Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/256

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FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. (Jus. 1318-1320, 1340, 1341. 1902. 1489 the accounts of Lieutenant S. J. Bayard Schindel, commissary Sixth Regiment United States Infantry, with the sum of seventy-seven dollars and thirteen cents, being for subsistence funds stolen from the commissary storehouse by unknown parties, and for which he was responsible. Approved, June 28, 1902. HELP. 1819.-—An Act To correct the military record of Reinhard Schneider. ·l¤¤° ¤» 1902- Be ttenacted by the Senate and House 0_fR1e£>resentat¤}ves af the United [Prim N0. um States of America in Congress assembled, at the Secretary of War d}§f’““‘“‘d S°’“'°*‘ is hereby authorized and directed to correct the militaiyrecord of chEg¤e¤r¤1>1¤ din- Rhinehart Schneider, late a private in the Seventy-ninth giment of ' New York Infantry Vohmteers, and issue to him an honorable discharge from said regiment in the name of Reinhard Schneider as of the ate of September fifteenth, eighteen hundred and sixtdy-one: 1·`*ro•v£ded, That no pay, bounty, or allowance shall become ue or $¤*•·>· payable by reason of the passage of this Act. P"' ° ' Approved, June 28. 1902. CHAP. 1820.-An Act To correct the military zecord of James M. Olmstead. June 28, ism. Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofR1e£:eeentat¢}vee of the United [Pm7m' N°' ms`] States og` Amerika in Oongresc assembled, t the Secretary of War {Hg M£c0¤¤;•d¢<:g; be, and e is hereby, authorized to amend the military record of James mm. ry M. Olmstead so as to fix September eighth, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, as the actual date of said Olmstead’s discharge from the service as second lieutenant Company F, Eleventh Regiment Kentucky Volunteer Cavalry, the same being the date to which he was paid and upon which his service terminate . Approved, June 28, 1902. CHL?. 1340.-An Act Correcting the record of Levi Wells. June e0, 1902. Be it enacted by the Senate and Ifawsieg/"t!;`?2¢*eaentatePves of the United mim°’ N°' lm'] States of America in Omgress aseemb , at the Secretary of War lggpgylgmd F be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to remove the char e of mm. °° desertion on the records of the War Department against Levi Vigells, I now of Spencerville, Allen County, Ohio, late a (private of Compaiiy F, Twenty-fifth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and a etail to the Twelf Ohio Battery, and without leave from September eighth, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, until Januar? sixteenth, eig teen hundred and sixty-four, when he reenlisted un er the name of John Dolve in the United States Navy and served faithfully until December thirty-first, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, when he was honorably discharged: hwided, That no pay, bounty, or other emoluments shall become due mm. or payable by virtue of the passage of this Act. N° ’°’· °"" Approved, June 30, 1902. CHAP. 1341.-—An Act Granting an increase of pension to Clara W. McNair. June e0,1902. Be at mem by the sewn mz amt ef%em¢e¢¢ee Ofue zmaez *"‘“"°· mt] States of America tn. Oongreee assmnbled, t the Secretary of the g*l;:,°'{—h{f=°N¤”·, Interior be, and he is hereby. authorized and directed to place on the ` von xxxrr, rr 2---17