Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/976

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FIFIY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 856. 1903. 91 1 measured at right angles thereto; thence by a line parallel with Delaware avenue and three hundred feet therefrom northeastwardly to a point in the south line of I street northeast; thence by a straight line northeastwardly to a point in the intersection of the west line of Delaware avenue with the south line of L street northeast; thence eastwardly, along the south line of L street northeast, to a point in the intersection with the west line of Second street northeast; thence south, along the west line of Second street northeast, to a point about eighty feet north of the north line of H street northeast; thence by a line parallel with and distant three hundred feet measured at right angles thereto eastwardly from the east line of Delaware avenue, southwestwardly to a point in the north line of Massachusetts avenue; {hbence by the said north line of Massachusetts avenue to the point of ning. This terminal station contemplated by this Act shall cost not less than f9_mm•:¤ <¤¤¤•¤¤=¤ four million dollars and shal be monumental in character, and the ° ` plans thereof shall be subject to the approval of the Commissioners . of the District of Columbia. And for the purposes of said passen er station and terminal said ·*°¤“**"”8l'*“d°· terminal company is full authorized and; em wered to acquire, take, and use all the lands any property lying within said area, or so much thereof as it may deem necessary: Bwided, That on the westerly §g,,"‘&,°n of md side of said railway station sufficient land for a street not less than fwmoen forty feet in width shall be dedicated to the District of Columbia by the said railroad companies and said terminal company. VIADUUL Viaduct. Sec. 3. That the viaduct leading northwardly from the passenger I·°°°“°”· station and terminal between the south side of L street and the north side of M street may occupy so much of the bed of Delaware avenue as lies west of a line drawn parallel with the east building line of said ' avenue and forty feet westwardly therefrom: Provided, hmvever, That §.",§§j,°é ,0,, mm, said terminal station and viaduct shall be so constructed as to permit H, K L, and M streets, and Florida avenue to be passed and continued under the same through openings or spaces of sufficient clearance to permit the use of said streets and avenues in the form and manner and of the dimensions shown and indicated on the plan and profiles agreed upon between the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Com- ‘ pany, the terminal company, and the Philadelphia, Baltimore and Vashington Railroad Company and the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, and filed in the office of the Engineer Commissioner; and ;,,gf"°"" “°° l`"' the said terminal company shall also grade and pave the said passage ways at the time of t ieir construction to the satisfaction of the Com— missioners of the District of Columbia, but thereafter the maintenance of the pavements and roadways shall be provided for as in the case of other public highways in the District of Columbia. _ _ Said) viaduct shall be of sufficient width to carry, in addition to the {Y,}§j§}f’,f_§}§_"“°‘· tracks authorized by said Act relating to the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, approved February twelfth, nineteen hundred and one, such tracks as may be required to accommodate the traflic of the said Philadelphia, Baltimore and lifashington Railroad Company, and one or more freight tracks for the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, to be locatedg on the west side thereof. YARDS Ayn swxtrcmss ron mamxn comraivr. Said terminal company is also expressly authorized and empowered, ‘"°“*'""°°°“*°'°‘ subject to the approval of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, to acquire and become possessed of such lands in the District of Columbia, outside the city limits, as may be from time to time needed