Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/1002

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mxmx. 2241 Vera Oruzz Mmm, P¤z¢· Virginia WesternJudicialDiatr·ict Coutinued. P¤z¢· sp?r0pr1at10rg for consul at . 82, 814 terms of court, Harrisonburg 794 qrplark hue ..,, 86, 818 Charlottesville ... 79-1 Vgrmgllwn, }[q»rg1g_q L , Rggngkg __________ _ ________________ 552 TQ4 pcngipn increased ... 1730 Vinms, em, Vermallnoin, Ohio, regulation of sale, in District of Columbia, P1'€ll¤11¤8¥'Y €X$·HI1¤3tl0I1 of harbor to be ! and interstate traiiic ..._.. 728

 made  381 { Wm Smmzm,

Vewmlyea, Thomas, annual collection of, by Census Office 52 payment of Frcncb spoliatxon claim to collection and publication by Public admlmstrator of .. 218 Health, em., Service ______,,_,____ 714 Vermmjd, cooperation 05 States requested to secure d06C1C11C}' approgrmtnou for I'9fl1l1diDg uniformity in registration . 1231 expenses rmsing volunteers ... 586 Vladivouok, Sibenh, Very, James, appropriation for consul at . 82, 815 payment of French spoliatiou claim to or xutlerpmtzr ... 86, 818 administrator of .. 233 Vogem, VW11i4m (father), Vhisels, Fbreign Steam! pension ,..,,,,.,,.,,.,, 1722 deficiency appropnation for special in- Vaila, Amhovly, spectom .. 1072,1076 payment 0 Court of Claims judgment to Vest, Hon. George G., Senator jmm Jlhssouri, . for of ,. 209 made member of Lincoln emorial Com- Volk-mar, Susan A. (widow), . mission .. 486 pension increased ... 1404 Vestrica, etc., D. Cl, Volunteer Soldier? Home (see also National acts as to powers not repealed by Code 546 Home for Volunteer Soldiers), Wzterinarium, Army, appropriation for expenses ... 468, 1132 appropriation for . 511,933 Volunteers, Vwfuct, Waahington, D. C., apgropriationforback pay, bounty, ctc. 472, 1137 provisions for, from new union railroad de cicucy appropriation for pay of.' . 29, 589 station .. - 91] for psf, two and three year 29 • Vwe·B-uident of the United States, · for co lecting, cbc 30, 589 appropriation for secretary, etc 121, 854 for Califorma. and Nevada - .. 30, 1073 Waker:) Christopher (mn), for pay, ctc., Oregon and Washington,- 30, penmou ..,,,,.. 1462 589, 1(TI3, 10;;} Vwkera Daum, or refund tes, expenses raising., . , ¤ni,ou increased ... 1520 586, 1078 Vgzcrs, Jane (daughter), chimp of Qtahss for raising, to be reopened- 30 ugiou ,.,,,.,. 1462 cxammataous 101; commmions in, other Vggers, Samuel J (son), jhu; orgauuad militia 779 Pension ______,___ _ _,,,,,_,,,_,,,,,,.. - - 1462 elignbility of applicants; certiiicahc of Vwksburg National Park, board ... .: . r . 779 appropriation for estnblmbing 446, 1131 wglstpr of persons €l1glbl8 for commu- V'wtm·, Danm Fuller (widow), B1011S -·...-...·.. 779 ugion increased _____,,__,,___, , ,,,.,,, 1300 further instruction in military schools.. 779 Vgma, British Columbakz, - nge limitnpons; distribution ... 780 up ropriation for consul at . 82, 815 Vdunigw. UNM SGM, Eu- clerk him _____,,,,_ , ,,,,,.,,,,... 86, 818 Cfédlt to Army enlisted man for scrvlce as v54a;;.., 1,.;,, odicm of 984 appropriation for improvement of Minis- Iblucm .Bqr, FZa., gippi River at _,,,,,,,.,.. 367 spygopnataon for improvement of 868 Vienna, Aum-ia, Von emert, Arma Elisa Isabella, sp roprintion for consul-general at .. 81, S13 refund of errorgeoun nnsmmant, Distnct of 8,;- cm-; him _,__,,,,,,,.,.,... . . 86, 818 C0lumbla . ... 1503 Vinal, Lemud, Ion Qgmwehr, Mary Florence (wndow), payment of French spolintiou clam to pcnsion t .. .. ... 1459 administrator of .. 233 WM, 414dvl A-. Www!. Widwm. p<>¤¤¤¤¤ ~, ---------- - --·-----------·---· 1650 payment of much spolmuon clmm to Vm-e, qarqmn (,1,

 administrator of ,,_,_._,.. 233 pgxmon xncmmed  .  . . 1368

Vinuliwvw. Fc-. _ mW11a, 1: M, sppropriatlou for l!DPl’0V9¥¤¢¤t of CIW9W pay and allowances to .. 1581 mw] ·············‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 331 Wlvqn Su! 0v¤¤1~¤¤·y. construction bf public building authorized dum mfumd t° mm °f Chmn Pyment 76* at ... . ·----- · --·--··- gppngvrhtiou for . . .. - - 428, 1090 W. Vincent, lizabeth Ll (wndow), V,P¤¤¤*°¤ i¤°'°*’§* ---·-··-·-·-·-·· · ······ 1390 max";. mm, Im:. mz 111., "“V“"$i °'°°" · appropriation for improvement; use of bal-

3x{uE1mationfo1’h¤tb0I0ffd¤g0dl!$¤'¤d- 333 ·¤cB  ______   363

"’¤"““· - 1z· v 0 and s 0 settlement of mutual clams, war of 1812- - 235 W<¤¢‘¢‘¢W¤¤4{ }¢¢•‘, 4 · ~ - ·, » Virginia Western Judabial District, ¤PP¤'¤P¤¤¤f>¤ fm` *mP¥°"°m°¤t °f --—~·-· 352 terms of com, Danville ..-·- M Wammw R•~» 3- ,0. _ Lvuchbing __ ______ _ _ _ 794 grghmmgz egammstnou of, to be made.. 382 Abingdon _ ____ _ ______,_,.__ 794 ndgc aut onzcd scrum, at Conway ··... 387 vox. xxxu, rr 2·——— 6-1