Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/792

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726 FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1375. 1902. D¤l>*¤· Sec. 67. The Secretary of the Interior shall cause to be paid all just indebtedness of said tribe existing at the date of the ratification of this Act which may have lawfully been contracted, and warrants therefor regularly issued upon the several funds of the tribe, as also warrants drawn by authority of law hereafter and prior to the dissolution of the tribal overnment, such payments to be made from any funds in the United States Treasury belonging to said tribe, and all such indebtedness of the tribe shall be paid in full before any ro rata distribution of the funds of the tribe shall be made. The Secretary of the Interior shall make such payments at the earliest time practicable and he shall make all needed rules and regulations to carry this provision into effect. . Qlrgling ¤tz¤i¤s¢ fgg Sec. 68. Jurisdiction is hereby conferred upon the Court of Claims 7>n<ii>¤n-tgibliiiiiisir to examine, consider, and adjudicate, with a right of appeal to the PM v- 9% - Supreme Court of the United States by any party in interest feeling a grieved at the decision of the Court of Claims, any claim which the CT€POk€B tribe, or any band thereof, arising under treaty stipulations, may have against the United States, upon which suit shall be instituted within two years after the approval of this Act; and also to examine, consider, and adjudicate any claim which the United States may have Proceedings, against said tribe, or any band thereof. The institution, prosecution, or defense, as the case ma be, on the part of the tribe or any band, of any such suit, shall be through attorneys employed and to be compensated in the manner prescribed in sections twenty-one hundred and R. s..¤ecs. 2103-2106 three to twenty-one hundred and six, both inclusive, of the Revised "‘w‘368‘ Statutes of the United States, the tribe acting throu h its principal chief in the employment of such attorneys, and the bam? actin through a committee recognized by the Secretary of the Interior. Ighe Court of Claims shall have full authority, by proper orders and process, to make parties to any such suit all persons whose resence in the litigation it may deem necessary or proper to the iinal)determination of the matter in controversy, and any such suit shall, on motion of either party, be advanced on the docket of either of said courts and be determined at the earliest practicable time. C<>¤=¢=¤¤- Sec. 69. After the expiration of nine months after the date of the original selection of an allotment by or for any citizen of the Cherokee t1'll)€ as provided in this Act, no contest shall be instituted against such ielection, and as early thereafter as practicable patent shall issue thereor. Selection pr mer- Sec. Tl). Allotments may be selected and homesteads designated for ”‘°“‘“‘°' “““°”· minors by the father or mother, if citizens, or by a guardian, or curato1·, or the administrator having charge of their estate, in the order For pnmnememc. named; and for prisoners, convicts, aged and infirm persons, and soldiers and sailors of the United States on duty outside of the Indian Territory, by duly appointed agents under [}0W€l' of attornevg and for incompetents by guardians, curators, or other suitable persons akin to them; but it shall be the duty of said Commission to see that said selections are made for the best interests of such parties. vfgmuergefergggyg 71. Any allottee taking as his allotment lands located around mem. the (,hei-okee bational Male Seminary. the Cherokee National Female Seminary, or Cherokee Orphan Asylum which have not been reserved from allotment as herein provided, and upon which buildings, fences, or other property of the Cherokee Nation are located, such buildings, _ fences, or other property shall be appraised at the true value thereof epéeponnen or pm and be paid for by the a lottee taking such lands as his allotment, and ° " the money to be paid into the Treasury of the United States to the credit of the Cherokee Nation. mcgmrggggggign- Sec. 72. Cherokee citizens may rent their allotments when selected for aterm not to exceed one year for grazing purposes only, and for a period not to exceed five years for agricultural purposes, but with-