, hold, maintain, and convey title to real and personal property, and may acquire real estate for public uses by the exercise of the right of eminent domain. ,,.g,“‘{}}*“§§f{{,L,‘(;f,§"§,¥; Sec. 64. That the powers hereinbefore conferred in section sixty- ¤e¤. ew- three may also be exercised in respect of any lands, easements, appurtenances, and hereditaments which, on the thirteenth of August, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, were owned or held by associations, corporations, communities, religious orders, or private individuals in such large tracts or parcels and in such manner as in the opinion of the Commission injuriously to affect the peace and welfare of the mgsgggdvif bonds au- peopge of the_Philippine Islands. And for the purpose of providing ' nn to acquire the ands mentioned in this section said government of the Philippine Islands is hereby empowered to incur indebtedness,